People sometimes claim that they could "Smell the tension in the air". I don't know if I should feel special because, it felt like I was seeing the tension in the air surrounding my chamber. Infact it was so clear that, it distracted me from the person seating in front.
"Ahem" Sir Norman cleared his throat pretty harshly, bringing that wondering mind of mine back to the confines of my flesh. He was seating in front of me, facing me so intensely that I thought he was seeing through me. And him not saying anything, only added to his intensity. I was starting to feel a bit suffocated. So to spare myself from this feeling, I decided to break the ice.
Me: "Lovely day, isn't it sir..?"
Norman: "Is it..?
I didn't get the chance to enjoy the day because of the stunt one of my subordinate pulled..."
Me: ~Awkward laughter
"Anyway, I was about to prepare some tea-
Norman: "DAMN IT MAN..!
Would it be too much to ask of you to FOCUS for one second..?"
I wish I could, I really do. But, the number of emotion Sir Norman showed me in the span of last ten minutes made me awestruck by the intuitiveness of human complexion. I'm past it, now I'm straight up feeling proud to be a human.
Ten minutes ago when I opened the door I saw the sign of fear on his face. Fear of seeing me UNLOCK the door. I saw an archiver standing with him who, decided to bail after seeing the open envelope in my hand. Ah right, How could I forget the look on his face when Sir Norman looked at my hand! The scene of the open envelope turned his fear into shock.
Then that shock escalated quickly to rage. And then he started to become concerned of what was going to come. Thinking of the consequences of my actions made him afraid again, making it come full circle. That fear is still going strong.
If I took these data and made a graph, I wonder what kind of figure it'd make. Oh! Maybe-
Norman: "Earth to jack..!
Are you still with me lad..?"
Me: "A thousand apologies sir, I got distracted..."
Norman: "You forgot to add the word 'AGAIN' on your statement...
What am I supposed to do..?
How can I cover for this..?
What excuse should I use..?
Is there even an excuse for this..?"
"For your own good I hope that, you are not going to aid him in anyway, commender..."
That bone-chilling voice made both of us look to the doorway. Nolan was standing there, with a stone face.
I was wondering where the archiver went. It turns out that she went to the Military Police to report my action. I stood up from my chair.
"Nolan buddy ol' pal..! The MPs must be keeping you quite busy, I haven't seen you in ages. Come here u-" I proceeded to give him a hug. He took a step back.
Nolan: "You messed-up big time today mate..."
Me: "Is that so..?" ~Sigh
Then Nolan showed me a search warrant and went to search my table. It took him no time at all to find the envelope in question. I wasn't surprised. I wasn't exactly trying to hide it. What I was more surprised about was, how fast he managed to get an warrant. Anyway then he came back. Stood right in front of me and started questioning.
Nolan: "Do you know how this envelope came to your table..?"
Norman: "Inspector Nolan, you can't just start asking questions without pr-
Nolan: "I'm aware of the protocol Sir Norman, no need to remind me...
What you might be forgetting is obstructing an inspector from his duty will sentence you as an accomplice regardless of your rank..."
Norman: "How dare you..!?!
Did you forget that both me and Sir Jaquelin is knighted and you aren't..?
Which means you can not cross question-
Me: "It's okay Sir..."
Norman: "What are you-
Nolan: "Excellent then, let us continue...
I'll ask again, do you know how this envelope came to your table..?
Me: "I do not wish to answer..."
Nolan: "So you chose to exercise your right to remain silent.
Next question, do you wish to contact any family member before you're taken into custody..?"
Me: "I do not..."
Nolan: "Very well then..."
Nolan started approaching me while looking at his pocket watch. Sir Norman stopped him.
Norman: "Wait son.
Before you recite it I have one thing to ask...
Do you really believe your course of action to be the best one for the betterment of the Empire..?
Jack is the most decorated soldier our ranks had in a very long time...
If the information leaks that we are letting him rot away in jail, it will give our enemies huge tactical and strategic advantage. "
Nolan: "I am in no position to decide any of that dad, you know that...
Honestly if I had my way I wouldn't have came here at all, he is my best friend for god's sake..!"
"Jeez, are you going to get it over with..? You can catch-up with your dad later..." I knew what was coming so, I wanted this to end. I wanted this tension to disappear.
~Nolan approached me.