I was starring blankly at an empty flower vase. It looked very much incomplete. Although it was made that way at first. But now if it loses the flower it doesn't look right somehow. Reminded me of human life. If you gain your purpose once and then lose it you'll be incomplete.
Anyway I put an end to my philosophical thoughts and focused on my sobbing girlfriend next to me. Aliza was going through handkerchiefs like nobody's business. Even my clothes weren't spared.
Aliza: *Incomprehensible Aliza noises*
Me: "I love you too..."
Aliza: "That wasn't what I was trying to say though..." ~Still weeping
Me: "Hey, would you stop crying..?
People are starring at us..."
Aliza: "I don't care..." ~Squeezing me
It's been over an hour since we got into this restaurant and I can't seem to calm her down. And the most embarrassing part is that this restaurant 'The Garland' is one of the central tourist attractions in our capital. Everyone were looking at us. I was trying to avoid there gaze by distracting my mind from it. After all that said and done though, I really missed her. The past few hours were crazy. From the courtroom to my quarter to parade ground. I was so busy that I didn't get the chance to collect my thoughts.
"So what you are trying to say is, he was given clearance before he opened the envelope..?" The Premier asked with an intrigued voice.
Norman: "Indeed you Excellency...
Since the investigation shows that he opened the envelope somewhere between 15:20 to 15:40..."
Prosecutor: "I object Sire..!
Sir Norman is forgetting that the decision was only authorized.
It needs to be issued first for it to be official..."
Major Ian: "And besides, if I've been informed correctly, the order was set to be issued the following day.
So, Sir Stone couldn't possibly have known that.
His intentions were clearly criminal..."
Norman: "I'd like to ask miss prosecutor something...
The statement you made about the decision being issued first before being official, did you make it from our penal code..?"
Sweat started to build up on her forehead. Sir Norman continued.
Norman: "Do you know what a decision is called when, it has been authorized..?
Major Ian knows it...
Major, do enlighten us..!"
Major Ian: "Ord-
Norman: "ORDER, exactly...
So there's your first mistake I need you to reflect on...
Secondly who gave you the certificate of Prosecuting attorney..?
You can't even take the liberty of going through our penal code before wearing your gown...
In which paragraph of which article stated that, An order is unofficial until it has been issued..?
It is a matter of common sense, if you issue every order of promotion then you'll risk the disclosure of the secret ranks in our military..!
Entire courtroom was silent while Sir Norman was going off on the poor prosecutor. A drop of tear fell onto her feat. I almost felt sorry for the poor girl. Even I was feeling my lags shaking even though I wasn't the one he was scolding. But he was correct and that's why nobody interrupted him. Although he did say the last part a little aloud. Anyway he quickly gained his composure.
Norman: "Pardon my conduct..."
Everyone snapped out of the haze.
Norman: "Anyway, as I was saying...
Although it is true that what he intended was morally grey, but at the same time we can't ignore the fact that he was of the eligible rank while committing the act..."
Major Carmine: "So what do you propose should be done..?"
Norman: "I merely presented all the facts and what my thoughts are about it...
I'm neither the defendant's lawyer nor the judge..."
Major Lummer: "Seeing as how Sir Stone refused to hire a lawyer, and you so adamantly defending his case...
I can't help but assume it was discussed beforehand..."
Norman : "Major what you assume is none of my concern, now is it..?"
Major Lummer: "Very well...
I'll play the silent game then..."
Premier: "Enough with your quarrels...
Sir Norman you forgot that there are no grey morality in the courtroom...
It's either black or white...
That is why law is blind, and utterly oblivious...
With this I put an end to the trial held on proving the innocence of Lieutenant Colonel Sir Jaquelin Stone...
And here is my verdict...
Upon hearing the case from both sides the court came to the conclusion that Sir Stone WAS NOT GUILTY of the charges that was held against him...
So this court clears Sir Stone of any and all allegations...
Case Closed..."
After that I was released from police custody. Honestly Nolan was probably the most happy person when he uncuffed me. He gave me a hug and then I along with Aliza and rest of my squad headed to my quarter.
When we reached my quarter I understood why people fight and die for freedom. Anyway I sat on my couch talking with the other guys when Sir Norman came in. Everyone of us stood up to show respect.
Norman: "You don't need to show me respect anymore Stone...
Did you forget about the order we were taking about in the courtroom MAJOR..?" ~Smirk