Chereads / Borderlands Multiverse of Madness / Chapter 4 - Chapter 4: Angel’s Tears

Chapter 4 - Chapter 4: Angel’s Tears

"My name is Elika Melina. I know of Nazgul because that was the one who I owe my life to. I have no memory of where I came from as I had amnesia, although Nazgul knows who I am and everything about who I am and was. I know about your tattoos because Nazgul told me about you Nero and that you and him both have the same tattoos all across your bodies. He said he knows of you tattoos because like you 'in much wisdom, is much grief. And he that increaseth knowledge, increaseth sorrow'"


Nero's mind was currently in chaos trying to analyse what she had said. That's when an idea came to mid.

He activated the Divine Deduction Technique and was able to figure out what Elika had said.

She had told him that Nazgul knew all this, he told her to say the words, he knew about his tattoos, his name, that his threat was baseless as Nero wouldn't actually hurt Elika since she was still innocent in his eyes.

That's when it clicked in his head.

'She isn't a reincarnated person! She's from the Future! And my Future self-used PhaseSpaceTime to send her back to now! But why? Why would I care enough about her to send her back in Time? Could she be important? Is it because of her Siren power? If that is true then my theory of her being Stelle's Siren predecessor is wrong but could instead be Stelle's Siren successor. I Fucking Hate Time Travel Bullshit like this!!!'

Nero released his Domination on her.

"*sigh* what did Nazgul tell you?"

"U-uhh, literally every word your saying right now. He said that I actually can't tell you much. Only that he found me after that 'annoying witch' played around with the wrong 'hentai monster'. Whatever that meant. He also said that I have a power like the Ahura, Ormazd and the Mourning King."


'Oh for the love of God!!! Will she stop giving me a Heart Attack already!!!'

Nero obviously understood what his Future self had relayed through Elika.

He had said that Commandant Stelle had opened the Vault of The Destroyer and died. Then Nero must have found Elika after that which means that Elika is the Siren successor of Stelle's Siren Power. Not only that but that the Elika before her is the actual Princess Elika from the Prince of Persia: 2008 game. Now that Nero thinks about it, she does look like a young Elika. Damnnn, she's gonna look beautiful in a few years.

"You don't have a place to stay do you?"


"You can stay with me but-"

"I'll have to promise to not annoy you, get in your way, not to leave without your permission, touch your stuff, or argue with you, and to act as a maid for you."

'I hate my Future Self and love him at the same time'

"Ok then. Now that you know what to do, I'll leave you to it."

Nero decided to leave and go back to his workshop to finish of his project he was previously working on. Nano-technology.

Nero had actually found Gaige recently and had Dominated her mind to make her 'willingly' want to help Nero in creating the Nano-technology at the age of 8.

Gaige is an absolute genius…that was why Nero had chosen to Dominate her mind than to convince her to help him create the Nano-tech. Nero knew how Darcey had stolen/copied Gaige's technology and plans of Deathtrap to make her own Crime Buster Bots. He knew that Gaige would think he was trying to take it for himself unless he had built a friendship with her beforehand, which he didn't as he was unable to find her before recently.

He chose the easier and quicker method to Dominate her mind, it was actually difficult because of her mind being strong in mental defences due to her intelligence.

In the Future, Gaige would definitely be able to resist his Domination unless he empowered it using the Bright Lord's Ring or with PhaseLeech.


After that was done, Nero left and entered is room to finally do the thing he had been most waiting for.

Nero uses a combination of all his powers that he currently has to create a separate pocket dimensional space much like his Cultivation Storage Ring. He channels his Siren energies into PhaseSpaceTime to solidify and make the pocket dimensional space permanent rather than the unstable condition it was in moments ago.

Once that was done, all he had to do was close his eyes and his mind was elsewhere.

When he opened them again, he could see a vast white space. He was now inside his pocket dimension which he now calls the Dreamworld.

Nero walks throughout the Dreamworld until he saw it. The very reason he did all this.

Curled up into a huddled ball was a small young girl, younger than him…with silver-white tattoos on her left arm.

Nero crouched down beside the girl and touched her shoulder.

The girl was obviously caught off-guard by Nero's sudden appearance and had scrambled away from him as fast as she could.

"W-who a-a-are you!?" she fearfully shouted out loud, still scared of him.

"Why are you crying?" Nero had ignored her question and directly pressed her, already knowing the answer.


The girl shouted at Nero with all her might. She didn't mean to shout at him for her grief and despair but she needed a way to vent out her emotions, and shouting at Nero was the best option for her.

"I am sorry if I caused you discomfort."

Nero had immediately bowed; he did all this so that he could calm her down and ease her tensions of his sudden arrival.

"NO!!! I-I'm sorry for shouting at you. But I did! I did kill her! She's dead because of me! MOMMY'S GONE!!! I KILLED HER!!! I KILLED HER!!! I KILLE-"

She kept on repeating it over again like some sort of mantra or a way of absolution for her sin.

He had had enough of seeing her like this and decided to do the easiest thing he could do in the Dreamworld, to dream.

Nero dreamed of himself creating a small white baby Phoenix.

The Phoenix appeared in his hands.

Nero approached the girl and held out the Phoenix and forcibly placed it in her still shaking hands.

She had stopped crying to look at the strange creature that had appeared in her hands.

He sat beside her on the grassy ground of endless grass hills, they sat under a perfect Cherry Blossom Tree.

Angel was shocked beyond words as she looked around her to see that the previously empty white space has now become hills and trees as this world was all a dream.

"Do you like the bird?"

Angel turned to look back at Nero when he spoke, then to the baby in her hands. She made a sound and nodded her head up and down.

"It's pretty"

"What's your name?"

"I-I'm Angel. W-What's yours?"


They stayed silent for a while until Nero spoke again and said something that surprised her since what Nero was about to say was something she had always wanted.

"Can I be your friend?"