Chapter 1: The Deal
A male figure can be seen in front of a television screen with a controller in his hand, while sitting on a sofa in his living room, playing one of his top 3 game series, Borderlands. To be more specific Borderlands 3.
It had only been a few days after he watched the trailer for it's most recent DLC, Tiny Tina's Wonderlands.
He has played all the DLCs for all the games and gotten all Platinum Trophys, except for Borderlands 3 as he still needs to get the "Tales From The Eridian Slabs" achievement to unlock the Platinum.
He had just listened to the last few words of "Nyriad's Warning", and that was when he lost it.
Yes, he had theorised that there was a 7th Siren long before Borderlands 3 even got announced as he had the concept and idea of there being a 7th Siren like a Queen of the Sirens or a King of the Siren3s that had an Overpowered ability or could control the 6 Sirens and/or possessed 4 wings in total unlike the regular 2 wings in order to sybolise and make them stand out compared to the others, except for Amara's PhaseTrance 6 Asura Arms.
As soon as the trophy had appeared, so too did the Platinum…
At that moment he found himself in a large white endless space as soon as he had blinked while he had looked at the trophy.
He immedietly made sense of the situation he was in and four possible theories come to mind.
1 – he has finally gone mental by daydreaming all the time that he is now seeing illusions and cant recognise reality from non-reality anymore.
2 – he got teleported due to a Time-Space rift because of a Dimensional tear.
3 – he has died and was now here, wherever it was as he did not believe he was going to go to Heaven.
4 – he has no clue what the fuck is going on?!
As if to answer his question a voice spoke from very close to him from behind him.
"it's the 3rd option mortal"
The man, still unnamed still, turned and said.
"so you are a God"
"How'd you know?"
"You read my mind…"
"Why am I here? Too meet a God would mean something beyond me as I don't believe that I'll be going to heaven or given unlimited power due to who I am compared to other people in history or the present-day Earth that surely deserve this more than me."
"Haha, you are very direct, aren't you? Okay then. I brought you here because I want some entertainment and you got picked at random. Now then what you are going to do is fight my Chosen Champion who will be gathering power, allies and armies to face you in whatever place you are in at that time when the Final Bttle will begin between you two. Also, there is a chance you'll die, hehe…"
The guy only having noticed the voice and appearance of the one before him suddenly had his eyes widened in shock as he yelled:
"Haha, so you do know me. Yes I am Tet, the God of Games"
'For Fuck's Sake!!!'
Was all the unnamed guy could think of as he realised he was going to get reincarnated by Tet, the God of Games in the No Game, No Life Anime. He only know the movie and the anime and that's about it.
'Although at least he isn't eveil so that a good think but he sure isn't good cause he is more chaotic-neutral alignment'
"Why me specifically? It can't be just coincidence?"
"Well actually it is…I just got a bunch of people who played a lot of games, anime, read a lot of books and manga and has a creative mindset and that's it. I just roll a dice and here you are."
He just sighs out loud since he knew Tet wont do anything even if he insults him to a certain degree.
"So do I get wishes or what?"
"Hoho…where's the fun in that?"
"Giveme Wishes"
"but you know i-"
"Giveme Wishes!"
"hey you know I'm a God rig-"
"Giveme Wishes!!!"
He just kept ignoring the Omipotent Shota and kept asking to be granted his wishes.
"*sigh* fine but first a warning. My Champion will be somewhat equal in power to you when you meet each other"
He realises that if he alone becomes OverPowered as hell then his friends and allies will all die since the Champion will be just as OverPowered but also his forces and armies.
"If you survive then you get your own universe to rule over as a God for having beaten my Champion and in turn me, Tet! The God of Games!"
"I will let you have fun and to enjoy yourself so that I don't get bored just watching you become powerful all the time I am watching. Also my Champion will not gain more power but will be 'frozen' until you are done having fun enjoying yourself for a time."
The guy/our MC agrees to Tet's deal without delay.
"Here you go~"
Tet created a 10 sided dice and rolled it assuming that this is how he will get his wishes. Very befitting for a God of Games. He gets an 8 which means he gets 8 wishes naturally. He is also told to roll again and he also gets a 19 so that means he can ask for powerful wishes except for God-Tier-Like Wishes such as Goku powers, immediately for when he gets Reincarnated.
Tet eventually spoke up again and said:
"Unless you choose a world to go to, I will choose randomly for you"
"Very well. Also I want my name to be Riku-"
"Sorry, I can't. already taken by the last guy~"
"The Fuck! Who Dares! Whatever! Call Me Nero!"
After his angry outburst and desire to get this over with he began stating his wishes which were as follows:
1st Wish - Reincarnated into Borderlands Universe 2 years before Angel is born and the appearance of Ezio Auditore when he is of 35+ years old. (a/n he will look like picture on the cover during his age until 16, then he will only slightly mature and get facial hair at 18+, he slows down aging at 22+ and will look like Revelations Ezio when he is like 45+. He will have white/platinum/silver coloured hair from birth)
2nd Wish - Keeps all Memories from being erased
3rd Wish - Get 5 all/most Powers from a fictional character which I know (269 Games, TV, Anime, Comic) by rolling dice (a/n I actually rolled these I swear):
Strike the Blood – Kaleid Blood and enhanced vampiric body (a/n not 12 summons. Only body enhancements and vampire perks but he is not a vampire)
Nioh – Tengen Kujaku Spirit (lore version) (a/n the Tengen Kujaku is godamn op in the lore. It has Future Foresight. That means it can allow the user to see the future ontop of it's Earth, Fire, Lighting, Water, Wind elemental affinities. In-game Oda Nobunaga even stated that "should there be things that cannot die". He meant this about Gods but also himself as obviously he is bascally a God if he can see the future, that's why he allowed himself to die at Honoji Temple. This is even more true because of the description of the Tengen Kujaku Spirit)
Birth of the Demonic Sword – Divine Deduction Technique, some abilities of Noah Balvan, Storage Ring (8th Tier/Rank) and Hybrid Bloodline (Cursed Light Devouring Dragons Bloodline and Eternal Snakes Bloodline) (a/n I could have simply made him wish for Absolute Mind but then it's be too OP so I had him have this alternative. Also cause I like "Birth of a Demonic Sword" and wanted to shout it out)
Shadow of Mordor – Talion abilities and equipment (includes Bright Lord's Ring (It's not as OP as you may think. I'll explain it at some point when MC gets to use it)) + Celibrimbor's Spirit merged with him (meaning he gains Celibrimbor's knowledge) (Nazgul/Ringwraith Armour and Vengeance set (I'll state what he has specifically and what enchantments and skills))
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Thu'um and Magic and 100 in all stat skill trees. (a/n he's not that OP, just has knowledge of blacksmithing, crafting, fighting, archery, stealth, alchemy, speech, thievery, mage, enchanting related fields. That's it. Someone like Divath Fyr would be stronger then him in Magic unless he truly masters it and the Thieves Guild leaders will be his equals, as well as the Companions, Dragon Priests, Harkon and Miraak. They are all powerful lorewise unlike in-game.)
4th Wish - PhaseLeech Male Siren without PhaseLeech limitation (can permanently absorb and kill a Siren meaning no new Siren will inherit their power upon death (can absorb the destroyer but only if full Siren potential has been reached (full siren potential means to be as powerful as a Galaxy since each Siren represents one Galaxy each except for the 7th which is still unknown but I'll have it that MC must be as powerful as 7 Galaxy's then and only then can he have a chance to absorb The Destroyer's power without the Risk of becoming a monster like Tyreen Calypso))
5th Wish - Gets SpaceTime Manipulation (for Multiverse Travel/basically like Ciri's ElderBlood abilities) as 2nd Siren Power (can't use until enough power is obtained via using PhaseLeech on The Vault Guardian Creatures (he already has it from Noah Balvan but this is a stronger version once he obtains higher power and potential through various means))
6th Wish - The Universe which Nero is in will never 'grow old & die' from the Big Crunch and will be Eternal
7th Wish - Obtains Power Manipulation so he can create new Sirens at will or just grant and create new powers for himself or others <{[
8th Wish - Has a Black Elder Dragon Safi'jiiva form (can also use some of his Talion Wraith abilities with PhaseLeech empowering Safi'jiiva's life/energy absorption so that he is now planetary level (Safi'jiiva form is much more powerful than his Human form regardless of powers and abilities) [This has to be unlocked by learning how to transform, mainly by using PhaseLeech to get enough energy to transform and unlock the Safi'jiiva form. But Nero will learn how to transform by going to Harry Potter universe and learning how to become an Animagus]
Tet after listening to him list of his wishes, had an amused face, comments on them.
"huh…you really wanted some very specific wishes didn't you?"
"Of course…you did say that your Champion will be as powerful as me didn't you? That means his/her allies will increase in strength too. My allies will die if that happens and I'll die since I can't fight off who knows how large and powerful of an army your giving him. Anyway reincarnate me on the Giage's Homeworld. I don't care what background you give me, as long as I don't die before 8 years old due to ANY reason."
And like that Nero got yeeted by a God straight into a portal.
Only now did Nero realise that he forgot if Gaige is from one of the five moons surrounding the Gas Giant Eden or on Isolus as he had actually forgot what planet/moon Giage is from.
He realised too late that he would be fucked if he was on Isolus because that's where Maliwan is, especially Katagawa Jr.
That was his last thoughts as he got reincarnated
(no Author's note this time as it is very late. Okay goodnight…)