Chapter 54 - Forgotten2

Why is it taking so long for them to come back! The sun is already setting.

"I'm bored..."

God(of questions and answer):"me too"

"!!!!! Where did you come from?"

I fell off my chair...

God(of questions and answer):"thank you for remembering me...."

"I'll just go out and take a fresh breath outside"



I should've just stayed at home... a purple jellyfish looking thing, bigger than three school bus put together... was in front of me.



He made a bunch of gurgling sound that I couldn't understand.

Jellyfish:"oh!, a-hem.... I'll apple."


That sounds like google translate gone wrong.

(Author: the word apology, have two meanings in Korea, one is apple and another is apologize/sorry..... I see this mistake frequently and I thought it was funny so why not put it in?)

Jellyfish:"I came, rock."

"You.... what?"

Monster:"tsk-tsk, leave it to me human."


Monster:"he's using the monster translator.... those suck."


Monster:"he came here looking for a purple rock with a faint glow of gold."

"Oh, that..."

"How much is he willing to pay for it? (^-^)"



Monster:"he's willing to pay: ***********"



(Goddess's POV)

Goddess:"Now we have one more body to take care of..."

Goddess:"oh wait, he only fainted."

Dragon:"already thinking of killing him?"

Goddess:"I won't dare kill a human!"


Main villain:"....?"

Dragon:"yea totally... I dEfInItElY hAvEn'T sEen YoU kIlL a PeRsOn-"

Goddess:"yea I totally haven't"

Dragon:"I also haven't seen you laughing evilly after you knocked him out. You know we've known each other for decades and the total number-"


(Twin's POV)

The first sight after arriving at our house's front gate was a giant, slimy, purple, jellyfish, talking to my twin.

MC:"you see the tree there that got struck by lightning just now right?"


MC:"the next will be me, if I give this to you... I'm very tempted to sell it."

Monster:"\¥{¥+#{=#•>#£]%]+]{ +\£]•#=£¥,¥~ \++]<¥"


Monster:"he's asking you if you have a similar rock like that."

Twin:"uh... what are you doing?"

MC:"great, can you find a purple rock that looks like this?"



(Bodyguard's POV)

Why am I still not retired?.

Bodyguard:"Now we have to look for a purple rock..."

Bodyguard2"with a faint glow of gold"

Bodyguard:"if it wasn't for my debt...."

Bodyguard1:"try to look for the rock if you have time to talk."