I loved purple so much. When I was little, green was my favorite color but the moment I saw Lily's purple lunch box in grade five, I automatically switched.
The house was swarming with memories of Lily. Every corner I turned to, there was something to keep her memory alive in me. I knew it was not healthy especially for Emily who was going to spend most of her time there.
After a long walk in the garden, I went back into the house. Albert was there.
He was hugging Emily and telling her everything was going to be alright. I had not seen him in a very long while. He looked fatter and his gray hair was even more prominent.
'Hi.' I walked to him.
Albert was a funny guy that treated me almost the same way he treated Lily. I never felt left out for once and he sometimes went out of his way to make me comfortable.
We got along really well but since he started traveling so much, I only saw him during Thanksgiving and Christmas but he never failed to send a card on my birthday every year.
'Kassy!' He let go of Emily and hugged me.
His cologne was very nice and it was the same as always. Mild, yet masculine.
'It's been a while, how are you?' I hugged him back. I felt so much comfort from it. One could say he was the father I never had.
'Oh you know, one can never be good these days. I miss Lily so much already. You girls always ran around the house, fighting for one thing or the other. Now it's so quiet. No one would call me 'Bert' anymore. I miss my baby.' He let go of me.
He was right. Lily and I fought all the time when we were younger for the littlest of things. Lily was very fond of Albert. He was her safe haven especially when Emily got into one of her moods.
She called him Bert all the time. I started doing it too at some point but after we fought over it, I stopped.
'I'm sorry. I miss her too.' I had no idea what to say to him. He did not look sad at all. He still had this smile plastered on his face as always but I knew he was hurting so much inside.
Lily was the only child he could have because after her, he got in a very bad accident that made him unable to make children so he adored her so much.
He always said she was God sent because if he had wasted any time making her, then he would have been childless all his life.
Emily was not crying anymore but her face was red and puffy. I could tell that she was feigning strength because Albert was there.
'Well, Emily, I want to talk with you.' He moved closer to her.
It was my cue to leave but Alicia had told me to stay there till she got back.
'We can go up stairs if it is that important or you could just say it here. I mean, Kassy knows all about the burial.' Emily's voice was shaking. I wondered how long she was going to hold her tears in for.
'We should go upstairs. I'll catch up on all that has been going on with you Kass. And please, stay as long as you want, Emily and I sure need company.' He made his way to the stairs.
I could not help but notice Emily's eyes widen. Was Albert trying to get back with her?
I was in no position to wish anything but if he really thought he could leave and return whenever he liked, I wished Emily was going to turn him down.
He did not deserve her at all. She was a very understanding woman. She accepted Albert, flawed and all but he left her when the going went tough.
On Lily's tenth birthday, Emily told us she wanted more children. She wanted tons of children and she had even written down names for them.
She said she was looking to have seven but after Albert's accident, she accepted the one she had without complaining.
She told us she had talked to him about adoption a few times but he said Lily was enough for them. He was selfish but Emily accepted him.
When Lily fell ill, all Emily wanted was his presence, just so she could have a shoulder to lean on but he went and found another woman in Greece.
It probably did not work out with her considering his medical history and now he wanted to get back with Emily.
It was a bold step and knowing Albert, he was sure going to take it if the opportunity came.
After they went upstairs, I heard some shouts and bangs and suddenly, everywhere became dead silent.
After a really long time, I heard a knock on the door and when I opened it, it was Alicia. She looked very pale. I could tell the prison visit did not go well at all but it was the least of my worries. I wanted to make sure Emily was fine.
'Hey come in.' I moved to the side and let her walk past me. Following closely behind her was Laura.
'Where's Mrs. Haris?' Alicia asked as she sunk into the couch.
'Upstairs with Mr. Haris and please don't call her that. I think they are divorced now. Just call her Emily.'
I knew it was a lot for Alicia to process. First Lily was dead, now the Haris' were divorced.
'Oh. That's really sad. Lily had to go through cancer and family issues? She was probably really sad at the end.' Alicia did not know anything about Lily so I did not expect her to say anything short of what she did.
'Not really anyway. But tell me, what happened with Nate?' I sat on the couch beside her.
'Nate is a total jerk and I'll tell you all about it later. First, I want to know what George did to you.' She had a straight face and she was staring at me intensely.
'Nothing. Nate did something to him though. Nate raped his cousin.'