"… and that students is why we feed Gu worms. They are just like humans. If not fed regularly, they will starve."
"Now, students who among us will tell the class what food our clan's signature Gu worm requires?"
In the class full of fifteen-year-olds, dozens of hands shot up immediately. A few kids wore confused faces. Bewildered at how their peers were aware of something they didn't know. Something that wasn't even taught in the class. They immediately felt inferior.
In the middle rows, seated near the window, was a youth who, after looking at the other kids confidently raised his hand. The elder, looking at this, could easily tell what was actually occurring. But just as he was about to pick this kid, he saw him raise his hand. The source of envy, the kid who awakened the rare A-grade aperture. Realizing this, the elder quickly pointed at Fang Zheng.
Fang Zheng upon being chosen among so many of his peers, felt all eyes on him. This made him nervous. This resulted in him stuttering," M-m-moon orchids… they are the food for moonlight gu."
Hearing this, the elder signed inwardly while saying happily, "That's correct. Well done, Fang Zheng. You not only said the correct food but also told us the name of the Gu worm."
"So class, like student Fang Zheng has said, moon orchids are the food for our clan's signature Gu worm, Moonlight Gu. This is an ingredient created by our esteemed founder. In fact, he is also the creator of this Gu. In the entire world, this ingredient cannot be found anywhere else except in our clan. This is also why we have the moon orchid as our clan's flag."
Upon hearing this, all of the students felt proud. They were proud to be born is such a great clan. They admired there clan's founder, who single-handedly created something that doesn't exist anywhere.
And just like that, the elder continued educating the students about the will of fir- ahem moon orchid, Gu Yue founder, and it's significance.
'Man, I wanna sleep so badly. If I listen to any more of this brain rot my mind will collapse.' indeed you guessed it right, this was Yi Yun the otherwolder who took over another's body. In the beginning, just like the other kids, Yi Yun was also excited. This was a fantasy world with physics-defying powers. Spitting fire, calling down lightning, shining brightly, all could be done here. Moreover this was a world with over millions of years of history yet it still remained relatively medieval, sure some everyday things were better than Earth's medieval age but it was still medivial for over millions of years. He was excited to know what would be taught in such a world's classroom.
His honest opinion tho? He was not impressed. The lesson today was all about learning more about the Gu Yue clan. The elder said in the beginning that the topic was ' Learning about Gu Masters.' but it somehow deviated to patriotism about the greatness of this clan.
He regretted not sitting in the backseat. Now, he couldn't sleep, well, he could. He even tried to, but well his experience didn't help here. The elder was too damn perceptive, plus unlike the college professors, who, unless bored, wouldn't disturb a sleeping student. He would, he had already asked him 8 questions since the start of the lesson. After the first two, he began raising his hand the moment he heard a question.
Was this tactic working for him, in simple words, no. It wasn't. He confidently answered all 8 questions 3 of whom he answered wrong, in one he tried, 'I was about to ask that question myself, elder.' Which failed. Now he was just using this as a way to increase his patience. While enviously gazing at the black-haired senior citizen who was leisurely increasing his dream path attainment.
Of course, Fang Yuan was one of his comrades, along with a few others in being asked questions purposefully. But well, 500 years isn't a long time, especially for a demon.
"Chu Qing that is incorrect, you presence is making a mockery of our class." the elder strictly scolded.
Chu Qing gazed embarrassingly at the ground.
'Will this guy be kicked now?' Yi Yun thought with a bored face. Chu Qing was a comrade of his. He was also being repeatedly asked questions. Forcing him to focus. There was just one small issue here tho. Chu Qing was a bit dull. Out of 10 he answered 10 incorrectly.
"Come and sit on the first bench here." the elder continued.
'What but that's bullshit. Throw him out. Wait it's one of those lectures. I really can't leave unless the class ends. ' Yi Yun thought while mentally shedding tears.
"It's for your own good Chu Qing, I brought you here so that you can learn more efficiently. You are from a mortal family and need to work hard so that you can become the best." the elder said so in a gentle voice.
Chu Qing while silent became happy and warm fuzzy feeling enveloped him and he smiled a little.
Yi Yun in the meantime kept imagining himself in unrealistic scenarios. Likea bear attack, terrorist,etc.
As the elder's words droned on. Yi Yun's eyes darkened, the sky also began to change. Black heaven switched with white heaven and ta da it was night.
Yi Yun found himself walking behind a senior citizen. He looked like someones lost grandpa. Yi Yun sincerely wished his lost children would find him, give him the reward money and take him away.
"This is as far as I go Yi Yun." the kind grandpa warmly stated.
Yi Yun politely nodded, then remembered who he was in front of and with a grateful smile,"Clan Leader I must thank you for showing me the way so far. This Yi swears to reach the grave and sincerely pay respect to the founder."
Kind grandpa clan leader warmly smiled and nodded.
Yi Yun excused himself and began walking forward. Just as he stepped thrice.
Kind grandpa called out to him in concern,"Be careful on the way up, although the wolves have been cleared in this area, it is never too bad to be careful. If anything goes wrong call for help and I will be there. "
Yi Yun gratefully 'discretely' wiped a tear from his left eye as he bowed 90 degrees to the clan leader and said," I will never forget the abettance provided by the Clan Head."
The clan head warmly smiled stating justly with conviction, "It is the duty of the old to assist the young, no sapling becomes a tree without the shade of its guardian. Now go forth and pay respects to the guardian who gave shade to the whole clan."
Yi Yun stopped stalling and proceeded toward his unimpeded doom.
He marched forward, full of fear and anxiety. Until he came to the gates of the graveyard. He marched even through that. Then marched some more. Until he came to the grave of the First Gen Gu Yue. He looked up, it wasn't midnight. He looked behind, there was no one. He looked in all the cardinal directions. Then with a resolute expression. He ran.
He ran faster and faster towards the other end of the graveyard. He ran like death itself was behind him, for it was. In the distance he saw a tall fence the height of his neck. He ran straight for it. He jumped, then ran all the way into the forest.
'Fucking hell, please be asleep, I am a filial descendant. I didn't even throw rocks at our grave, let alone piss on it. Please be asleep.'
He looked forward towards the dark forest, the howling of wolves evident among the chirping of crickets. As he made his way deeper into the forest, he resolutely unsheathed two of his knives hidden within his robe. Gripping them both tightly as sweat dripped through. Then with a brave face began to climb the tallest tree he came across.
'Thank you Clan Head for the idea, initially I was going to run back to the village, but now…'
He smiled a little 'I shall do something only done in stories till now.'
He gazed towards the sky, 'Around 14 hours till dawn.'
"Let's do this and survive." Yi Yun stated with conviction he didn't know existed within him.
A few minutes later, a lone wolf walked through the night. On his snout was a scar extending to its neck. Upon closer examination it was found that he was also limping a little. It seems that one of his paws was missing. It looked like quite an old wound too.
'Finally, a suitable one. Man, I have been waiting for hours. Good thing I am used to staying up till late. Hmm, let's see, I can't see any other wolf or animal in sight, my traps also aren't being rung. Who knew strings could come in handy so much?' Yi Yun thought as he pulled his hand back and spread his legs a little apart so he wouldn't fall from the tree.
*swoosh* went the knife as it impaled itself directly on the upper side of the wolf. As Yi Yun jumped down with a massive log in his hand and hammered it at the wolves head. Again and again, like a madman.
'Please be dead, please be dead, please be dead.' He then stopped, climbed back up the tree and waited for a few minutes.
'Hmm no animal came till now, okay it's safe now, time to pull a Fang Yuan and skin this son of a bitch.' He again climbed down the tree, brought out a different knife the started dismantling the corpse a little. 'Good thing I have experience in hunting.'
When Yi Yun thought he had made a good enough sleeping bag, he towed the wolf on his back and began climbing the tree again, before nestling it perfectly on a few branches he had prepared beforehand.
After doing this Yi Yun signed in relief. 'Finally, now I can survive the night.'
Now if this was a fanfiction and people were reading it they would obviously begin criticising, and saying "How can it be so easy?", "Why isn't he dead yet?", "With IQ like that no wonder he is insane…" and they would be absolutely right, but well this isn't a fanfic is it. It is real life. Oh wait.
This kid is fucked now.
Just as Yi Yun made his way towards the homemade sleeping bag. He felt shivers down his spine and had the urge to say, 'Shiver me timbers.' There was a monkey just looking at it. Silently. No sound. One would think the monkey was dead but it suddenly blinked as if to disprove that. Yi Yun stared at the monkey in disbelief, his first thought being, 'I checked for animals around this area how is there a monkey here?' A voice kindly told him 'You checked on the ground and that too for wolves specifically cause the kind grandpa said so.'
Yi Yun's eye twitched as his smile stiffened. He looked at the monkey then at the sleeping bag. Then at the monkey, then sleeping bag. Again, and again, and again. Then he finally picked up the sleeping bag and offered it to the monkey sincerely as a gift.
The monkey upon receiving a gift from this hairless monkey remembered it was on it's tree. This tree was it's territory and this hairless monkey was trespassing and trying to frame him for a feud with the wolves. It screeched angrily and started snarling at Yi Yun.
Who thought, 'Weren't monkeys omnivores? Did I find a vegan monkey? Did this one evolve backwards?' As he promptly jumped off from the tree and ran away, monkey at his tail. Screeching angrily.
'Out of all the monkeys I just had to find this crazy one. I took the hint and am going now. The fuck you want from me? My banana?' Yi Yun was feeling really unlucky. Thankfully it was about to get much worse now. For such is life.
As Yi Yun was running he failed a dexterity che- ahem he tripped on a tree root and fell on his ass. As the monkey went for his banana. Yi Yun shielded his dignity with one had as it got bitten into. As he screamed, then remembered he needed to be silent so he bit into the monkey's hand.
The monkey witnessing this was awestruck, it thought, 'Out of all the hairless monkeys I just had to meet this crazy one. Does it have no dignity? It's species is supposed to first kill other animals using long sticks then burn the body and eat them. Did I find a dumb one? Did this one evolve backwards?'
And so began a race of two monkeys one hairless and clothed the other full of hair, fiercely biting each other's arm. There eyes resolute, tears streaming down, teeth being gritted.
"What the fuck did I just walk into?" a gruff voice spoke in absolute bewilderment. As both the monkeys turned to look while still biting each other's arms. There stood a man with bandages covering his face.
Upon looking at him, Yi Yun and the monkey both immediately froze, while still holding each other's arm's in their mouths they fearfully turned and looked at the man.
Rank 2, that man was at the rank 2 stage. They both could sense it.