Chapter 4 Insane Boy Meets Rank 2
Previously on Insane Boy In Insane World,
>Yi Yun's patience and willpower increased after attending propaganda.
>Yi Yun with the Clan Head went to the Blood Graveyard.
>Yi Yun ran.
>Yi Yun tried to pull a Fang Yuan.
>Yi Yun failed.
>Monkey met monkey.
>Monkey bit monkey bit monkey.
>Monkey and monkey feel threatened.
>Rank 2 swaggers in.
"I will not ask a third time. Talk or pay the price of silence." mysterious Rank 2 Gu master spoke calmly with a threatening tone.
Upon hearing this threat, both monkeys felt nothing but fear. Simultaneously they both opened their mouths in fear. And both of their hands fell down. Staining the forest ground with red blood.
The monkey as if sensing a threat to his life whooped in fear. He opened and closed his mouth several times as if explaining everything to the terrifying man before him.
Upon gazing at this scene, the 2 humans were silent. They were astonished at what was happening before them. A beast was actually not running away.
'If this were a fanfiction or a generic isekai novel, then I would be the protagonist, and this monkey would be my animal companion who would go on to become a divine beast or something.'
The monkey misinterpreting this, stood up and was just about to wave around and run away. Then suddenly,
"A mere beast dares to mock me? Know your place."
As Yi Yun saw a long, thin, black colored stick? Extended and penetrateed the monkey on his shoulder. The monkey had no time to react to this; it could only pitifully move away once this stick penetrated it. As soon as this long stick had appeared, it disappeared. Yi Yun turned his body and saw the man standing there with his arm up and finger extended.
'What? He attacked!'
Yi Yun turned to look at his side, only to find the monkey flat on the ground. He didn't need confirmation. He didn't even need to look closer at the monkey or touch him. He knew deep in his heart. The monkey was dead.
At this time, Yi Yun's mind was a mess as it accelerated, trying to find a solution for the problem before him. One wrong step and the next to fall over would be him.
'What? A beam attack? The monkey died after a few moments of being penetrated by that strange beam. Poison path? Probably. He had his finger extended. So, that is one of the conditions for this beam to move. But that poison… Even if he is a Rank 2, the poison shouldn't be so lethal to take effect so quickly. There should be some delay in which the monkey's body tries to reject it.'
' Although the monkey was only a wild beast, not even Rank 1. The question is, should I take this risk to tank it? No, first, I must get rid of this problem. Let's see no robes of affiliation. His appearance doesn't match a prominent figure the previous Yi Yun knew or read about. Probably a demonic path Gu master. Judging by how he is on Quing Mao mountain, one of the Gu masters of some other clan? No, there hasn't been any new demonic gu master from any clan that I know of. He could be some hidden one, too. We can't deny that.' Yi Yun thought, trying his best to figure out this man's motives and origin.
"Lord! Lord Gu master, I apologize for my transgressions! Please forgive this lowly one…" Yi Yun, with a fearful expression, directly kowtowed.
The Rank 2 Gu master merely stared at him eerily with a cold gaze. As he thought, 'Lord? Why would he address me as Lord? Don't Gu masters address each other as Senior or Junior?'
This was actually a desperate gamble by Yi Yun. He felt that if a demonic Gu master appeared before someone, and that guy was an official Gu master, then he would directly kill him as long as he was below him in rank to prevent himself from being found by the righteous path. But if that someone was, let's say, a mortal with rank 1 initial stage cultivation, then won't the gu master hesitate? After all, a clanless mortal becoming a Gu master automatically makes him a demonic Gu Master. And the enemy of my enemy is my friend. If the clanless Gu Master were to report him, wouldn't he be in trouble? Moreover, most demonic Gu masters don't converse with other Gu Masters. Unless they wish to cooperate, that is. They usually just go for the kill.
Of course, Yi Yun wasn't someone to gamble his life like this. He was discreetly doing 2 things. Readying his hidden throwing knife and gazing at the gu master's shadow, the moment he sensed him moving his arm, he would directly throw the knife and run away. While screaming, 'I am the son of Elder Yi of Gu Yue Clan!'
It was the best plan he could come up with at the current moment. He couldn't help it. All he wanted to do was sleep in his sleeping bag.
The demonic Rank 2 gu master, upon seeing Yi Yun kneel directly, replied in a cold tone." You still haven't answered my question yet. Are you mocking me as well?"
While this threat sounded bad, Yi Yun couldn't help but feel a little calmer and happier, 'This is great. He has a heart. Otherwise, he would have directly killed me without giving me a chance to explain. After all, I did not answer him twice. I have invoked his curiosity, now to invoke him pity.'
With tearful eyes, Yi Yun replied in a shaking voice, "My name is Jia Sheng, Lord. I was born into a hunter family in Red Leaf Village. One day, I hit my head and fell into a well on the outskirts of the village. When I came to, I heard an ethereal voice saying, 'You are unworthy to be here, but it seems we are fated, so here is a small gift…' I looked everywhere but couldn't find anyone or any money lying around. Then, there was a blinding white light. When I came to it, I found myself deep in a cave. 5 days, I wandered around the cave until I found an exit. I left it and made it into the forest, it was still dark at that time, then I got chased by a monkey and met you."
With a pitiful tone, Yi Yun narrated this story, his aristocratic upbringing helping him tremendously, creating fake upheavals of emotions along with tears.
The Rank 2 Gu Master remained silent all this time while listening to Yi Yun's story. He waited a few moments as if digesting this story, then replied, "How did you know I was a hunter?" his tone awfully calm.
Upon hearing these words, Yi Yun felt fear, as he visibly panicked and stammered, "Wh-what d-d-do you mean my lord?" he was no longer gazing at the ground, he was now looking straight at the cold eyes of the rank 2.
The rank 2 gu master merely replied, "There is no hunter family with the surname of Jia in Red Leaf Village, I should know, I was born into one such family before."
Upon hearing this Yi Yun's expression turned to one of utter despair, 'So he is a mortal who became a Gu Master from an inheritance, great my well-being is partially confirmed now. Wait! Rank 2 gu master… hunter family…poison path gu worm… He is that mortal gu master who got his family killed by Fang Yuan and then tried to kill Fang Zheng! Yi Yun was truly shocked now, I need to confess as soon as possible, this guy killed his own wife, he has no pity.'
Wang Da merely raised his hand upon seeing Yi Yun's shock and fear.
Yi Yun hurriedly screamed out in panic, "Wait! Lord Gu master, it's true that I lied, but let me confess! Please allow me this right! Even if I was a mortal before, I am a Gu Master now..."
Wang Da visibly paused in his actions for a minute. He didn't change his expression, coldly gazing at Yi Yun. He slowly retracted his arm back to his side.
Yi Yun didn't need any other confirmation as he hurriedly spoke as fast as he could," The truth is I am from Bai Gu mountain; I was born into a hunter family there, in White Orchid Village. Our village was under the Bai Clan."
Upon saying Bai Clan, he visibly became angry. As if one of them had killed his mother.
"Those bastards raped and killed my mother!" He said in a mix of rage and sorrow.
"But heaven is just. One day, while being chased by a bear, I hid inside a cave, and their I accidentally tripped and fell on a stalactite. Then suddenly, I found myself in a mysterious cave. Later, I realized that I had come across an inheritance of a legendary rank 5 Gu master by the name of Grey Bone Scholar."
"Initially, I felt extremely disgusted. But then I realized that I could have my revenge on that bastard Bai Yun who raped my mother in front of my eyes—and indirectly killed my father. But I couldn't remain in Bai Gu Mountain as that bastard had begun to abuse me and treat me like his slave. So, one day, I gathered up my things and left the village, deciding to go to the nearby Qing Mao mountain for a few months."
"Here I found a small village by the name of Red Leaf Village. One day I met one of the hunters their. His name was Wang Er, and later I decided to work as a farmhand." now his tone had become a little bit joyful as if he remembered the fun times he had in this village.
"The time I spent in that village was short but brought both my soul and mind to peace. I decided that I after I killed that bastard I will no I must help these good people."
Now his tone changed to one of self-depreciation," Who would have thought that on my first week here while trying to hunt for some food, I would get lost and be chased by a monkey."
Yi Yun changed his expression to a resolute one and spoke with as much conviction as he could muster, "Lord Gu master, kill me if you want. But I sincerely beg you. Please bring the murderer of my father and the rapist of my mother to justice."
After doing this, Yi Yun, spread his hands open and closed his eyes. A resolute expression on his face with a tinge of indignation.
He waited patiently.
1 second.
2 second.
After a full minute, Wang Da opened his mouth and spoke to the now slightly sweating and fearful Yi Yun. "Your name?"
Yi Yun opened his eyes suddenly and looked at him in confusion.
Wang Da continued, "Your name…You never mentioned your name."
Yi Yun looked at him as if he were a monster and indignantly replied, "Fang Yuan, that is the name my father Fang Zheng gave me."
Wang Da nodded his head, then looked up at the moon," Good name."
He then remained silent for a while as Yi Yun gazed at him confusingly. "The bear which chased you… how big was it?"
Yi Yun felt puzzled as he looked strangely at the man before him. Then he shook his head and looked towards the nearby tree. Replying, "Three heads." he pointed at the tree.
Wang Da nodded again and gazed deeply at him, finally getting confirmation of the fact that he truly was a mortal from a hunter family. But he still needed to confirm something.
"How did you get to this mountain?"
"I followed the Yellow Dragon River."Yi Yun replied, showing more and more confusion.
Wang Da looked at him for a few seconds. Then, towards the full moon above. He then undid the mask on his face as he spoke, this time with a slight smile. "You will lead me to this Grey Bone Scholar's inheritance. Depending on the situation there and on you. You will be rewarded. Until then, I shall mentor you personally."
With disbelieving eyes, Yi Yun looked at Wang Da and spoke in a slightly hoarse tone, "Why? Weren't you going to kill me? Why do you want to teach me now?"
Wang Da paused calmly for a few seconds gazing at the moon. As if he was admiring its beauty," I had once been as unfortunate as you. I had lost even the one I treasured more than my own life. So let me ask you what my father asked me back then: Do you want to fight? or do you wish to forget?"
Yi Yun, with a resolute face, spoke," Fight! I wish to fight!" Then, he bowed down as he spoke, "Disciple greets master."
Wang Da corrected, "I am not your teacher, I am your mentor. I will only be telling you a few things about cultivation."
Towards this, Yi Yun righteously replied, "Teacher for a day, father for life." and bowed yet again.
Wang Da was delightfully surprised at his new student's filiality and manners. 'What a polite lad…' He thought.
Yi Yun then nervously asked him, "Master, where do we go now?"
With a slight smile, Wang Da replied to him, "...Now we go to my house. It is right there." He pointed upwards to where Yi Yun could see a hidden tree house.
"Also… don't call me master. I am only going to tell you a few trivialties…"
Yi Yun inched closer to his new master as if to gaze more properly at the hidden tree house. Saying justly, "Nonsense, master is master. No matter what he teaches."
As he discretely stabbed Wang Da in the back of his neck.
"Wha-" was Wang Da's last half word.
"Hm…" Yi Yun innocently looked at the shocked face of his master standing beside him. "Did you say something master?"
'Someone is attacking me. Is it Fang Yuan?! No, he is too unperturbed right now. It's unlike my initial evaluation of him. Besides, Fang Yuan was on his deathbed, and with his age and mortal upbringing, I would know if he had lied, as I had before. A sneak attack? Is it someone from the righteous path? Or a demonic scoundrel? No matter, I must at least warn this new disciple of mine… '
Wang Da looked at Yi Yun's joyful smile and felt his heart tighten. He touched his neck, staining it with blood. Then he brought his hands close to Yi Yun, who instantly became shocked.
"M-m-master! What's going on? I just met you." Yi Yun spoke in a panicked and shocked voice.
Wang Da smiled sadly as he gazed deep into Yi Yun's eyes. He then pointed at his stomach and then at a distance far away towards the trees. Then he fell to the ground.
'I hope he understands this... Fang Yuan, I hope your life doesn't lead you down the same path it has led me... Our meeting, although brief, was full of intrigue and surprise for me. Skinning a wolf to use as a bed, I would never have thought of that.' Wang Da thought as life flashed before his eyes.
Yi Yun shakily got down as he stammered, "Ma-master, stay with me! MASTER!"
Wang Da heard him, sadly smiled, and slowly thought about his life. Being congratulated by his father for hunting a black bear. Teaching his younger brother how to hunt. Being scolded by his sister. And then meeting her… Xiao Su. His mind fixated on her the longest. Their meeting, wedding. Finally, she asks him to just do it. And he foolishly killing her.'
'My life was so short... so full of regrets... I hope my family receives what I left them. Wang Su... I am coming... to meet you in the Gate of Life and Death.' that was Wang Da's last thought.
Yi Yun shouted with tears staining his cheeks. As he held his head and fell to his knees.