The morning Sun was dazzling still, on a mountain made of rock about to go boom. But the residents unaware lived as people did.
On this mountain in the village towards the top. In a house that appeared fairly big. Servants worked as they sneakily gazed upon.
A youth and a mature c cup lady.
The youth looked down as if regretful while the woman was droning on and on about something. Probably meaningless.
"…how could you just jump…"
'Sigh, what sin did I commit?'
It seemed as if the lady was scolding the youth. Who wait for it was his mother. Who could have thought of that? What a twisted plot. Give the author some bjs.
"…and you, you just walked…"
The mother appeared to be angry. She was also frustrated. No, I did not write like that to increase word count.
'Why did I have to be reincarnated into this world? Fine fine transmigrated. Why do you have to be so factual?'
The youth seemed to be… lost in thought? Talking to someone? The line gets blurry after a while.
"…this is no way to…"
'To think I would get reincarnated into the Gu world. The probability of such a thing to happen would be so fucking low even math hasn't found a number to depict it.'
" would you..."
'How long am I going to wallow in despair? I need to get me shit together. Fine fine. I need to get my shit together. So, you a grammar nazi now?'
Oooh, there is a change in the air. I am so excited. Are you excited too?
"…even for you, this is…"
'What, why I haven't shut her up? Well, simple I am still going through the memories. To think both me and this guy would have similar personalities, well that makes things a tad bit easier.'
"…not everything is a joke…"
'Now let's see what someone who worships the Great Immortal Jeff would do in such a situation? Correct, he would get out of it.'
Suddenly the youth looked up at his mother. He stared her deep in the eyes. His expression apologetic and regretful. He spoke. That's right, he spoke, not thought, not shouted, and certainly not moaned. He fucking spoke.
"I am sorry, mom, I was just too excited about the awakening ceremony. I shouldn't have jumped the stairs. It was wrong of me."
The youth's mom made an expression of 'at least he realizes, but I am still angry'. What is wrong with you, women? Thankfully…
'And of course, she isn't satisfied, what is wrong with you woman? Thankfully it isn't like me to leave a woman unsatisfied. Oh yeah well fuck you too.'
"It-It's just that I thought father would be here." Spoke the youth in a depressed voice.
'Hahahahaha that's right this body has fucking daddy issues.'
"Oh Yi Yun, it's okay…"
After a really long amount of consoling, Yi Yun's mom waved goodbye to him as he went off for the awakening ceremony.
'Fuck I am going to be late. Thankfully that shit got settled quickly; otherwise, it would have taken a long time to convince her to let me go. I cannot delay my departure to the awakening ceremony. Fortunately, this body's father is a rank three elder of the clan head faction, under Gu Yue Bo to be precise. Yi Yun is the son of a concubine of this elder. If I get a good grade aperture I might get a good amount of resources, but if the grade is too low then I am doomed, after all, Yi Yun has an elder sister with B grade aptitude, I need to get at least B grade to be able to survive. Of course, that would mean competing with my half-sister. But from the memories she is only a naive young girl. Even the previous Yi Yun realized that. If memory serves correctly, she graduated just a few weeks ago and joined Yi Yun's father's sponsored Gu Master team. Unless I get a higher aptitude than her, she would be made his successor and I would be the forgotten bastard.' Yi Yun frowned while thinking about this. 'I have never been in such a situation this is really troublesome.'
He looked up he saw over a hundred 15-year-old youths gathered in front of the clan pavilion. He quickened his pace a little to reach it. It would seem that he was a little late. The last one to arrive. The clan pavilion was in the middle of the village, reaching 5 storeys and having sharp tilted roofs; it was heavily guarded. Before the pavilion was the square, and in the pavilion was the shrine of the Gu Yue ancestor memorial tablets. Every generation of clan head had lived in the pavilion. With every major ceremony or big incident, the clan elders would gather and discuss meetings here as well. This was the entire village's authority central.
'How primitive such feeble structures. Sure, it has a different and unique aesthetic but it is still pretty feeble compared to modern architecture.'
"Good, all of you are punctual. Today is the Awakening Ceremony; it is your life's great turning point. I won't say much, just come with me." The one responsible at the moment was the elder of the academy. His beard and hair were white and he was in high spirits as he led the young teenagers into the pavilion.
'He looks like someone's kind and happy grandfather. What an experienced politician.' Yi Yun exclaimed in his thoughts.
However, they did not go up, but were led downstairs after going through the entrance of a great hall. Following down a constructed stone ladder, they went into an underground cave.
The group of youths made surprised and amazed noises Yi Yun was no exception to this. The underground cave was beautiful, stalactites sparkling with the colors of the rainbow. This light shone on the youth's faces, the neon hues gorgeous.
'Stalactites are formed by a combination of mineral and water falling down. In my previous world, most scientists believed that the color of speleothems is dependent on their mineral content. Pure calcite is white almost colorless, iron and other minerals combine to give it a different color. Since this is a different world, I wonder what minerals and metals combined to give these calcites different colors. No this could be the color of the pure calcite of this world. How very interesting.' Thinking so Yi Yun couldn't hide the curiosity and amazement in his eyes.'
They walked several hundred steps. It got darker and the sounds of water were faintly heard. After turning around a corner, a 10 meter wide underground river greeted them. By now the colorful lights of the stalactites had disappeared completely, yet in the darkness the river emitted faint blue light. It was like a star river of the night sky.
The river flowed from the dark depths of the cave. Inside the crystal clear waters, one could see fish, aquatic plants, and even the sand beneath the river. Opposite the river was a sea of flowers.
'In the novel, it was stated by Fang Yuan that these flowers are a source of cultivation medium for the Gu Yue Clan. This means that these orchids contain some sort of energy flow within them. Ah right there was a concept of dao marks in the later chapters, maybe these dao marks are the energy sources providing energy to this plant. Sadly, I don't know enough about plants to even make a distinction of these orchids being different from the ones back on Earth.'
"Wow, so pretty!"
"It really is beautiful!"
The new sight opened the young teenagers' eyes. Each one of them had a light radiating from their gaze with excited and anxious feelings.
"All right, listen as I call your names. Those who are called must walk through this river to the opposite bank. Walk as far as you can, of course, the further you go the better it is. Are you all clear?" The elder said.
Hearing this Yi Yun couldn't help but become nervous after all. This talent literally decided his future, sure it decided the other kids' future too but who cares about them. They were just some brats from a prehistoric world which didn't even know that their world was spherical.
'There are ways to increase talent but I only know a few even then I cannot use them as all of them require a gu worm something that I haven't even seen myself. Sure, the previous Yi Yun has seen them, but he is dead so who cares.'
Again, the reality of the situation he was in settled down within him. 'Reverend Insanity oh why do you have to be such a difficult world? Venerables, demons, hypocrites… Why does everyone have to be so smart here? Even though I loved this novel I never wished to be in it.' Thinking so Yi Yun felt a headache coming. 'No no, it is too early to give up I still have hope.' Thinking so he turned to the river where the first few kids had already failed.
'If I had more time perhaps, I could have understood the complete theory behind the awakening ceremony and deceived the clan or maybe gotten a higher-grade aptitude. But of course, that's not possible now. No, maybe it wouldn't have been possible before too. After all this body is 15 even if I began to study this since 1 year of age, it would still be difficult. Too many variables.'
With two consecutive failures, the other elders observing the scene in the dark started making ugly expressions. Even the clan head was frowning slightly. The next moment, the academy elder called out the third name: Gu Yue Mo Bei.
Yi Yun looked towards Mo Bei and observed 'This is one of the kids who have B-grade talent.' He looked Mo Bei up and down as if trying to find something. 'Looks like a normal brat, so whatever influences talent is not observable by the naked eye. Or I am just legally blind.' Yi Yun let out a slight chuckle at his bad joke. 'What I am more worried about is my existence. Did I exist in Fang Yuan's previous life, or is this the pre-spring-autumn, Fang Yuan? I would hate to attract the attention of someone like Fang Yuan just cause of existing. That would be a death sentence. Then there is the fact about surviving the Qing Mao Mountain massacre.' Yi Yun felt a headache coming. 'I should probably think about these things later on. After I have gotten my talent.'
Yi Yun looked at the side where the elders were standing, 'I don't see this body's father standing over there. Guess this guy really existed just as disaster management for his dad.'
The awakening ceremony went on and soon most of the names were called out. Yi Yun saw the cheater, Chi Chen. He tried to see if he could find out anything different about him too but once again was met with failure.
So, Yi Yun spent the majority of the ceremony just thinking about random things to pass the time. In between the ceremony, some kids who were familiar with the old Yi Yun approached him. He greeted and talked with them for a little while. He couldn't recognize any of their names from the novel, though that could be just due to the fact that it had been a couple of years since he last read it. Three of them had talent after all.
Since the ceremony was taking its sweet time, he had already given up worrying about the future and decided to just take a wait-and-watch approach for the rest of the day. Not like he could do anything else which won't land him in a shit ton of trouble.
After what felt like days a name was said that got him out of his thoughts.
"Gu Yue Fang Yuan!"
'Finally, after so long, that fucking ceremony satisfied its wife with its pace like an hour ago. Now to see which Pang Puan or PP it is.'
Yi Yun saw the surroundings become dead silent in anticipation. After all, this was the famous and talented cunt, Fang Yuan.
Fang Yuan walked steadily towards the river at a moderate pace. His face expressionless. He reached the opposite bank and started walking, his face was still expressionless.
Yi Yun narrowed his eyes and became completely focused on Fang Yuan, watching him resist the pressure and walk forward. 'His face is still expressionless; this damned poker face. I want it.' Yi Yun enviously thought.
10, 11, 12…23, 24, 25, 26… 27 steps.
'Fang Yuan stopped at 27 steps. Well, that is canon. Wait no he stopped not fell. FUCK SHIT SHIT FUCK MOTHERFUCK! HE DIDN'T FALL! This world just went from *chuckles* I am in danger to You are already dead!' Yi Yun thought in frustration. His expression a mix of fear and anger.
He looked over again in trepidation. 'He is still fucking poker facing fuck.'
Fortunately, Yi Yun's antics were unknown by the rest as they were busy being flabbergasted or mocking Fang Yuan.
'No, I need to calm down.' Yi Yun closed his eyes and breathed in deeply focusing on the air filling his lungs and his diaphragm expanding. He slowly let out the air from his lungs and opened his eyes, his expression changed back to one of tranquility.
'There is still hope. I haven't performed the awakening ceremony yet. It isn't as if I am going to die the moment the ceremony ends.'
After some time when almost everyone had finished their awakening ceremony. Yi Yun heard his name be called out.
"Gu Yue Yi Yun."
'It would seem that I am the last one to be awakened. Is it because I arrived last? Maybe who knows?' Yi Yun mused as he moved towards the chopping blo- river.
Armed with a face wearing a calm smile and a nervously beating heart. Yi Yun began his executio- awakening.
1 step.
10 steps.
'Ha ha. At least I am not going to be a mortal forever.'
20 steps.
'C grade. Not bad if I do say so myself. As expected of me rank 2 is just a few years away. But still, I want more.'
30 steps.
'B grade. Nice. Seems the heavens favor me. And why wouldn't they? I am the Great Immortal Yi Yun after all.'
34 steps.
'I am satisfied with this. But why is the pressure not increasing? Should I stop now? No, let's just go on.'
40 steps.
'I really didn't expect this. A grade. Those cunts back there must be so flabbergasted. But why is the pressure still manageable?'
46 steps.
'Haha, heaven you prankster. You can stop now. If I go any further, I am really done for. Like worse than 'You are already dead' dead.'
Regardless of his inner musings, Yi Yun moved on further and further. Until
50 steps.
'Kill me, kill me now.'
Suddenly as if to answer his musings just as he fell from the 50th step a ray of pure purple light covered the area. Along with the aura of a rank 4 gu worm. Fang Yuan got into a fighting pose only to blankly stare in front of him. The little shi- young youths trembled in fear. Some of the weaker-willed shi- youths fell unconscious.
The elders all looked at the clan head in astonishment.
"What is the meaning of thi-"
"I want my momm-"
"I was just kidding."- Yi Yun.