Chereads / Rings Of Eternity / Chapter 19 - Chapter 18: One Above All

Chapter 19 - Chapter 18: One Above All

Dumbfounded is what I am.

I stared at the pretty silver-haired woman, Seram, who kept a gentle smile on her face.

To think I'd actually meet someone else apart of my family. Even though Seram isn't blood related, my great aunt took care of her when she was a mere child. So it still technically counts to a degree, wouldn't it?

This is still good though, nonetheless. Dad said that he and I were practically the last of our clan. Sure, we could consider Grandpa Jagan apart of that, but he apparently died. However, I think dad would be happy regardless, meeting someone who had close relations with Taekhyu.

I shook Seram's soft hand, "I'm Skysin, Skysin Rillem."

Seram's pink eyes had widened a bit, "my...I'm surprised, so you're related to my mother?" -She gave a light chuckle- "To think I'd meet a relative of my mother here. It must've been fate. Could you...possibly be related to Jagan?"

I smiled, "yeah! He's my grandpa! My dad had told me that we're the last of our clan. After my grandpa disappeared, it only left me and my dad."

Seram nodded, eyeing Taekhyu's coffin, "I see... so unfortunate. If only my mother could've been here. She would've loved to meet you."

I had copied Seram, staring at my deceased aunt, " don't mind me asking, how did she die?" I had hesitated on asking. I wouldn't want Seram to relive the thought of her very mother dying again. But I need this information, not just for myself, but dad too.

Seram shook her head, "no, I don't mind. My mother had died to a very rare sickness called Nortem. It can emerge when a being's vital continues to grow, but if their body can't keep up, it will slowly shut down. My mother couldn't keep it controlled due to her vital growing at such an exponential rate. Alas, it had finally caught up to her, and now, here she is..."

I could hear the solemn in Seram's soft voice, coming to see a tear in her eyes.

Nobody could really be okay with their own parent or guardian dying, or any loved one in that matter. I seen it from dad and Aunt Savitra too. They can only live with it.

I softly patted her back, "I'm...sorry to hear that. I apologize about asking..."

Seram shook her head, sniffling a bit, ", it's okay. You're her nephew, after all. You deserve to know. I'm just relieved to know that she's no longer in pain. After she had passed, I created this tomb for her. Away from the outside, so nothing would happen to it." Seram had caressed the coffin, making a small smile.

Seram had turned to me, her eyes inspecting me thoroughly, "if you don't mind me asking, how exactly did you end up here?"

I had recalled all that had happened the night before, the army of beasts eating those challengers. That man with the cross emblem. I looked at my arm, staring at the small hole where a needle had pierced me, "I was attacked by beasts. I had found a cave behind a waterfall and ran into there. But I had fell into a hole too. That's when I had seen that portal and walked through."

Seram nodded, "I see." She raised her arm, aiming her hand at me. Pink, silverish aura had slowly enveloped my entire body, and I could see my bruises and small scars close and heal.

I looked at my arms and legs, " completely healed me! I feel brand new!" I turned around and shot quick jabs at the air.

Seram had chuckled, keeping her hands inside the large sleeves of her kimono, "I'm happy that you feel reinvigorated now. How about we head back to my lodging? I can make you some food, you must be hungry, right?

I had looked back at Taekhyu's coffin, that image, or message of her had completely disappeared. She hadn't reappeared either. Could the message have reached its limit? I remember her saying that she didn't have much time left.

I should come back and check it out again later.

We had returned to the wonderous outside of this alienated dimension and walked on a trail through the forest.

I followed behind Seram's short stature as her wide hips continued to sway, but a sudden thought came to mind. Seram must be quite strong, not only because she healed me with her aura alone, but she was raised by Taekhyu. Not only her mother-figure, but also a deity.

I quickened my pace, walking beside Seram. Now that I think about it, she really isn't that tall compared to me, my head is nearly under her chest. I spoke, looking up to her, "hey, Seram. You must be pretty strong right? To be able to heal me like that."

Seram chuckled, "...I suppose I am. Never gave it much thought, huhuhu."

"How strong do you think you are?"

Seram pondered, setting a finger on her plump lips, tilting her head, "hmm...I'm not very sure, honestly. It's hard to gauge myself when I'm the only one here in this dimension, minus the animals of course."

My eyes had brightened like stars, "well...I'm here."

Seram arched a brow, "is that a good idea Sin? You just recovered; you need some nutrients."

I waved it off, "nah, I'll be fine. It can just be a quick spar. ~Pwease...? ~"

Seram had stuttered, "fi-fine, but just one bout as of now." -Seram gently prodded my forehead- "After, you need to eat something."

I cheered, "awesome! I promise!" I flashed back a few feet from Seram under a second.

Seram looked at me in surprise, "you sure are quite the fast one, aren't you?"

I grinned, "I've been like this since I was four! Not sure how fast I am though..." I let out a wry chuckle.

Seram chuckled, "...well then, I guess we can gauge that too, hm?" Seram had stood still, keeping her hands inside her sleeves, "please, you may start whenever you see fit."

I lowered my stance and examined Seram. Even if she isn't very sure how strong she may be. Seram must be confident in her own strength to a degree, to simply stand like that. However, I can't find an opening either...

I shifted my foot slightly and surfaced before Seram.

I quickly shot a jab right to Seram's face. Seram raised her arm under that time and blocked my attack with a single finger. Seram's face was completely poised. She wasn't taken aback by me at all, she can easily keep up with me too.

My eyes widened; shocked.

Seram is strong as shit...

Seram's fist had zoomed towards my face.

I hastily ducked under her hand and lowered myself. I spun, sweeping a low kick to her ankle.

Seram lifted her leg dodging my kick, and quickly brought her foot down right to me at high speeds. I leapt back, getting away from her at the neck of time.

I paused, noticing that she had stopped her attack before her foot had hit the ground. But I came to see a large, spider-webbed crack in the grass under her. I could feel the area around us begin to violently shake from this.

I stood in silence.

My breathing had grown heavier, not from fatigue though. But how monstrous Seram truly is. It's easy to understand from the first blow that Seram is far more powerful and experienced than I am. I'd hate to say this, but I don't think dad, mom, Aunt Savitra, or Master Alzar could best Seram in a battle.

For her to literally control her last attack before she even struck the ground and be able to make the very area shake from that. If she wanted to, this entire place could've been destroyed by that alone.

Seram had disappeared from my sight, as if she had teleported. My senses are at their max right now, she's fast, extremely so.

I felt a presence behind me and turned around, coming to see Seram shooting a palm right at me.

I twisted my body and dodged her attack at the last second. I quickly leapt, and spun into a roundhouse kick, aimed at Seram's head.

Seram raised her forearm beside her head, blocking my attack head on, without a struggle. The mere power from my attack made the trees behind us shake.

As I began to fall, I utilized gravity and rotated upside down, shooting a punch at Seram's stomach.

Seram had pivoted her foot, swiftly turning sideways to dodge my attack. Seram swiped the back of her hand at me.

I canceled the gravity holding me up, falling under her hand as it swept past me. When I landed, however, her foot was already aimed at me.

I can't dodge this.

Seram's foot stopped right before my nose. I could feel the strong winds from her attack make my hair flutter, causing the trees around us to shake wildly.

I rose my hand in defeat, "you definitely win this, Seram."

Seram is well above the word 'experienced', that would be an understatement. She's a true master.

There isn't even a comparison between us. She's not leagues above me, her power is on another dimension from mine. Seram may be the strongest being I've ever come across. Judging by how this little bout went, if Seram was serious, she could've beaten me with her pure aura alone.

I looked up at the beautiful woman in amazement, pure astonishment. Having a calm expression on her face, those alluring, sharp pink eyes looking down at me. Her long, silver hair gently blowing with the wind.

Seram really is one above all....