Chereads / Rings Of Eternity / Chapter 25 - Chapter 24: Planet Gremis

Chapter 25 - Chapter 24: Planet Gremis

The rising star cast a delightful rosy hue, over and across the dawning sky, and aureate rays of sunlight radiated the tranquil outlook. Me and my family were all standing outside of our threshold, preparing to take our leave for Gremis. 

Dad patted my head, sporting his military-eques uniform, "alright Sin, you ready kiddo?" 

"Yeah, I'm ready dad," I joyfully expressed. 

 I decided to wear a dark green collar jacket and baggy black pants that covered my shoes. Plus, I tied my golden hair into a small ponytail behind my head. 

Mom wearing an emerald dress, handed Luna to dad and took a knee to kiss my forehead, "remember what you promised Sin. DON'T... get caught in another situation," she uttered with a threatening glare. 

"I-I promise mama..." I anxiously chuckled, embracing her. 

Dad bestowed me the Nose Grappler, while he and mom were being all lovey-dovey, I rubbed my cheek against Luna's, "I'll see you soon, Luna." 

Luna began speaking the baby language once more, and regrettably, her fingers latched onto my nose. "Luna… please… let go," I sobbed, trying to escape her abnormally strong grip. 

Just when the elegant white carriage arrived, dad gave a huff "...welp, let's not waste time." Dad said, giving mom and Luna one more kiss goodbye. 

I nodded and handed Luna over to mom, then went to grab our luggage. With that, we finally left, voyaging off to the first planet, Gremis. 


Later that day, I took a step out of the rift and entered a wide lobby stocked with civilians. The area had two giant white columns near the front entrance. Above me; stained glass windows were displayed, possessing a vast number of men and woman wearing gold and black headdresses. 

"Come on Sin, let's head outside," dad voiced, walking to the entrance. 

When I followed him out, a monumental spectacle had smitten my violet eyes. Giant walls incased the entire area, not to mention the tremendous, remote triangular-shaped structures behind the rocky barriers. The lofty buildings were made of brick and clay, plus sloping walls with a few entryways. Masses of elevated towers were all around the city, civilians of this planet wore different clothing as well. Their apparel was made of linen; wearing kilts, skirts, shawls, including revealing dresses and drapes. 

It gauged me thinking that this place was filled with an infinite amount of people. But I did scrutinize a great deal of middle-aged woman goggling dad too, nevertheless, he didn't seem to notice it though. 

The roads are constructed with light-greyish gravel, and extremely well cleaned, not even an ounce of garbage was in sight. 

As dad and I continued our brief journey, a colossal golden palace loomed behind buildings, like the sun rising from the horizon. 

"Is that where we'll be staying dad?" I excitedly asked, eyeballing the wonderous view. 

"Yep, just to let you know, my friend is a little too obsessed with gold," dad chortled. 

When we finally came across the mouth gaping structure, I took in every detail. The palace is across a wide, teal-colored lake, along with boats casually floating by. Set atop a brick wall, covered in paintings of more men and woman. But just like dad stated, the entire place brimmed in gold, even the huge columns. There's a steep staircase leading to the entrance, plus a couple of giant gold cats, parallel from each other on the very bottom. 

Me and dad ambled to the entryway where guards in light silver armor protecting their arms, legs, and chest, could be seen patrolling near tall metal gates, "good day to you, General Rillem!" The guards greeted as they all saluted. 

Dad followed suit, giving them a salute, then advanced onto a thin wooden bridge, connected to the shoreline of the river. Looking down below at the sapphire river, I was very tempted to place my finger in the water. 

"I wouldn't do that Sin; they have trained aqua beasts to attack if an organism enters the water," dad chuckled forewarning me. 

I faintly squealed, retracting my arm and followed the tall man to our destination. 

After we passed the somewhat intimidating felines, making it halfway through the stairs, a lean, cleanly-shaven man around the same height as my dad was revealed, holding his arms behind his back with a slight smirk. 

His skin is that of honey, having cold-penetrating blood red eyes and a sharp chin. He's lean but has a well-defined physique. Wearing a black and gold headdress as a crown. A black tunic that ended near his knees, along with a golden wide belt wrapped around his waist. 

He sported one arm band on his left and gauntlets that enclosed his wrists, which were the same material as his belt. Plus, cookie brown sandals bundled on his feet. 

Dad was right, this dude is obsessed with gold... 

"Rellgis, old friend, it's been a while," the man welcomed dad, both colliding their wrists together. 

"It really has, Khufu. Where's Titi and the troublemakers?" Dad asked lightheartedly. 

"Nefertiti went to meet her hag of a mother in the Cairo region; she'll be back later tonight. As for the girls, they're out in the city shopping. They should be home soon, I believe," Khufu explained, then his sharp eyes glanced down at me. "Nice to meet you, Skysin, your father told me much about you," he greeted, giving me a handshake. 

While I shook his rough palms, Khufu seemed to have strengthened his grip; almost squeezing my hand. 

He must be testing my strength or something. 

I tightened my grasp, "nice to meet you too." I replied, in which Khufu showed a pleased smile, releasing a quick nod. 

"Oh, dad, can I go into the city??" 

"Yeah sure, just… y'know, try to make sure your mom doesn't kill the both of us," dad chuckled anxiously. 

I gave a quick salute, "aye sir!" 

 I sped past the entrance gates, and took off, feeling the cold-blistering winds hit my face. Excited to finally explore this vast and beautiful nation of Gremis. 

The city is amazing, teeming with civilians, including tourists from other planets too. 

This place is awesome! 

My attention was then drawn to an odd performance. A man clothed in drapes and robes was playing a flute, but the unnatural part is the red cobra with diamond-like scales; steadily swaying and swinging its limbless body. It seemed like it was in a deep trance from the tunes of the instrument. 

While I continued to observe this eccentric entertainment, I felt a heavy force applied onto my left shoulder. 

I turned my head, only to confront an angry boy who looked to be my age. 

He has sand colored skin, dirt brown eyes and short, flat cedar-colored hair. He wore grey long-sleeved tunic and trousers with black leather sandals. 

"Sorry about th- "Watch where you're going, imbecile..." He hissed, wiping non-existent dirt off his shoulder. 

"It was just an accident, relax dude," I mocked squinting my eyes. 

"Dude?? You'll only transfer a disease to me." 

"It was a simple accident. Go cry about it somewhere else. Maybe your mom will help, retard." 

"How dare you speak of my mom like that!" He proclaimed, advancing into my personal space. 

"She can probably help with your breath too," I snickered, motioning my hand back and forth. 

At this point from the commotion, a small crowd formed incasing us in the center. 

"Shut! UP!!" He screamed, going in for a punch. 

I slightly moved my head, evading the feeble attack and kneed his gut. 

He clenched his stomach, mouth gaped open gasping for air as he fell to his knees. 

"This is stupid..." I sighed out of disappointment deciding to leave this idiot, beginning to saunter away. 

But of course, he rose to his feet and decided to repeat the same action, going in for another strike, "useless bum!!" 

Getting agitated by his futility, I ducked under the attack, clenched his arm, and threw him over me. Being airborne with his back facing me, I front kicked him, propelling the idiot into the gravel-covered ground. 

The crowd began to converse wildly about the little quarrel. "Woah, goldilocks just knocked out an Omari noble." 

"Do you think he'll get away?" 

"Who knows." 

"He's a cutie." 

"Oh my gosh, I know right?" 

As this occurred, loud whistles were heard. Someone yelled, "the guards are coming!" 

It's best I take my leave now... 

I stared at the bystanders turning to the incoming guards. With haste, I dashed out of sight moving like frantic winds, disappearing from everyone's eyes. 


Evening had emerged, and the city is lit with flickering, slush lanterns and fiery amber gems embedded in tall black poles. I was walking along the darkly shaded road with a charred kabob of meat in my hand, roaming near the outer sector of this monumental city, capable of gaining a better view of the sixty-foot walls. 

While I ambled around, I noticed a lavish restaurant on my right, with a sign that read, 'Gyasi Exquisites'. 

Despite that, a fluffy black kitten with light blue eyes and a golden bell latched around its neck, stood atop the board. 

When me and the cat's eyes encountered, it swiftly hopped off the sign, landing softly on top of my shoulder. 

"Are you hungry?" I asked the small feline, ripping a small chunk of meat from the kabob. 

The cat took the piece and purred, rubbing its soft head against my cheek. "Are you lost?" I pondered about the cat, even though it can't speak my language. 

Still, it hopped off my shoulder and meowed looking into a darkened alleyway. 

As it continued to yowl away, "...ok fine, what is it?" I sighed with a question, trailing behind the feline. 

When I came across the end of the alley, only to stand before a tall, wooden brown gate, "there's nothing here." I spoke, confused by this kitten's efforts. 


However, I heard a rough noise, like someone dropping a heavy object. 

"Dammit, the hell are ya doin?" A deep, snarky voice growled. 

Therefore, my curiosity got the very best of me once again. I sat my fluffy comrade on my shoulder and quietly hopped on the top of the gate. Only to discover that it wasn't a box. 

A gem placed in the very center of the wall emitted a light into the small back yard, filled with short turquoise grass. Furthermore, a group of suspicious men wearing black robes caught my eye, heaving corpses of dead guards out into the small yard. 

"How long is this going to take? I have to get back inside..." A particular man sheathed in a golden tuxedo with short brown hair tensely asked, impatiently tapping his foot on the ground. 

"Don'tcha worry, we're 'bout done here now," a deep voice reassured the man. Another bloke entered the six-foot hole made in the wall. A burly fellow with a buzzcut, and long unkept beard made an appearance. Wearing a white tank top, black trousers and boots. 

What's happening here? 

Two of his lackeys exited the building, carrying a pair of girls around my age as well. 

The cat began to meow discreetly when the two had shown. 

The round guy handed the golden man a big stack of white paper money - or ruphes, then quickly exited the makeshift hole. The aperture slowly closed like a thick wall ascending out of the ground, completely sealed off. The golden gentleman let out a weary sigh, fixed his suit, and entered the building. 

After that transpired, I landed inside the yard and prowled along the edges of the gate to stay hidden in the shadows. "Hm... well, I wasn't expecting that," I stated in a baffled tone, studying the entire wall, which didn't seem to be fractured in the slightest. 

The feline meowed once more, tugging onto my pants. 

"You want me to follow?" I asked, placing my hand on my forehead deliberating to myself. "Ughh... I promised mom though." 

But... maybe I'll get some reward if I do help... 

Like a fat stack of money! Or maybe a whole bunch of weapons or toys! 

Man, that sounds so cool right now... 

"Alright... fine, let's go fluff," I agreed with a resolute grin. 

I grasped onto the cat, holding its small body and leapt atop the mountainous wall, digesting a view of the stupendous landscape revealed to my eyes. 

Monstrous triangular structures all throughout these turquoise plains and hills, the icy moon gleaming above onto a lightly shaded horizon of trees, and the bodies of small lakes and ponds, reflecting the natural satellite. But this isn't the time for sightseeing, unfortunately. 

I hopped off the wall, and dashed at high speeds into the broad forest, watching the towering trees briskly cover my sight of the glowing orb above. 

Oddly enough, the cat somehow knew where their location was; pointing its tail to the direction I needed to travel. I didn't question it though; I just kept my pace as the kitten navigated me. 

A few seconds time, we encountered a derelict building, with two men in cloaks standing guard in front of a wooden door. 

Awesome, the perfect place to steal children and sale them. Totally not suspicious at all. 

I hopped onto a thick tree branch, "mom is gonna to kill me..." I whimpered, staring at the sickles the two men held, standing like statues before the entrance. 

As I continued to study the area, this place seemed to be isolated from nearby constructs. The entire building is incased by a grand circle of large trees. Plus, the only light source is the moon, nonetheless, it aided a good amount of it. 

"There may be more inside as well. What to do - what to do...?" I queried myself, walking along the large branch, "ah, I have an idea." 

"Stay here fluff," I demanded pointing down onto the branch. 

The cat tilted its head with a puzzled, "meow?" 

I untied the band in my hair, letting it fall on my shoulders. "Let's hope this works," I muttered unsurely. 

I fell to the ground, landing behind the large trunk of a tree and started. As I walked out, revealing my cover, the two guards noticed me, brandishing their weapons. 

Embarrassing enough, I made my as voice chirpy and feminine as I possibly could, "e-excuse but are you two guards of the kingdom? I got lost in the forest… and… I can't find… my family," I sobbed covering my face, trying to fake the impression of a stray girl. 

"Y-yes... we are, we can help you kid," one of the guards claimed. 

How stupid are these guys? It's blatantly obvious you're not, even my little sister could tell you're lying. 

I scoffed in my head, enduring an eyeroll. 

"Really?? Th-thank you mister!" I happily cheered running to the man. 

The man nodded to the other and he went to the ruined door, with a few small crevices, distinguishing a faint light inside. 

"We'll notify our captain, so in the meantime…" The idiot of a guard struck the hilt of his weapon onto the back of my head, knocking me unconscious. 

Only to discern two silhouettes laughing manically, lifting me off the ground. 

Until I finally dozed off, only to meet the darkened side of my eyelids.