Chereads / Rings Of Eternity / Chapter 18 - Chapter 17: New Blood

Chapter 18 - Chapter 17: New Blood

Valentine Rillem-

Where's Skysin? It's past dark and he's still not here yet. Did something happen to him...? I knew Rellgis should've went to meet him.

I fretfully walked in the living room, from one side of the white couch to the other. The wood engulfed in orange flames faintly crackled, oddly enough… it only constituted to increasing my anxiety, worried about my baby.

All the kids so far have returned home now. I swear, if anything happened to my son, I'm going to kill Rellgis and that lazy ass Alzar...

It felt like the density of oxygen in my chest had drastically accumulated. With haste, I made way around the white couch and approached the back door, to see if Rellgis was training.

I peered out the glass door, viewing the luminescent moon in the darkened sky, barely enfolded by hazy greyish clouds, that looked like giant puffs of smoke from a cigar.

My eyes met Rellgis, a few feet away on the yard. He's shirtless, wearing his usual black pants, swinging his saber.

As I opened the door, I looked at my husband in worry, "Rellgis, it's past dark, where's Skysin? He should've been here by now..."

Rellgis ceased his swings and turned to my direction, "yeah, you're right. If he's not here by dawn, I'll get a search party ready."

I crossed my arms, impatiently patting my foot on the darkly shaded grass, "I think it's best if you look now. I'm worried… what if something happened to him?"

Rellgis walked over to me and wrapped his lengthy arms around my waist, his burly palms slowly caressing my back, "honey, relax. I'm sure the boy's fine, he is our kid after all." He said in a relaxed tone, gazing down at me with a composed smile.

I firmly embraced my husband, placing my forehead right under his chest, "but you know how he is. It's as if a situation is the one finding him."

Rellgis chuckled cradling me, "well…you're not wrong about that. I promise, as soon as dawn comes, I'll search for him immediately. Let's just give him time for now, ok?" My tall husband reassured me, pressing his lips against my forehead and went inside.

I trailed behind him, all while having a bitter taste in my mouth, it just felt like something was wrong. Especially with how fast that boy can run. Being able to move faster than sound without kinetics alone, he should've been here by now. I contemplated to myself, heading up the white spiral-like staircase.

I came along the second floor in the blue hallway, flourished in dim lights made from amber gems poking out the ceiling. I made my way through the hall, entering our daughter Melluna's room.

My plan was to surprise Skysin about his little sister when he came back. That's why I didn't have Rellgis inform Alzar while Skysin was training with him.

Melluna slept soundly in her pink bassinet on the left side of the room. It's quite spacious for a baby; the walls are royal blue, and there's a substantial quantity of stuffed animals in the corner next to her closet door, sinistral to the entrance. Plus, a window in the right corner, allowing the bright moon to gleam through, encasing the room with a celestial light.

It's funny how similar her looks are to Rellgis. Howbeit, Skysin's basically identical to me in facial features… complete opposites.

Melluna has sky-blue hair and pudgy beige cheeks, wearing a little red onesie.

"Just wait till you meet your brother Skysin, I bet he'll be so excited to play with you..." I quietly whispered, rubbing her soft, silky hair.

I walked out the room, searching for Rellgis. After failing to espy him upstairs, I headed down, coming to find a note on the granite counter to my left.

P.S. Lock the doors.>

I released a sigh, knowing that he was trying to endure his own unsettled mind. I took myself into the living room and sat on the couch, "please, be safe Skysin." I muttered feebly; cold sweat began to surface on my forehead.

Only to once again, hear the faint crackles of flames scorching the wood in this niggling silence.


Skysin Rillem-

Fire, that's all I could see.

Tall and small buildings, homes, forests, people, everything was in flames.

Red and greens demons with weapons scurried around this giant city, murdering whoever was in sight without a second thought. All of them cackling as they made the kill, blood spilling onto the black roads.

Many people wearing armor and brandishing weapons, tried to fend off against these demons, but were killed off swiftly.

My vision had altered.

I laid on the ground, the bone in my arm jutted from my skin, my leg was grotesquely twisted backwards.

"Dranon..." A womans soft and melancholic voice called to me.

I looked to my right, staring at Alorerah in a night gown. Holding two babies bundled in a blanket.

"I love you, Dranon," Alorerah had pressed her soft lips against mine, then black and white flames had enveloped us.

I could only watch her and the children disappear into nothing...

What's going on...?

My eyes opened, staring at a towering tree filled with red leaves above me. Watching them all lightly quiver from the serene breeze as more had glided with the wind.

Well, it doesn't seem like I'm dead. Or yet, at least.

I sat up, noticing that I'm laying on something extremely soft. I looked down, staring at a pink bed made of cotton. I'm relieved to know that whoever also lives here seems to have a sense of hospitality. But that doesn't necessarily mean that they're a good person, or people.

I stood, ignoring the throbbing pain of my body being sore.

Now that I think about it, who saved me?

The only thing I can remember was a woman with pink eyes. Very hypnotizing pink eyes, at that.

But that dream, too. What was that about?

I shook my head. Whatever that was, I'll figure it out in due time. For now, I need to find out where I am, and who else lives here. Just because I was lucky with being saved, doesn't mean that I'm technically safe.

Moving forward, I began to explore this broad and strange land. The more I did, I came to understand that this place is nothing like home.

I entered a large forest area, staring at abnormal plants. Watching vine-like entities all wiggle and budge, as if they were alive. I looked up, viewing small monkey beasts with four arms and three eyes swinging from tree to tree. Trying to catch one who seems to have some type of long yellow fruit in one of its hands.

What the hell have I gotten myself into?

After a few minutes of walking throughout the forest, I came upon an opening of trees. I came to see a large, temple-like building. It looks like it's purely made of white marble. And it's beautiful, really.

The base of this structure is shaped like a wide building, having a circular dome atop that shaped into a cone towards the top. Four white pillars on either side of this interesting architecture. On the walls, many scriptures are engraved, in a completely different language at that.

I squinted my eyes, attempting to read it, but that was futile.

So, someone obviously lives here. Where could they be?

Would it be smart to enter this place? I'm not in a state where I can fight at full capacity.

I shook my head.

I'll take my chances.

Crossing my fingers, I walked up the marbled staircase, moving to the giant set of double doors. They have to be at least ten feet high.

I knocked, but after a minute or so, no one had answered.

Maybe no one lives here?

I ran around, looking for any windows on the side that I could potentially use to peak inside. Still though, there wasn't anything.

I made way back to the front of the temple, and sighed, figuring the only thing I can do now was go inside.

I slowly pushed the doors open, surprisingly, there wasn't any type of noise being made. Complete silence.

The doors had fully opened, and I warily entered. But the inside is quite elegant, and clean. There isn't a speck of dust in sight, anywhere.

It produced a regal air of royalty. The polished walls and floors were made of the same material as the exterior of this temple. A singular chandelier hung by itself on the ceiling. But there was something strange about this.

This place was filled with light, even if the chandelier wasn't on, I don't think the lighting would get affected. I really couldn't see a shadow of anything in here, not even my own.

I moved forward, walking through the huge lobby of this place, the halls filled with more of these mysterious scriptures on the walls. Drawings of beings could also be viewed, showing tall people with angelic wings, having their arms crossed, or looking as if they were praying.

Could these be the Promethians?

I came towards another set of doors. Entering, I walked into a large, yet simple room.

However, my eyes drifted to my left, coming to see a white coffin with a glass lid, set on an oval-shaped slab of marble that levitated from the floor. Behind it sat a small glass table with some yellow ball of energy gleaming.

This is weird...

I slowly inched closer to the coffin, coming to see a singular corpse lying inside it.

My eyes had broadened.

Not only because there being a dead woman floating in a coffin. But because of her distinct features.

Next, the coffin began to glow a glorious light, blinding me.

Opening them, I came to see the beautiful woman standing before me, as if she never died.

Her pearly blue eyes are keen, and her peach skin is supple and healthy. That long hair is the color of yellow canary, having a pair of fluffy fox ears sitting atop her head. Her long locks of hair fell over her short eyebrows.

This woman's stature is short, but had a mature body, attired in a silky all-white kimono with a navy-blue sash wrapped around her slim waist, tied into a simple bow.

I could see ten fox tails, the same color as her hair, slowly moving like a blade of grass in the breeze behind her.


This woman's a Kitsune...

This means she's my relative. But I thought only four deities of different clans had came here?

The Sun-Dragon, who lived in the Ragnar Kingdom. The Basem stayed in Planet Gremis. The Phoenix lived in the Aries Kindgom.

And Kitsune, my grandfather, Jagan, lived on Planet Valorrey.

The womans pink lips began to move, her voice is soft, like a benevolent mother, "hello, my name is Taekhyu, Taekhyu Rillem. I created this manipulating my vital and spatial kinetics. So, if you're seeing me now, that means I've already perished. It took some time because of the state I'm in. But I managed to allow my aura to react towards others with the same aura as myself. In short, the only possible way for you to see me is if we're related."

Taekhyu continued, her voice tinged with sadness, "I'm...not really sure how to say this. But it's nice to finally meet you, whoever this is. Whether you're my older brother Jagan's child, or his grandchild." --Taekhyu chuckled-- "...I can't say much, due to my own circumstances. But things have been growing out of proportion. It's...becoming very hard for me."

What could she mean?

I decided to stay silent, listening to what she had to say.

Taekhyu fixed her hair, pushing her bangs behind her ear, "if you're wondering, I'm from a very distant galaxy. Known as The Serenity Of All. It was a beautiful place." --Taekhyu had grounded her teeth-- "But, even avatars can lose theirselves in greed, unfortunately. My galaxy was created from five powerful objects, called the Rings of Eternity. Powerful instruments that the Omni Goddess, Malerenz, created from all the avatars pleads. Begging her to move from the meagers. Or a derogatory term for lower beings, as my people called them."

"While we lived there in peace, some clans of the avatars wanted to keep these rings to their selves," Taekhyu had paused. "...Long story short, it caused a war between the seven clans of avatars."

Taekhyu sighed, she sounded exhausted, " was a very arduous war. And I lost some many friends, loved ones. Really, only my brother and I were the only ones to survive apart of the Kitsune. I believe there may be another member, but even I'm not sure if she did or not."

As I stared at this message in silence, Taekhyu's expression had darkened. The atmosphere grew tense, very palpable. I could feel my heart pound against my chest.

Taekhyu's powerful, menacing aura began to grow, but that should be impossible. The room had drastically decreased in temperature, far below freezing.

I could see the air I breathed slowly drift from my mouth.

I'm practically invulnerable to anything that has something to do with the cold, due to me being related to deities that can even freeze the flames of the sun. But this is the true power of a Kitsune...

A being who stood above all others.

Even after death, her pure power and aura still lives on.

Taekhyu spoke, her voice filled with unease, "but something far worse is coming-"

The message had stopped.

Wait, what happened?

"Oh my, you're finally awake?"

My already heightened senses were off the radar hearing another womans silvery voice.

I hastily turned around, coming to see an extremely beautiful young woman. Maybe around her early twenties.

Her pretty pink eyes are the same color as a freshly sliced watermelon, having silky silver lashes. Her sleek skin is cool, having a tinge of rose around her cheeks with plump pink lips. That long, slicked silver hair of hers fell past her back, bouncing as she walked.

She's petite, maybe around my mother's own height, five-foot or five-one at best. Wearing a regal vermillion kimono that complemented her developed hourglass figure. The upper part of her sleeves are open, displaying her slim shoulders. A large white belt enveloped her slender waist. Two silver-chained diamonds connected to her attire shifted back and forth as her wide hips swayed.

I blushed taking in the woman's appearance.

But when I looked into those mesmerizing pink eyes again, it felt like I was in an ocean deep trance from this woman. It seemed like I was being pulled in by her. As I continued to gaze, I began to see all those strange dreams playing as Dranon in my head. I really couldn't explain how I felt, there were so many mixed emotions; anger, happiness, sadness, and love. I witnessed all the times that I spent with Alorerah. Our first kiss, to becoming newlyweds, fighting together, exploring the world, having children, and our death.

My lips began to slowly move, "A...Alorerah..?"

The woman had paused, but tilted her head as she walked to me, "...I'm sorry, did you say something?"

I quickly shook my head, "I-I'm sorry, must be my injuries messing with me." --I lightly chuckled-- "Are you the one who saved me?"

The woman gave a gentle smile, "yes. I had came to see you laying by the pond while I was walking around. I had noticed you were poisoned from some needle in your arm. I took care of that and went to get some food for you."

I bowed, "thank you, I really appreciate it a lot. I'm sorry if I overstepped my boundaries coming here..."

The woman stood next to me at this point, her cute voice sounded like a melody as she chuckled, "...please, don't mind it. I'm more surprised that you managed to find this place. This is the first time a person had ever discovered this dimension."

The two of us had looked at Taekhyu's corpse in the coffin, and I looked at the woman standing next to me, "dimension??"

However, when my eyes looked back over to the coffin, I came to see a small painting of a portrait behind Taekhyu's head. It was Taekhyu and a little girl with silver hair plaited in braids with pink eyes, the two of them smiling.

I was baffled, "wait...are you, her daughter?"

The woman smiled, looking down to me, "yes, I am. Although we're not blood related, she's my mother regardless..."

The silver-haired woman turned to me, giving me her small hand, "my name is Seram, Seram Rillem."