Chereads / My Muna / Chapter 8 - Chapter 8

Chapter 8 - Chapter 8

Maimuna's p.o.v

Abduljaleel left just yesterday but i feel like he left about two weeks ago, truth be told i also miss Musty don't get me wrong or think i like him, no i don't but since he left i have no one to trouble, it was really fun making life miserable for him especially watching different kind of emotions on his face whenever my plan succeeds and what gave me more joy was the fact that he never retaliated even if he wanted to my Abduljaleel wouldn't let him so it was not a battle but rather it was a torturous adventure for him. My life was back to normal, i will be resuming school tomorrow because my exams starts on Tuesday, can't wait to finish this jsce so i get to go and see Lagos, it is like a family tradition for those of us that are in school to spend our jss3 holiday in Lagos, you will think this tradition go way back to our first born right?? You are wrong i am the first person to go to secondary school in my house so i will also be the first to go and visit Lagos that too because Musty's mum insisted that Baba let me go and visit her when i finished my primary six and he refused saying i was preparing for my jss1 but promised her i will visit after my jss3. I don't know if any of them still remember but i do and i am sure Musty's mum also do, that woman likes girls so so much only God knows why he deprived her from a female child.

Sunday evening

These people are so annoying they won't just let you into the hostel peacefully, they would have to scatter your well arranged box all in the name of checking for contrabands, why will i put my contrabands inside my box when i know they will always check my box, but then some people are just so foolish that they will never learn from their mistakes or mistakes of others, they always put their contrabands inside their boxes despite the fact that they always get caught. I was struggling with my box on my way to the hostel when i saw my one and only Meenoo, i just knew she came to look for me, she is my partner in crime but she lives in Lagos tho she is also a Nupe girl from Dabban, i don't know why Dabban people like Lagos but i heard they are mostly found in Ajegunle when you get to lagos so yes that is where Meenoo also lives, her name is Amina Abubakar Dabban. Since she comes from Lagos she always resume on Saturdays so she would rest on Sunday before Monday and as for me from Kpachita to Bida is just approximately 40 minutes drive so i resume on Sundays and in the evening at that, Meenoo always take it upon herself to come in search of me around 5pm by the gate side so she would help me drag my box to the hostel, help me in arranging and filling me in on all the latest things that has happened and i would also update her on the latest thing happening in my life. That was exactly what happened today also, we gist about everything and nothing, Meenoo couldn't stop laughing when i told her about the one week Musty came to spend with us, she said she can't wait for the holidays to come so i will visit Lagos and she gets to see the not so infamous Mustapha that always troubles me. 'That reminds me did you bring that your Aunt's phone number?? We can't afford you missing this opportunity of coming to Lagos to spend four months now, can we??' Meenoo said excitedly stretching out her hands for me to give her the number. 'I hope you don't think i would forget something as valuable as that right?? You know to some extend i value her phone number even more than my provisions' i said digging my hands into my school bag to retrieve the book i wrote the number on. 'We are so going to call her tomorrow once we see mine or your guardian' Meenoo said copying the number into one of her own note book so as to have a copy of it just in case, well maybe it is because she knows how careless i can be a times.

Form 5 downwards should come outside! Form 5 downwards in this hostel should come outside before the count of 10!! 1.... 2... 3..... 4.... 'Wake up idiot don't you hear the house captain calling form 5 downwards or you want to enter her trap already and you know she has her eyes on you' that was Meenoo trying to wake me up. 'i thought it was a dream girl, i forgot i came back to this hell hole yesterday God how much i hate that so called house captain of ours.... Lets better get going before she comes with that her teeth that looks like devil's calculator ' i said jumping down from my bed and heading towards the quadrangle where other hostel members were already lined up according to their classes, both me and Meenoo joined jss3 line. She wanted to share morning duty my curiosity got the best of me so i asked 'errrm snr Grace are you going to share work for jss3 girls also??? She eyed me and took her time before answering me 'what dose it look like and why are you asking?? ' typical Nigerian she is, simple answer she cannot give that she had to ask me another question so i answered her question 'it looks like that is what you are about to do and i asked you because i don't think it is proper, i think we should also not work just like you ss3 girls, both ss3 and jss3 girls are writing external exams and ours is starting tomorrow so we are meant to be reading not working' the whole of jss3 girls started shouting it is true while some were just busy saying yes yes yes, 'you girls are very very stupid all of you get down on your knees and fly your hands.... House mistress must hear of this' was all she said, she shared work for other hostel member and left for staff quarters.