Chereads / Lovers bind (One Piece) [BL] Plot reworked / Chapter 3 - World hopping system

Chapter 3 - World hopping system

In a giant white area there was what seemed to be a work out room filled with weights from dumbbells to deadlifts. Besides the all encompassing white void the place looked exactly like a one person home gym. That is until you notice the dents on the floor.

Huff' huff' 16... huff' 17.. 18


A loud sound of heavy metal breaking the floor completely evaded the place.

"How'd i do?" Said a man one could only assume to be a girl Atleast if one where to look at his body there are some subtle hints of boyishness but the average person wouldn't have a chance to find this.

Clothed in white with glasses an a pen in paper much like a scientist she said:

" You passed your father's test, all be it just barley...

Good job You've done something that hasn't happened EVER you are now a monster"

"What??!!" Shocked aqua asked unintentionally his long hair uncut over the years moved away revealing his face with a cute shocked look.

Chuckling at this cute sight the science girl thought

"hahaha I see why his father asked for a woman instead. If i am having this hard a time not petting this cutie i can only imagine what a man would do."

Waving his hand Infront of her face he said.:

"HELLO don't just ignore me does this mean i can *try that*?"

As if her playful chuckle vanished she said announcing the test results:

" Over the course of the last 7 years the family has used every resource knowledge and connection to make the best training environment for you. Based on the latest test you have just completed you have passed."

"Pheww" As if a load was lifted from aqua he sighed in relief. Over the past seven years many things have happened but only three of major.

Three events happened. The first one was the hidden worlds cover taken away. 2 years ago his farther along with two other head master class veterans announced their presence to the public world declaring ownership of the country.

At first nobody believed it taking their words as jokes but slowly after the course of a few months more and more high government officials agreed until the console along with the rest were unanimous.

Just like that this hidden family took over a country no one knew how they did it the only thing they did know was fear.

Besides mass panic that lead to nothing over a year passed sense the country was taken over. Now used to the new monarch type system people just went about their days until another major event happened.

technique was released to the public Said to be for experimental research. Everyone was shocked when they heard about this not because it's a technique but because of where it came from.

When people got a description of it they where shocked once again.


This technique book gave several breathing methods for meditation as well as a more advanced exercise for the body.

No one could understand why they would give something so fantasy like away but they didn't care even people who didn't like to wort out tried the technique After all who wouldn't want to be stronger? or at least more durable.

Another year passed now the present people with the ability to throw cars unlike before were now common. Some people even started setting up a rank system for strength however because of how society was formed and the still on going peace the strongest where more like celebrities.

That was until today an astronomer announced something that scares the whole world. A massive object the size of Texas was on the way towards earth. This wasn't an asteroid infact it was a perfect sphere.

At this news of possible alien invasion most became depressed others prepared in hope with more strength they could survive anything.

Back to Aqua

Training everyday with the best of the best from hard work to near ancient medical elixirs his original fitness test of 45 went made it to 100.

This sounds like it's not much but in order to get the go ahead from his farther to use the family heirloom he must have a body capable of three impossible requirements.

1 Tungsten body: From guns to explosives only nuclear missiles can harm you

2 Enduring body" Fight for days on end in a stress filled environment.

3 Hercules of herclin strength" Ability to exert atleast 100 tons with just one hand.

The reason for these requirements is because the only person ever to even interact with the object could barely do 1/8 of that. Why do 8x more then?

Simple that person failed but unlike everyone else this person almost bonded with it. Based on the assumption the object required a certain amount of strength aqua was made to become as strong as possible.

Three hours later at home aqua ate dinner with his family. The food was nice with some chat here and there but one could almost feel the worried atmosphere.

With a sigh sky aqua's mother a little sad said:

" The day i thought would never come has... Aqua

We don't know what will happen theirs a chance you could even die on the spot."

She asked serious ;" Do you want to try?"

"Yes" His cute cyan eyes firmed

As soon as sky herd this she broke down in tear and jumped at aqua smothering him in a hug while she asked constantly to make it through this if not for her for m...

Through out the whole thing aqua was happy for the care his mother gave him but when he heard that last part he cried as well.

Blue the head of the family was a serious man but how could he not laugh at this? On the day before his family's judgement he saw such a cute scene.

Blue nearly choked on his food pointing:

"Pff hahahah i guess the tendency to cry runs in your side of the Gene's. My poor baby boy"

After he said those words he felt cold sweat fall down his forehead. Aqua stared at him but this isn't what made him feel a chill instead it was his wife who stopped crying staring daggers at him.

With a world class model smile she said with a cold glint in her eyes:" Son why don't you go to your room to enjoy yourself tonight you deserve it after so many years."

Aqua ignored his farthers Pleas of help returning to his room. On the way up he heard his dad mornful screams instead of a good boy he laughed:

With the cutest smile ever he said vengful

" That's what you get for calling me a cry baby.."

Laying on his blue bed he hasn't seen in the last seven years he looked around his bedroom and smiled. He really liked blue his room from the pillow tot he floor everything was this color.

With a weary smile at his boyish girlness he closed his eyes. He tried to sleep but he couldn't with his body if he didn't fight constantly a week with no sleep is normal let alone now.

"Uggghhhh nobody told me i would suffer like this too All that time training my body mind and soul HMPF this better be worth it"

When he said this at first he was joking but at the end he was sad. It took seven years of hellish temporing of every kind to reach his current strength. He even remembered one time where he was dropped into lava..

yet if he compared himself to someone like garp he could tell his strength was lack luster in comparison.

Pulling out a picture from his pocket he smiled in slight pain; " It seems you'll have to wait for awhile to see me becom.. NO!! Ill not have him bored. If whatever my familys heirloom is doesn't help me become stronger I'll find ways myself."

With that said determination filled his body he even felt his inner fire react this surprised him ever sense that day besides feeling something there was never any control

Yet he just moved it a bit. Unlike others he couldn't cultivate with qi he felt this very odd because he could feel this energy going in his body but when it did nothing happened as if his body was indifferent.

He even asked why this happened but they had no clue.

So coming up with a idea he used his own energy instead. This was strictly forbidden in usual practice but unlike normal people his own energy was immense.

After a few hours of trying he finally absorbed something a speck of blue it felt cold but somehow filling to him. This motivated him like crazy after so long his strength has a possibility to increase.

Little to say he stayed up all night absorbing this cold energy no matter how little constantly. Only once it was morning did he stop.

Opening his eyes he looked around his eyes went wide :" I can see.. No i can sense the world so much better what is going on?"

After his initial shock wore off he smelled something sweet just now notice he felt sticky he went to his bathroom covered in tar.

Done with the shower he walked to his mirror to brush his teeth. The naked body that stood infront of him was drop dead gorgeous from the face to the body all of it held a certain charm.

Describing aqua from his head down one would say. With light blue hair like that of a ocean. Eyes cyan as a green sky. He had a face that kinda reminded you of a cute cat yet he was WAY CUTER. His body didn't lose out to his face though it was slender and feminine even with everything he did over the years his body just like before didn't change still smooth and soft. only with a added sexyness to it. His penis was 3 inches uncut too. He had legs anyone would want to rub with feet that looked perfect.

Admiring his body he clenched his hand.


The action happened so fast a sonic boom took place. Hurriedly he dressed before he went down stairs.

Sky asked with a hug:" What was that loud noise?"

He scratched his head in slight embarrassment:

" Haha nothing forget it let's eat i want to hurry"

Blue sighed with sky hearing this hoping for what was to come to pass smoothly.

3 hours later mid day in a giant castle aqua stood eyes locked on a throne with a book on it.

Sky and blue group hugges before saying:"Go for it son it's all up to you now just please... don't die"

Instead of a answer aqua slowly walked towards the book. Each step felt like an eternity. 1... 2.. 10.... 57

Untill finally he stood Infront of the book. He glance behind him before he firmed himself touching the book.



As soon as he touched the book he felt something go inside his hand, Immediately after he dropped unconscious not before he heard his mother screams. He also heard something else.

DING. . .

Host bonding procedure in process. . .

100% compatibility

initiate bonding. . . 0.1%...

Darkness over took him as he fell asleep with a smile hearing on his face.

Sky was freaked untill she checked his pulse. Still with a little bit of worry she asked her husband:

"What do we do? Our son's unconscious and the books gone"

Blue looked at his son's smile. This made him smile himself it's been awhile since he saw his son truly happy like that maybe after this he'll go back to his cheeky self that they messed.

With a kiss he said to his wife :"Don't worry he'll be just fine... For now let's take him back. While he's asleep how about we make another child?"

Sky turned mad:" Were not even out of the fire pit yet you already want more trouble?

Her face changed into a seductive smile:

"One is enough but.... we could celebrate Still"

Sense marks death subconsciously the three of them acted differently otherwise who knows how sad they would be only just now we're they finally able to relax without the worry of their sons death or for aqua his.

3 hours later aqua woke up. What greeted him was a holographic blue screen. Having been a anime addict he asked.:

" What are you?

Ding. . .


I am here for one purpose and that is to connect a compatible host with all worlds he chooses and fuse host energy with them. Once a world has been chosen you may not leave untill it is conquered. This applies to universes and up as well.

Aqua for the first time in years felt exited:

" Haha awesome there's so many places especially anime I want to go to. Ahhhh I can't wait I want to go now. No!


He smacked himself:" If I do that who knows how sad my parents would be not to mention that object in space. DAMMIT I need more time I don't even get to play with my

"special toys anymore" (A.k.a dildos)

Ignoring his sexual frustration the system interrupted:

Host the system can answer questions. . .

Aqua fell of his bed adorably :" Ohh haha... What happens if I where to say want to be transported to the one piece world."

Ding . . .

A gate will appear Infront of host walk through and you're there. No time will pass here

He jumped with joy :" Awesome for now give me a detailed introduction along with my stats"

. . .

Host already knows about the systems world hopping abilities. A introduction into energy fusion will be presented.

The system can fuse energy into organics and host base on gathered energy from different world's

Current available Energy

Knowledge ice ??? 70%

Surprised he realized something:

WAIT does that mean I can fuse different world energy's together? Exited again that his dreams could come true.


why 100% if that's the case what's 70% mean?

percentages change what you can do with an energy basically the ability to manipulate that energy to mastery being 100%







Does host wish to Fuse ice ??? 70% with your body. . . Yes/No

Like an adorable cat he scratched the yes saying:

" Heck yea who knows how strong I'll get"

initiating fussion. . .


He fell unconscious for what to him felt like a second when in reality it was 2 hours.

Sitting up on his bed he looked around like a curious cat.:

"So different it's like I was on 144p before but now I'm on 4k I can feel the whole city infact... I feel like with a punch I can break it. hmmm I'm definitely Atleast a match against garp." He felt pumped before while he had the determination he lacked the want. Now though he couldn't even wait to fight all the strongest people of every world or meet certain ho....

Before he could smack himself for his lust his mother yelled


Snapped out of his fantasy he hurriedly said:

"Show me my stats"


HOST: STATS] 10= 1 spiderman




SEX:MALE. ( In more then one way😝)

[STR: 13-->130]






Cultivation technique: ICE FIST [1 TO 9 PROGRESS 22.2%] It is said those who could complete to the first stage could smash a mountain with an ice fist.Those chosen few who could make it to 9th where said to be as strong as Gaia. [HOST 2ND STAGE]

Frozen foot: Uncultivated : Requirement barefoot

ice direction: Uncultivated

single point spear: Uncultivated


Aqua who just intended to do a quick look was shocked twice over 10x he became ten times stronger. Not to mention the Cultivation thingy . He asked his other question:

"Why is my charm max what does that mean?"


aqua felt emboldened so he made a cute smug face: "

w-o-w well I guess it pays to be cute also explains my luck. . . good thing I'm ga.. AHEM

[#π# CUTE]

aqua winked as he went down stairs at the system:

"I know I'm just talented."

8 hours pass. He made sure to spend the whole day with his family he even told them he had to go somewhere obviously as to not worry them he did not say where he was going only that he had to find a way to become stronger before the object in space comes near earth.

His farther was suspicious but he rolled with it trusting his son while sky just cry embracing her cute son:

" Hurry and come back well miss you"

Aqua waved at them before he turn around dashing away in a void gate.

He felt something move but he couldn't pinpoint what. Only darkness filled his vision.

Light appeared but instead of the expected ground there was... AIR

To Be Continued

Author here: ( A lot of clean up needs to be done but I feel it's good enough I just wanted to get this out so I can do the next chapter)