Chereads / Lovers bind (One Piece) [BL] Plot reworked / Chapter 5 - Beginnings of WAR

Chapter 5 - Beginnings of WAR

On a ship in the middle of nowhere the straw hat's were making their way towards a giant gate.

Luffy sat on the head of the ship as he gazed at the giant gate. As if his worry about ace was lost to him he said with a slight gasp

" Ohhhhh soooo masssssive"

The rest of the crew gasped as well even though each of them have seen the gate of justice before this time they where closer.

Aqua on top of Zoro's lap was the most shocked.

Considering the world he came from this impossible sight seemed like fantasy to him.

He couldn't help but mutter accidentally breathing on zeros ear.:" So... TALL"

Mesmerized by aqua he couldn't help but kiss him

Bright red he turned around ignoring the giant gate.

"Why the sudden kiss?"

Zoro squeezed him " What? You don't like my kisses?"

gawking at him he thought, "sense when did Zoro become shameless?, The whole crew is here"

Zoro knew what he was thinking so he brushed his hair and said with a serious voice:

" Aqua... will you be MINE!!??"

Trembleing he felt something deep within him yarn to say yes as if a refusal would mean death to his inner self.

Almost like the giant gate stopped existing everyone even Luffy stood there waiting for him to answer quietly.

Zoro slowly turned nervous from the silent atmosphere thinking thoughts of will he say no? we've only known each other for 3 days but it feels like I've know him sense young. DAMMIT!! I want him so bad yet I don't know why.

Aqua looked at zero before clapping his hands.

Due to the ship being silent the clap resounded through the area.

With a cute smirk he said chukeling:

" OF COURSE. But before we "do it" I want you to know what your getting into." he kissed him on the lips.As if in declaration to his answer he whispered something in his ear

"I'm not from this world" After he said that he quickly stole Zoro's lips french kissing him

unaware everyone ignored Zoro's shocked face

Luffy "HAHAHA good job Zoro"

"let's celebrate with some coke"

"yohoho a party calls for some music"

Sanji "Lucky bastard"

ussop "Agreed'

chopper "Awwwe so cute"

Robin "Remember what you promised Zoro.. I want them details"

Zoro came out of his stupor glaring at Robin before he looked at aqua hugging him while raining down kisses. he looked this cutie in the eyes and said

" Even if your from a different dimension your MINE forever and always. From here on and now."

Melting in Zoro's arms he said a little teary:

" Are you sure you won't grow bored of me even after millions of years?"

Aqua knew the journey he is to walk will be long.

Who knows by the time his dream will be achieved maybe by then time will lose its meaning.


Not only did Zoro laugh at him the whole crew did.

"Don't worry about that. on the first day we met I've already fallen for you let alone now after those three days of training you gave us..."

The crew trembled remembering the past couple of days. Who would think this cute bundle of joy could be so sadistic. Had he not been such a great teacher they would've jumped ship.


For the past three days aqua has trained the crew.

He has some experience at teaching but compared to raylaiy nothing. So he just took a few quotes here and there especially on haki training he had ALOT of fun with that.

3 day earlier:

Hit on the head sanji rubbed his face

"Oww! Why you do that to me aqua Swannnn"

Unexpectedly no one answered left in silence he stood up when suddenly he heard a voice right next to his ear.

Aqua kicked off a wall outside of sanjis vison landing on the wooden floor right next to him. With fake anger he said:

" Because you treat me like a girl"

With wide eyes " How di..."


Smacked in the face before he could do anything Sanji slammed into the ship floor cracking it.

Rubbing his bruised cheek while stepping out of the small face sized creator he said

" how is such a cute person so strong??"

Aqua felt annoyed from his comment. Just cause I'm cute I can't be strong?? This made him feel like a frozen foot drop kick was needed to fix this dumb cooks brain.

Fortunately for Sanji the rest of the crew appeared shortly after. stopping him from what he was about to do.

"Hahahaha your bleeding hahahaha you weak.."


Frustrated as is. Namie smacked him saying "QUIET!! Sanji did you Atleast see him?"

He just sighed as in preparation for death. puffing a smoke implying what happened.

Crest fallen would describe the looks on their faces especially Zoro only he knew how petty aqua could be.


Aqua made a game/training for the crew to make them stronger while they can before the...

He made them play simple hide & seek on the ship.

All they had to do was spot him within the time limit of an hour. Each time they failed all of them would get a punishment.

Unlike what Zoro thought Sanji got the worst of it.

Every time he failed. A humiliation would be in order from singing to goofy dances.

The goal of this hide and seek was to awaken everyone's observation haki or Atleast increase their skills at general perception. Otherwise unlike in the show an instant gory death will be their fate.

This however didn't change the fact

Zoro himself thought he was screwed he couldn't even think what this cute evil being would do to him. However unlike the pain and suffering he could've sworn he'd have to endure....

(WARNING!! Skip if feet disgusts you)

In a cold sweat with some fear in his eyes he asked in cunfusion turning a 360 from before.

"Feet??" Zoro asked the cute blue haired person Infront of him sporting a evil smile.

"What? your punishment is a massage you really think I would torture you or something??. Just rub my feet that's fair enough right?"

For some reason Zoro felt like he was Gunna be flayed. In relief His mood turned into a great one thinking of sanjis suffering.

"Here" Aqua was already barefoot because of the requirement of his newly unlocked skill. So all he did was plop his cute feet on Zoro's lap

When Zoro saw his feet he couldn't help but mutter. :" Cute"

"Hahaha I guess"

Ignoring being laughed at he rubbed his soles. Feeling the softness he subconsciously brought his face closer in inspection only to be waken up from his stupor by aqua's voice obviously a bit flustered.

"What are you Doing? a massage not whatever THAT is."As he said this he kicked him. fortunately or not his foot landed on Zoro's fresh boner

Due to the unexpected pleasure he grunted. This cause aqua to feel the monster between his legs pulse. Imagining Zoro's size made his own member stand up.

Aqua looked around the ship to make sure noon where their as if what he was about to do was BAD.

Still a little flustered he rubbed Zoro's crotch barefoot saying with a smile.:" It seems this is no longer a punishment... Sense that's the case let's reverse this. Every time you fail I won't let you rub my feet. However if you find me. Hehehe"

Aqua removed his feet whispering something in his ear that made Zoro's face turn tomato.

( Sorry for those who like the story but hate feet.. Don't worry sometimes later on it only be HOT sex)


The rest of the crew was okay Nami and Robin got off by bribes. While ussop and chopper each promised something. Franky already had his punishment... a broken floor.

For Luffy aqua couldn't think of anything so he just grabbed some cloth blind folded him and swung. He didn't even bother to tell him he had to dodge either for his own amusement or because he felt talent would work better this way.

Like that three days pass Zoro and aqua over this time grew closer then they already were especially because he managed to spot him several times. After a few "foot PLAYS" Zoro became obsessed with him


After the celebration of aqua and Zoro becoming a couple. The crew's gaze hardened at the sight of the two ships infront of them.

Robin voiced aloud " White beard and shanks flags looks like Where lucky?"

When everyone heard her they we're shocked even aqua.

Namie was the first to get out of her shock. Seeing the big smile on Luffys face she nearly screamed.:


He didn't listen already grabbing the rail he sling shorted himself. Like a missile he slammed directly in the middle of shanks and white beard.

Rudely interrupted shank along with whiteboard said baring a heavy pressure on this invader.


He stood up from the rubble as if the weight on his shoulders ment nothing. With a big smile he proclaimed


Everyone gawked. Who's this stupid to say something like that in the face of two emperor's of the sea. A death wish doesn't describe this level of dumbness.

Shanks was the first to speak after that grand entrance. "Is that you Luffy?? what the heck are you doing here???"

He didn't answer just jumping on his face laughing.

" Shanks I've become a great pirate with splendid crew mates. Are you proud? hahahah"

(muffled) " Sure am Hahahahah"

Everyone's tune changed instead laughing at such a weird sight.

Again everything was interrupted as a man with a Pinnapple looking head yelled:" POPS there's a ship on our eastern side. Do we attack?

Unable to help laughing himself whiteboard slapped his leg making load booms.

"Wlalalalalalalalalala We don't attack friends son. let them aboard"

3 minutes later the entire straw hat crew aboard

A legendary ship now crowded with three different crews. Unexpectedly it wasn't loud instead everyone was staring at aqua unable to take their eyes away even shanks and white beard where affected.

Zoro felt jealous as hell. unknown to him he emited a aura of a world devouring beast:

" WHO ARE YOU FUCKERS STARING AT?? THIS MAN IS MINE" his last words where like a bomb with a boom everyone subconsciously looked away completely ignoring the shock in their hearts that such a cute beauty is a man.

"Well that was scary... Luffy are you gunna introduce us to your friends or not?"

" hahaha my bad. that's Zoro our swordsman that's Sanji our cook Nami our navigator ussop our sniper that skeleton is our musician the fluffy one is our doctor while the giant cyborg is our shipwright."

"Oh and aqua is ourrrrr..." Luffy became confused thinking on what aqua was to the crew when out of nowhere.


Zoro suddenly said outloud earning a elbow to the stomach from aqua

"Yea our femboy??? wait What"

Everyone nodded as if the definition fit him perfectly.

The one now held center of attention again just sighed french kissing Zoro as he was about to say something as pay back. Instead of what he thought would happen though the kiss he wanted to use as vengeance just turned into a make out session.

Everyone was stunned yet again most where mad at such a scene but some like Robin purred??? wtf


Shanks coughed stealing everyone's attention from the shameless couple.

"Sorry Luffy but I have come here to request something from white beard. Not to mention your not ready to give me that straw hat.'

Luffy grunted but he knew what he said was correct had it not been for aqua the crew...

Aqua just watched the epic clash every thing went the same.

shanks left after telling Luffy next time they meet the world will change.

Now left less crowded white beard finally asked:

"Are you ace's brother?"


"Wlalalalal then let's celebrate before WAR!!"


The next day after finishing a thorough plan they set sail. Underwater surrounded by a bubble aqua sat in Zoro's lap as his hair was brushed

Unable to hide it this cutie was a little worried for Zoro still traumatized from what happened during his earlier years" Don't die... please. After this is over you have to surprise me with a date."

Zoro smiled at him he hated to say it but he did enjoy others worrying about himself. Atleast when it came to aqua.:

"Die?? I won't die even if the world explodes let alone this tiny war. Don't worry aqua nothing will keep me From you after Luffy achieves his dreams." his words was heard by everyone they could tell what he just said was meant to be his LAW.

Aqua shut his eyes in embrace as he inwardly says:

" Status"

HOST: STATS] 10= 1 spiderman




SEX:MALE. ( In more then one way😝)

[STR: 130]






Cultivation technique: ICE FIST [1 TO 9 PROGRESS 22.2%] It is said those who could complete to the first stage could smash a mountain with an ice fist.Those chosen few who could make it to 9th where said to be as strong as Gaia. [HOST 2ND STAGE]

Frozen foot:

Progress cultivating :5%

Frozen foot it a ancient technique that aims to make the user frictionless in it's entirety. Achieving absolute mastery over this skill allows one to Evade even atoms themselves.

Current ability: An increase in speed by 1000%

ice direction: Uncultivated

single point spear: Uncultivated


He couldn't help but smile looking at his stats. Even without all three skill unlock to say overkill would be an understatement for this world.

However his joy was smothered like a small fire pit out by a blanket. Because of his past he can't help but worry for Zoro thinking If anyone dares to hurt him... DEATH WILL BE LOST TO THEM.

Author here:( For those who have already read this un rewritten Don't think I'll do the same thing as last time.. No instead I've many plans for this world)

(As usual clean up is needed)

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