Chereads / Lovers bind (One Piece) [BL] Plot reworked / Chapter 6 - Bada## white beard (1)

Chapter 6 - Bada## white beard (1)

Awaken from his sleep he felt a warm hand on his chest. This made him feel safe incomparedly so as if he finally got what had always been lost.

"Aqua, AQUA!!" yelled Zoro repeatedly

The hand that was placed on his chest much to his annoyance started nudging him. Slowly he awoke from his wonderful dream.

Moody he sluggishly push the hand away quite comparible to a cute blue cat.

"I'm UP... uhh what time is it?"

Zoro found it hard to control himself from just squeezing this cutie as close as possible to himself

"Huh no clue? Where about to arrive I don't know what you want to do during this war but considering your strength you can do whatever"

Aqua was not one to think too much so after a few pinches to Zoro's thigh he said

" Hmmm there's alot of fun people to mess with during this war soooo I'ma do that..."

As soon as he said those words he realized he had forgotten about the crews safety.

"Sorry I'm being selfish I'll make sure to keep an eye on your crew Incase something happens" he Said with a guilty face as if he was bad

"Hahaha no worries there's no need to baby sit us"

Zoro said this but If he was honest his lacking strength annoyed him. How could aqua ever be his wi... if he himself is useless?

After a long kiss shared between them they waited for the start of WAR. Only aqua knew what is to happen but even he only knew what should and not what will...

7 minutes later

White beard looked around his ship. He saw his son's, his family. his smile went down a little before he thought about ace. He stood up yelling to the dark watery abyss above him


In unison everyone said


Mentally preparing himself for the worst he nodded



Above where aqua was located right now.

Two white haired old man sat next to ace on an executioner platform raised high into the sky sighing in a depressed mood.

As the one on death row he found this quite funny "Hahahahah why are you two so depressed? I'm the one about to die"

In normal circumstances garp would give his special fist of love for such a comment. But he wouldn't mind hearing a few more atleast today.

Garp "Why did you have to be a pirate?"

Ace "haha because I wanted too"

Garp was on the verge of tears in disarray he just didn't know what to do. His grandson was right Infront of him yet he could do nothing to help him.

While ace was sad but not because of death but that he might not see his brother for the last time.


"You know if it was up to me I'd let him go garp you know that right? This war will only bring unneeded chaos. Sadly where too old and decrepted to do anything about those monster's "

Son Goku looked at the two in front of him and felt incredible guilt even with countless deaths on the line he couldn't help but hesitant if only slightly.

As if his thoughts triggered a mechanism.


Waves where parted sending rain like droplets of sea water onto everyone. Followed by a giant whale shaped ship emerging from water.

Shock and fear was precent on most faces. atleast everyone had a twitch In surprise from this unexpected arrival.

However there's always a random dude that didn't get the memo:


"NO SHI...

Unable to finish laughter resounded through the place along with a mighty pressure.

" Wlalalalalalalalalala SON GOKU I see you have my son... GIVE HIM BACK OR DIE WITH THE NAVY"

Not one to waste on words he said

"We'll have to see about that. ATTACK!!"

Many didn't move struck in fear by the sight of white beard

"Attack? did you forget who I am?" he asked as if they didn't even have a right to face him

Angry at the sight of ace in handcuffs he let go of his spear bringing his hands inward before slamming them out.



Two vibration struck out from whiteboard position making their way hundreds of miles beneath the sea floor reaching a pressured gas.

Instead of a loud boom there was only silence for some reason nobody wanted to make the first move as if in wait for something to happen.

San Goku didn't feel right so he yelled pissed at these fools: " what are you doing FIRE THE DAMN CANNONS"

waa boom

13 cannons fired at once directly towards white beard nobody thought this would do anything but miracles happened sometimes.

Glancing at the lead balls headed his direction he didn't bother to even send a flick all he did was stand there letting them hit his bare chest not clad in haki.


Unlike what was expected the cannon balls collided with each other right before it got close enough to do anything.




He almost fell to the ground in laughter

" WLALALALALA I thought this was Gunna be hard but it seems not"


Everyone on the pirate side of this war laughed historically at the marines screw up. While the one's laughed at where furious and embarrassed.

Everyone but three people forgot something due to this and this something was VERY important.

Massive waves surrounded marine ford making for a apocalyptic scene. Caught off guard thousands of fodder HQ Marines where swept away.

Fortunately akoiji reacted fast enough at the last moment he froze the mountain sized waves.

saddened that reality was not so easy he yelled

"Brat you ruined a good show. Let me teach you a lesson"

White beard kicked the ship HARD forcefully shooting himself forward through the air like a rocket as the moby dick almost flipped from the sheer force of his step.

At near sonic speeds he appeared infront of the Three admirals covering the tip of his blade in haki as he released his devil fruit abilities on the three of them.

Cracked glass followed by a weird fleshy noise echoed everywhere. The war lords where stunned the vice admirals where stunned son Goku was even stunned for Gods sake.

If that was the state of everyone else imagine the admirals.

'Son of a BITCH why can that bastard hit so hard"

"no kidding'


All three of them where directly hit in the face with out much time to react barley any haki was used as quite frankly they were napping.

The three of them were pissed and injured all be it only kizaru was but that was because of a certain someones raged infused punch. akoiji and akainu only had a few bruises and some blood leaking through their noses.

white beard rolled his arms not used to his dramatically weaken strength. after that he stomped the ground piercing out with his spear in their direction with obvious intent to nock down the executioner platform



" Lazy incompetent brats if I was at peak strength that would have killed each of you"

Weather he really could have was a question for another day. But this was definitely a wake up call for everyone. This war was not a game Even the strongest can die here. The admirals we're lucky to be targeted in a group otherwise especially kizaru that hit...

The admirals didn't think much of this war after all they have been around and know with age comes deterioration it's just about how much. So whitebeard suddenly jumping at them like a manic without a care in the world caught them off guard. This situation was way out of what they expected not to mention he'd be leaving his crew alone.

Still though they were strong this was a three vs one fight so after the initial embarrassment lava ice and light rained down on him stopping his advancement towards ace.

The admirals we're forced to use a fraction of their strength because of those around them stuck in a deadlock with whitebeard. This scared many on the marine side but they kept fighting as long as they had garp the hero of the navy and son Goku everything would pan out.

Speaking of the devil son Goku had visible veins on his forehead as he watched the fight happening Infront of him.

" What the fuck Is wrong with that old coot? Has he gone senile? DAMMIT the warlords won't listen and cp9 can't get close. If we could somehow destroy the main ship everything else should turn better."

He tried to rack his brains over the situation but besides him no one could make it to the ship let alone break it. Atleast that's what he thought before a voice was heard by him

"I'll go"

Garp said unable to stand waiting for his grandson to die

San just nodded calming down

While ace chuckled" You can't even look at me? bye then old man"

Garp didn't say anything he just vanished geppoing into the air before with a hard kick.


A sonic boom silenced everyone as they watched the human missile close in on the moby dick instantly. Unable to find a vent he infused all his emotions into the attack.

Rage, sadness, cunfusion and regret all bore into his fist.




Three ear screeching sounds echoed as he slammed his fist towards the giant ship.

No one from the Marines or pirates had a doubt this ship along with everyone on it was doomed even those watching through snails could tell their fucked.

Right as the fist was about to turn the ship into atoms a blue light shot up into the sky.

This blue light turned out to be a person with ice claws for hands. With a casual swipe.

sound stopped working air ignited along with tens of silent booms as the swipe forced through garps attack as if butter before hitting his haki clad chest dead on.

Due to the hit garp was blasted back with a loud boom Marin HQs main building was smashed into rubble while garp bled profusely.

Everyone's reactions

( ゚Д゚)b

As if time froze nobody moved in wait. Even the admirals stopped fighting. whitebeard himself was one of them heck he even started sweating. Luckily their anxiety would be answered.

Garp jumped out of the massive rubble with a surprised look on his face now somehow not bleeding anymore he yelled to the person that just hit him:


Looking down at everyone below him in suspense He thought this was his moment the one everybody would remember most. so he looked at a snail cam zoomed in on him posing in the cutest way possible yelling outloud

" I'm aqua the femboy of the straw hat crew"


At that moment everyone was in shock thinking the same odd thing.

Lucky bastards

Even son Goku was effected but he was more crestfallen then anything about this cute blue person's appearance

"SHIT we might be screw here"

"Hahahaha you just realized that?

Ace said this but in reality he thought no way in hell was he Gunna escape here alive but that was then now is now.

Garp just had a terrible thought quickly he asked

" Aqua huh? from that strike just then their was no haki. Don't tell me your just physically this strong.

Aqua was used to people looking at him like a monster but that didn't mean he liked it

" Don't look at me like I'm a monster I am indeed not using haki but what I am using is similar. although I am still stronger then you either way"

This entire time they were talking on opposite sides of the battle field causing most to stop fighting due to the awkward atmosphere.

Garp had a clever thought for once in his life

" Brat if it was anyone else a special fist would be gifted to them for those words... But you? How about a dual?"

Aqua started smiling as soon as he heard him say that. he hasn't had a good fight in a few years even blindfolded back on earth Atleast no one was his match weather in phisical strength or hand to hand combat. While garp may be a few leagues behind him in strength his simple iron fist could pose an interesting fight with his own skills

"Sure... However I will handicap myself during this fight for obvious reasons. I will not use ice or more then 1/10 of my strength"

garp just wanted to distract himself so he hurried

"Sound like a deal cute brat where too?"

Aqua didn't answer he as one to show off kicked the air so hard even with out a technique he flashed turning into a bolt of fire from the sheer friction with air. Before anybody could react he was already Infront of garp on the other side of the battle field grabbing garp throwing him far away.

Aqua himself left but not before telling everyone a few things:

" Say goodbye to your hero if he's nice you'll see him again. OH almost forgot if anyone kills a member of the straw hat crew especially if it's Zoro... I'll kill YOU and everything connected to you in this world"

A pressure that made one feel as though an ant among stars crushed down on everyone. Admirals ,son Goku even garp hundreds of miles away was no different. The only one that could stand was none other than white beard. this had nothing to do with strength but instead his sheer will power.

aqua was about to leave after waving good bye to Zoro when he saw white beard still standing. He already had a great opinion of him but now..

"Don't die old man someone like you deserves a longer life. not to mention I wouldn't mind having an adopted uncle"

He said that last part with a wink

White beard loved family to the point of making his own ship based on it so when he heard the last part a few adorable scenes popped into his head making him blush shocking the three admirals Infront of him.

Uncle huh? sounds like fun I wonder who his mother and father are after this thought he said:

" Sure I'm too old to die anyway"

"Hahaha have fun"

Right before he left he turned looking in Zoro's direction blowing a kiss towards him

" take care of yourself I'll miss you"

Seeing as THE monster left the war chaos started back up cannons gunshot clanging sound of swords weird devil fruit abilities the only people calm we're Luffys crew as they just waited

On the front of the moby dick a blond haired man unable to accept Zoro's luck said angry

"Your lucky you know that?"

Zoro knew this full well but a treasure taken will always be kept.

" What jealous or something noodle eyes? Remember he is a guy no matter how cute he looks he still has a penis between his legs even if it is cute too" The last part made his imagination run wild

Sanji saw his perverted face and became jealous

"Shut up if you weren't his favorite I wouldn't mind making an exception.."

While the two idiots of the crew fought a wisened skeleton ask a great but concerning question out of nowhere.

"Guys where's Luffy?

As soon as he asked this a loud boom reached everyone's ears

"Shit it looks like we got our own battle to face"

Zoro was the fit to jump off ship running towards one of the vice admirals alongside the "lost" luffy


@Summery@: Luffys crew and the commanders vs vice admirals, cp9 ect

white beard vs admirals

Aqua vs garp


Author (Sorry if it's confusing I didn't have time to edit)