Hearing them run out of the room, I sigh in relief, but don't leave from the closet until I'm sure that they're gone. Quietly moving out while keeping an ear out for them; once I was sure, did I ease up my guard. Running my hands through my hair as I growl in annoyance. There's too much to do and little time to do it. I try the connection between me and my dragon-
Five minutes pass, biting my lip; looking at the books I have and grabbing "Dragons Unspoken History."
["Go to page hundred and seventy."]
Doing as my dragon says, flipping to the correct page and begin reading-
'Dragons, Elves, and Fae used to live in harmony, but that all changed when the Elves wanted to be their own races; Faes weren't happy about that which caused a riff between Elves and themselves. The dragons worried when their land became gray and lifeless; Dragons had enough of the war that's been going on, so they ask Elder Fae and Elf to make this land unfinable to any Fae or Elf unless they are looking for a safe place. Only problem is that not even dragons can find this place; the dragon that asked the Elder Fae and Elf-
"Is there a reason that dragons couldn't find it?"
They responded with, "We saw a child... well, more adult than child, needing a place to get away from hunters, their family hired."
The dragon stares wide eyed before knocking themselves out of it to ask, "Why is that important?"
Which they responded with, "They are a hybrid."
"Look, you're not answering-"
"The hybrid is part dragon!"
"Do you know what they are besides, part dragon?"
"We cannot say."
"Why not?"
"Because if we told you, then they'll be endangered."
"But aren't they already endangered?"
The two other species shake their heads before speaking. "They'll be able to find it; you need to say the ancient long myth that your people have."
"You must say it in your language."
The dragon nods its head.
"ᚱᚷ'ᚺ ᚤᚡᚡᛗ ᚺᛉᚱᚹ ᛉ ᛞᛉᛁᛁᚱᛚᛁ ᛞᚱᛟᛟ ᛋᛉᛖᚡ ᚷᛋᚡ ᛉᚤᚱᛟᚱᚷᛒ ᚷᛚ ᚷᛉᛟᛈ ᚷᛚ ᚷᛋᚡᚱᛁ ᚹᛁᛉᛏᛚᛗᚺ ᛚᛗᛪᚡ ᚾᛚᛁᚡ."
"ᛋᛈᚾᚱᛞᚴ ᚾᚺᚴ ᚾᚺᚹᚱᛉ ᛗᛚᚲᚲ ᛏᛩᛞ ᚡᚾᛏᛩ ᛒᛞ ᚤᚺᚲᛟᛈᛃᛞᚴ."
"ᛏᛩᛞ ᛟᚺᛞ ᛗᛚᛏᛩ ᚹᚱᛞᚾᛏ ᚡᚾᛚᚺ ᛏᛩᚱᛚᚢᛞᛋ ᛏᛟ ᚹᛞᛏ ᛁᚤᛋᛏᛚᛈᛞ, ᛗᛚᚲᚲ ᛏᛩᛞᛚᚱ ᛏᚱᚤᛞ ᚡᛟᛗᛞᚱ ᛋᛩᛟᛗ."'
"Ru. Rut. Ruth!"
Snapping my head towards the voice to see a worried Cody and Yuma; tilting my head a little before eyes widen in surprise at the hug that they both put me in.
"Do you know how long we've been calling you?", Yuma asks.
Shaking my head no, which makes them tense before Cody looks me dead in the eye and says,
"What are you reading?"
"You don't understand it?", looking between Cody and the book.
He shakes his head no; biting my lip, grabbing the book before passing it over to him.
"What can you read?", I ask.
Taking a look at the page I was just on and begins to read-
"'Dragons, Elves, and Fae used to live in harmony, but that all-'"
"Okay, now read this part.", pointing to the myths they speak.
"I have no idea what this is saying.", he responds while looking at the page in confusion.
"But you can understand everything else.", I say.
"Your a dragon through.", I state.
"Yeah, what's that got to do with anything?", he snaps.
"A dragon should be able to read at least one of those myths.", I snap back while throwing my hands up in frustration.
"Wait, what?", Cody and Yuma say.