Interesting to say - maybe to better understanding and identifying this beautiful flower, Calendula is also known as Marigold. For me, to be eating flowers u had to turn into a rabbit, big long ears and be hopping everywhere. Be soft and fluffy snd cute to anybody, specially kids.
Now I'm here sitting down at my desk thinking about the better way to make a new tea blend more attractive not only visually but also on the Organoleptic part of this new developed healthy loaded with antioxidant properties; called tea.
Yes, we found a great grower. Now we need to come up with a new blend that will be attractive not only visually but also attractive on the healthy side. We have the primary ingredient, black tea, natural flavours, some visual and some edible dried fruit to make it more tasteful.
After contacting some organic flower suppliers, Aileen requested some dried organic samples for testing and blend with the new teas Aileen had in mind. Looking further into the characteristics of the Calendula Officinalis species, Aileen found out it had also medicinal properties, anti-fungal and antimicrobial properties help prevent infection and heal injuries to body tissues. Calendula is also known to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant components, which might help to fight cancer, protect against heart disease, and ease muscle fatigue. Interesting.
Once the samples where received, the new blend concepts started to take form. The pale, almost semi dried green tea leaves, felt very fragile to the touch. The grower indicated that after the tea leaves where plucked, they were put into bags, labeled and cataloged according to the time of the year and yielding crops. Aileen learned when the best crops were produced, so with a lot of confidence carefully picked the best.
She set up a tasting session where potential blends and ingredients were presented for making notes that would arise when tasting and checking and feeling them when touched. A fresh good sample should be visually, inviting to the people seeing it. It should insinuate a intimate moment where all senses get aroused and make the healthy cells in your body relax during the enjoyment you experience when drinking it.
Aileen wanted to change the way the tea looked- it needed a little kick to make it look sexy. Perhaps needed more life. Yeah, the name was yummy already. The fact that it was green tea it was a plus already embedded in it, but it needed more life. The way it looked was not enough for her. She looked at the additional ingredients she had, but not satisfactory enough for the eyes. She added some calendula petals. Some more. Yes! Now it has more life! The tea blend instantly came to live! Perhaps some added freeze dried orange and orange and orange peel pieces.
Happy with the new colourful, vibrant full of live. And the last part- the tasting to check if all converted to a new fantastic cup of tea.
Voilá - new tea was created. Healthy tea loaded with vitamins and antioxidants.
The name: Candyman Orange Calendula
This little friend was introduced in my garden and quickly spread the love it's known for. The deep green grass made my friend stand out more. Every spring through fall bees and bumblebees benefit from this guy. I have even seen rabbits munching away the flowers. Some I have to check all my temporary passing by guests. They all want a bit and emery not get invaded by its happiness it portrays. I can see from my window happy guests leaving with a fluffy orangey nose.
Hoping and chewing away their golden treat. It is fun to see the bees enjoying their feast from the golden powder.
It's amazing to see how a little flower can bring so many living creatures regardless of their type.
One thing though, I'm allergic to pollen.
And I don't care!