Zero's hands flashed out to grip the jock's head. Without giving anyone any time, Zero shoved his thumbs into the Jock's eyes. The jock's eyes started bleeding as he screamed and fell backward, Zero following before landing on his feet as he continued to gouge out his eyes. Zero stopped over the jock towards Jackson, the jock now crying as he clutched his face. Even as he moved, Jacksons' eyes looked down at Zero's hands, which were currently twitching and dripping with blood.
"M-Monster!" Jackson fell over one of the other people curled up on the ground. Zero continued to chase Jackson before a familiar voice spoke out. "Zero?" Zero's inch suddenly stopped, and he looked to the doorway, finding someone he had scanned the sitting people for before. "Mr. Gleeson?" The man smiled as he walked toward Zero and wrapped him in a hug. Zero didn't know if he didn't see the blood, or simply didn't care, but Zero hugged him back either way.
Although Zero wouldn't admit it, Mr. Gleeson was the closest he had to a friend. Mr. Gleeson pushed Zero at arm's length before looking him up and down. Zero saw his eyes momentarily focus on the blood before they moved to the clothes symbol. "You went to the Event?" Zero slowly nodded, before realizing something. "Mr. Gleeson, you're a Host?" The man laughed as he tightened his hands on Zero's arms.
"My name is Tyler, there is no reason for you to call me by my last name anymore. And from what I heard, you're a Host as well." Tyler looked over Zero's shoulder which he suspected meant he was watching the jock, who was screaming bloody murder as he clutched his face. Tyler looked back at Zero, Zero's face already reverted to disinterest. "Should I heal them, or are you planning on finishing what you started?"
Zero smiled at Tyler's answer. Tyler had repeatedly shown he was on Zero's side when it came to his school situation. What Zero didn't realize was that he was more ruthless then Zero first thought. "Your not mad or disturbed that I just gouged a kid's eyes out?" Tyler shrugged his shoulders. "They have it coming, and the world has changed. Souls are needed for everything. My ability allows me to heal others' wounds for a lowered amount of souls. When you think about it, I'm simply using another person's life to save someone else's."
Zero knew what he was trying to say. "No mercy for those that aren't you or yours." Tyler nodded. "Exactly." Zero smiled and shrugged towards the jock. "I'll collect my Souls when I feel like it. For now, simply let them suffer." Tyler shrugged before turning and leading Zero out of the room, the man at the door giving Zero a knowing smile. Zero didn't know what he knew, so he simply walked past him.
"Tyler, where are you taking me?" Tyler smiled as he continued to walk forward, Zero following behind him. "If you are a Host, and trusted by the leader, you get your room." They walked through the barriers, which were just a bunch of overturned desks and such before making it to the nurse's office. "You really branched out I see." Tyler laughed at Zero's jest before they sat at there regular positions, Tyler on his chair behind the now empty desk, and Zero on the cot across from the desk.
Zero was the first to speak. "So you were a Window chosen Host." Tyler nodded before repeating his words. "And were also were a Window chosen Host." Zero nodded. "But it seems we have gotten abilities on the opposite sides of the spectrum." Tyler let out a laugh at his words. "Indeed we did. You got the power to kill, and I got the power to heal. What a pair we make, aye?" Zero shrugged. "Just one of those things." Tyler was silent for a moment, before he slowly spoke.
"Zero, I think you should know something about your grandmother. She-." Zero cut Tyler off before he could finish. "I know." Zero lifted the necklace so Tyler could see it. Although Zero was sure Tyler didn't know about the necklace, he still nodded and didn't bring the topic up again. The two sat in silence fifteen minutes before Zero spoke again. "Have you seen the window that pops up every night?"
Tyler nodded. "The Sponsors, I've seen them." Zero lifted an eyebrow, as if to tell Tyler to continue talking. Tyler laughed at that. "Always the secretive one, fine. Yes I saw the sponsors, and yes I have already picked one." Zero's eyes focused in on what Zero figured was a window before he spoke again. "There name is
'Of course a sponsor wouldn't simply sponsor a single Host!" Zero was pulled out of his thoughts when Tyler spoke again. "What Sponsor did you pick?" Zero focused back in on Tyler before speaking the truth. "I haven't taken a sponsor yet." Tyler once more looked into the air before becoming excited. "My Sponsor says they have showed interest in you, and says they can tell you about any other sponsors you may have been offered."
Zero looked at Tyler with suspicion. 'Window, Take 200 souls and tell me if sharing potential Sponsors is a good thing to do.' When nothing happened for another minute, Zero mentally sighed and asked his question again. 'Window, take 700, last offer or I'll figure it out myself.' Without a second going by, a window appeared.
<700> souls have been used to purchase Information. Host currently has <5289> souls remaining.
The most common first Law set into place between a Sponsor and their Sponsored is to not speak of their benefits or there information. Sponsors have been found to be angered when a Host gives out unnecessary information.