Chapter 20 - Orcs


[Presence]: 13

Orcs are massive muscular humanoids who believe themselves to be the descendants of the Prince of Power and Rage. They congregate into large tribes, with there being over 40 of those. The 3 largest tribes are Tribe Soulfang who excels at spells and sorcery, Tribe Bloodrend who excels at physical combat with mastery over their weapons and hands, and Tribe Solelight which fully devotes itself to worshiping the Prince who they believe created them. They are a hot-blooded race that believes being killed on the battlefield is the best death and they take pride in gaining battle scars.

An Orc's physique is similar to humans though they're on average around 11 feet tall and they sport 2 large tusk-like teeth on the bottom set teeth. Their skin tone is typically shades of green but a rare kind has been spotted having shades of gray skin.

Their mating process is akin to a debauch, where they have a festival of sorts where males and females all fight bare-handed only sporting loincloths. The males attempt to prove their strength to the females directly and if they succeed they'll mate for 36 hours.


<>: Orcs have an extreme sense of smell, being able to track a target by a single drop of blood for miles. They've even been spotted senses emotions or attacks just by the scent a creature lets off.

<>: Orcs can activate their blood heritage to make themselves twice as strong. They can control the flow of their blood to a degree allowing them to survive wounds. The Blood Rage will allow them to ignore a certain amount of physical before it begins to slow them down.

<>: Orcs a 6th sense allowing them to sense presences around them. They can also hone this to allow them to predict attacks by sensing the flow of life energy in the muscles.

<>: Orcs are very in tune with nature and can utilize it very effectively. They can control the weather to form small storm clouds or summon lightning. They can even use it to control animals in the wild.

<>: Orcs can let out a primal roar that will reduce the defense and attack on the target being. If the target is weak enough they'll be paralyzed in fear which may also result in them passing out.

<>: Though it's unknown if they're true "descendants" of the Prince. They were believed to be blessed by him giving them the luck to avoid certain attacks subconsciously.

----Modus Operandi----

Orcs travel in tribes that will have between 50-100 Orcs. They will hunt in a forest and kill anyone they see trying to steal their prey as they live a hunter-gather lifestyle. They don't often deal with other races but they've been spotted interacting with Ice Demons who live in the same country of Kōri, and they've also been seen interacting with the Human Empire for trading purposes. They pride themselves in battle and will always make an attempt for the biggest prey, which they believe if they defeat them, will allow them entry into the Prince of Power's domain.