[Presence]: 59
Lux is the Sun-Touched Queen, the queen of the Sun-Touched Elves, aka Sun Elves, and has reigned over them for thousands of years, believed to be the second ruler of this matriarchal culture, but rumors believe her to be the only ruler they ever had.
She built the Sun Elves above all other elven races and she subjugated the Wastelanders to help replenish the morale of her people. She was the one who began the worshipping of the Divines, otherworldly deities who gave her hope and faith where the old gods Nymphs failed. She pushed the Divines onto the other elven races to save them from their own helplessness but none would be convinced which forced her hand. She needed to make an example, so she picked the elven race that resisted the most, the Elementals, a race of elves who were akin to the elements of nature such as water, fire, earth and etc. The example she decide to make was to erase their lands of the western islands of Mizu Tochi, so she raised her blade from the capital, and with a single swing, she vaporized all of the islands which made up a total of 6 million km of the original 40 million km lands.
Although she shows wraith to those who disbelieve the Divines, she is believed to be a very benevolent being, caring for the sick, the lost children, and acting as a savior to all those under the Divines' light. She even worked on treaties with the Wood Elves to build an alliance. Though she takes the Wastelanders as slaves, it is unknown what happens to them, it's rumored they die in the mines but a body has yet to ever be recovered by the Wasteland spies. She's believed to have made a pact with a Divine to be its vessel and was reported being visited by Seraphim, a race of winged humanoids who serve the Divine of Hope, Faith, and Light.
She has a tall but slender build, being around 6 feet tall, her skin being a hew of brown giving fruit to the name Sun-Touched with golden hair kissed by the light and piercing gold irises that cut through the night. She is typically seen wearing an all-white dress with gold jewelry adorning the attire and the Crown of the Sun trailing behind her head seemly floating. The Crown of the Sun is an object made of 3 golden rings that represent the Sun, the first one being the heat, the second being the light and the final one being life.
<>: She's believed to be truly immortal, unable to age and die of natural causes. Though there are rumors of her being an undead being, unlike the simple curse that the Human Empire deals with, she's in a state of being alive but dead simultaneously.
<>: It's a relic of the Divine of Hope which brings many things to its owner. While being worn the user is nearly invincible due to the fact that they're unable to truly die until it's destroyed, being brought back every time they meet death. Even a Prince would have a difficult time destroying the owner. It also gives them an affinity for luck, being able to avoid attacks subconsciously and instinctively.
<>: Like all other Sun Elves, she can utilize Sun Magic but unlike most, she has a much deeper connection being able to manipulate it in more ways. She can increase the temperature around her making it hot enough to melt stone and metal or take away all the heat making it reach zero degrees, instantly flash-freezing anything around her. She can control light around her, manipulating it, turning herself invisible, or making energy attacks. She can even use the particles as a platform seemly flying to the naked eye and controlling the cosmic radiation given off by the Sun.
<>: She's able to summon a light construct of one of the strongest Sun Beasts, Flame Dragon Aztoch, the dragon who gave birth to the Sun, and she can copy it into multiple light astral clones. She can summon different Sun Beasts like the Agnes, and an army of light-constructed Sun Elves.
<>: She is believed to be the vessel of the Divine of Hope, and if her life is in a dire situation that even the Crown will not be enough to save her, they will possess her. She's the tether that allows them to work more directly in Mundus as they're locked within the confines of The Throne. In this state she's able to match the power of Princes and Divines, even often gaining the attention of the Gods and Creators.
<>: She wields a sword that had its blade crafted from a white dwarf, its handle crafted from a red giant, the hilt crafted from a yellow dwarf, and the pummel crafted from a carbon star. In myth, it's said that during the quenching process they used a black hole to cool the blade. It's a blade hot enough to cut through anything on Mundus just with pure heat. It also chooses its wielder, and if it finds them unworthy, it will release all of the heat of each of its stars onto them, and release its full mass onto a radius of 10 meters around the wielder.
<>: There was a rumor that the Void Elves attempted an assassination attempt on the Queen. They attempted to travel to the past to kill the Queen before she made the pact with the Divine, but when they found her, it looked as if she was a light construct completely intangible just filling in the motions. The attempt failed as they found no way to kill it, it was as if she only existed in the present. The Void Elves sought answers from the Princes and found it to be a spell that rips the user from the past and future, leaving shard souls which will replace the users if theirs is destroyed.
----Modus Operandi----
Many records of her battles have shown her observing and analyzing her opponent, looking for weak points or flaws in their techniques. She summons her light construct army to test them, seeing if they're worthy of being her opponent. If so, she then moves in with her sword attempting to overpower them, and if it's not enough she might summon a light construct of Aztoch to fight and aid her in battle. If on the verge of defeat and/or death, the Divines might possess her or give her the power to win.