Chereads / Building a crime empire / Chapter 8 - School

Chapter 8 - School

Staring at the large compound called 'school' in front of me, I clicked my tongue.

I hope today was Sunday, I really do, and all of this are just a dream.

Reality is reality, you can't change it.

Walking towards the main entrance, I can see a lot of people had already arrived.

Shit, here we go again.

Stepping inside, a long line of lockers placed on each sides of the hallway in front of me immediately greets my eyes, and the occasional various people checking in on their own lockers.

Raising my hood up, I tried concealing my face as I walked down the hall.

What is this feeling?

All those big talks yesterday.... yet I feel so nervous and scared

My heart's beating so fast, it almost seem to explode. not only that, my body is shaking.

Perhaps I am just worried.

Worried they might find out about the few packs of cracks I brought with me here just now.

Yes, I f*cking did it!

Is it courage and bravery... or just being stupid?

I'm going to sell all of these and make tons of money! I bet I'm probably the first kid in this school's history to go this far as to selling drugs, aside from the occasional stealing and bullying.

Surely, there aren't any dealers here already, right?

Anyway, I must not let everyone take... even the smallest peek inside my bag.

Because once word reach the ears of the teachers about what I'm about to do now, there's no doubt I'll end up in juvie for a few months, and sister and mother aren't going to like it.

The image of their sad and disappointed expressions always brings shiver down my spine.

Well, better get to it.

Arriving at my locker, I opened it, only to find shit splattered over my books and belongings inside.

Not only that, there was also a written note stuck on the side, saying:

'I really had a bad day, sorry for venting my anger towards your locker. -Jamie'

I stared blankly at the mess in front of me for a moment, before...

This... this....

I began to shake.

"This motherf*cker!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

I immediately slammed my locker's door closed, making a loud bang sound upon impact.

This now, I just realized there were a lot of people staring at me right now.

Now's not the time to get embarrassed.

Jamie, I'm going to get back at you soon, I swear to f*cking god.

I clenched my fist tightly as I turned to look at the crowd before me.

"What the f*ck are you all staring at for, scram!" I yelled at the nearby onlookers.

They all had surprised expressions on their faces at this, some I even heard whispering 'Did Albert did just that?' or 'Whoa, my first time hearing him shout'.

It took them a minute before they began to disperse from the scene.

Good, go away and mind your own business, as*holes.

Moving away from my locker, I began to walk down the hall towards my class.

At that, I just noticed a few first year students looking at me curiously.

Stopping at my tracks, I turned to look at them.

"Got any problems, good sirs?" I started to walk slowly towards them.

They eyed me for a moment, before speaking.

"N-No... friend" one of them stammered.

I smiled at his words, before backing off and resuming my walk towards my class.

Is science our first subject?....o-oh wait, math?.. no... I-It's history.

I cursed at my fate.

Why would school be so hard.

Clicking my tongue, I continue to walk down the hall, occasionally bumping into a few students that passed by me.

I once bumped into a girl holding a tray of books in her hands and fell to the floor just a minute ago, but I didn't help her and instead said sorry before speed walking off away from her, I'm not interested in some stupid cringy romance and shit.

Well, if it was the old me, I'd probably help her out and choose to waste my time fetching her books on the ground, introducing myself and be late in my class schedule.

But now? nah, I think I have to pass for now.

In fact, I don't give a shit about what's happening in this school right now, well except for my locker.

Those things I had there inside were bought using the money from my mother's hard work.

Arriving in front of our classroom's door, I took a deep breath before opening it and stepping inside.

God bless me...

A crowded and lively classroom immediately greets me.

I can see students doing about their own business, some are talking in groups, some are playing games, some are listening to music, and some are even reading books in a random isolated corner.

Hell, they didn't even notice me, well it's not like they're going to bother with someone like me even if they saw me in the class.

To them, I'm just a walking ghost.

As I walk towards my seat, I noticed a two familiar faces.

Sarah and Christian, these two are the only true friends I had in this school, aside from Kevin since he doesn't study here and is already a drop out.

And as for how I met them two, it was three years ago when Jamie is on his extorting rampage across the school, every kid he comes across with, he takes the money from them, Christian and Sarah also weren't spared.

You see, at that time, I was walking down the empty hallway of our school when I catch a glimpse of Jamie, Robert, Peter and all of their friends surrounding two scared people inside of an also empty classroom.

The reason why the school's mostly empty at that time was because it was already late at night, and I stayed late because I had lots of projects that needed finishing since the deadline is already tomorrow.

And also at that time, Christian and Sarah was already broke, and since they can't pay, them two are going to receive a beating, Sarah was no exception, these punks believed in gender equality.

Not only that, I was an idiot at that time, so what did I do? I immediately stood up for these two strangers, fortunately I was managed to convince Jamie and I only ended up paying my money for them and getting a few bruises in my body.

And that was the start of our acquaintanceship.

I also learned Sarah and Christian are both childhood friends.

And after a few months, we finally became close.

Hell, this weirdo from the street named Kevin even hanged out with us every time we visit the park or the mall, until that time when he borrowed a few thousand dollars from me, and when he can't pay it back, he ran.

So yeah, that's the story...

Changing my course of direction, I immediately went straight towards Sarah and Christian who were currently busy talking with each other.

They finally noticed me when I was already a meter away from them.

"Oh hey, Albert" Christian said as he got up from his seat and waved at me.

"Yo" I also waved back.

"Hi, Albert, how are you?" Sarah smiled as she also got up from her seat.

"Fine, you?" I smiled back at her.

"Also good"

"Glad to hear it"

Turning to Christian, I put an arm at his shoulder as I stared at what they were doing on their table.

"Assignments, huh" I lightly chuckled as I stared towards the stack up papers on their desks, "I did not do mine, I was planning on doing it on Saturday, but... I do not feel like doing it, even until now, I don't know why." I laughed at my words.

Both Sarah and Christian seems surprised at my words, but did not spoke anything about it.

"So is it done?" I asked as I pointed at the stack of papers before me.

"Y-Yes, we were finished just now." Sarah answered, her face full of surprise, and at the same time... confusion?

What's there to be confused about?

"So, can I copy it?" I stared at both of them with expressionless face.

They both then stared at me with surprise again.

"W-What?" Christian stuttered.

"Your assignments, I haven't made mine so I need yours, if it's okay?" I gave them a sad look.

I'm such a pitiful person I want to f*cking cry.

I mean, who cares?.... it's just for the grades, make my sister and mother happy is all I want, all I need is just a careful balance between happiness and survival.

They both look at me for a moment, then looked at each other, then at me again.

"Sure, you've helped us before, so let us repay you back this time." Sarah happily said as she placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, you've done a lot for us, my friend." Christian smiled at me.

Thanks guys, your the best!

