The Mask system (TMS)

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The world

The 4 dimensions

-Earth realm

The birthplace of the mc and location of the realm cross academy(more about that later)

Most common species are humans and magical beasts.

Has the most remaining dungeons that have not been excavated

pools of class/identity pools are more often found here(more about them later)

-Ethereal realm

Homes to many different intelligent lifeforms

Can find elves, dwarves, harpies and stronger magical beasts than those on the Earth realm

2nd highest magical density near same amount as demonic realm

-Demonic realm

The mana in the air is highly toxic and so people and creatures from other realms can only visit using the right equipment named later in the novel

The people who live here are very similar to humans they have a stronger immunity to toxins and mind magics. Many different shades of skin colour and people are called demons which creates slight prejudice between them and the rest of the civilizations. There are the least amount of pools of class that exist in this realm.

Known as the demonic realm due to the environment and the huge amount of criminals that go there to hide

-Heavenly realm

An extremely bright realm due to having the highest density of mana making it a suffocating and blinding place for those except for the angel people

Like where in the demonic realm in order a special equipment is needed to breathe a similar item is required to see as normally as possible for those that are not the angel race.

Angels have wings no halos

*Power types*(All races have the same powers they just have a few physical differences due to a difference in their environments where they are raised)

Superpowers- a special ability the are rated 1-7 stars based on rarity not on power 1 is most common, 7 is the rarest how they are used is up to the user and everyone no exception gets these abilities at 10 years old

Elements- These function like a type of aura that people can imbue their chosen weapon with only those with an extremely acute ability in controlling the mana can use it without a tool to channel it. People can at most have 6 elements. These elements are:

-Fire, wind, earth, water, ice, lighting, light, dark, space, time, bio, force

-Concept: it is a word vaguely given to those who discover what I've called pools of class but they can also be known as identity pools. Something primordial that gives and identity to those who gaze at it, and roads can be paved according to the person in their own way. There doesn't have to be only one class given repetitions can exist as long as the pool isn't destroyed and no large, dense and heavy objects like a person or stone make it overflow. Will be more elaborated in the novel.