Before Michael could do anything impulsive like he usually does, Miss Priscilla a sweet kindhearted teacher who would be accompanying us on our trip along with her fellow teachers barged into the room we were all as if they had a 6th sense and could feel that something was about to happen. Suddenly surrounded by a swarm of teachers and heads he just retreated back to his previous stop. Finally everyone and everything was accounted for and they set of to the Nakum National Park. The Nakum National Park, located in the coastal environs of the Central Region of Ghana (I think) covers an area of 375 square kilometers ( 145sq mi).Established in 1931 as a reserve, it was gazetted as a national park only in 1992 after an initial survey of Avifauna was conducted. It's main source of attraction is the Nakum Canopy Walk. The uniqueness of this park lies in the fact that it was established at the initiative of the local people and not by the State Department of wildlife who are responsible for wildlife preservation in Ghana. It is one of only 3 locations in Africa with a canopy walkway, which is 350 meters (1,150ft) long and connects seven tree tops which provides access to the forest. The most notable endangered species of Fauna in the park are Diana Monkeys, giant bongo antelope, yellow-blacked duiker and the African Elephant. It is also an important Bird Area recognized by the Bird Life International with the bird area fully overlapping the park area. The bird inventory confirmed 266 species in the park. (There is a lot more I could say but for now lets focus on the task at hand).
They arrived at hotel which was planned and booked for in consideration for the time they left for the Park. So the teachers got every student booked into their respective hotel rooms and of course with a roommate. Since the triplets we're "Special" they got a big suite to share among themselves. Blaine got to share a room with Nelly because of their anti-socialness? Anyway they got to stay together as to not cause problems for anyone. All the guys/boys were placed in the upper floor of the hotel while all the ladies were placed on the lower and ground flow as per their requests. They were scheduled to set of at exactly 7:30am and check out around that time so for no further disturbances. The teachers advised everyone to get to their rooms settle in and get some shut eye since they had a full day ahead of them.
~P.O.V- Blaine
It was 12am when my alarm started going of like crazy but it seemed like Nelly couldn't hear it as she was fast asleep, she looked like angel and she was sleeping I could stare her for hours but that wasn't what I was supposed to be doing right now. My mother is a very religious woman always forcing us to wake up twice every night to pray for about 20 minutes a go. It was horrible and messed with my sleep always making me late for school. My brothers and I always complained to my dad about it and he always promised to talk to our mom but even he the supposed Man of the house was scared of his wife and he could barely make out a conversation with her it was pathetic and super embarrassing so sometime down the line we just stopped complaining to him about anything as he was a coward. But back to me waking up at this dreadful time I was contemplating on whether to go through with this ridiculous prayer or go back to sleep. I laid on my bed starring at the celling for a solid 10 minutes before making up my mind to prayer. As I got down on my knees flashbacks of my mom hitting no as she says warning me not to mess on this trip. I didn't know why she made me come here in the first place oh yeah maybe its because she's the PTA head and had to all perfect or whatever. She was honestly a horrible person and to top it all of a horrible mother who abused her children and hit them as if they were slaves. Maybe it was common in the african home for mothers to hit their children or as they call it tough love but this was beyon anything I had heard. Nevertheless we couldn't do anything only wait till we turn 18.
~To be Continued ^_^