P.O.V~ Blaine
After my exhausting prayer session and flashbacks, I fell asleep and might I dare say I've never slept this peacefully in my entire life but that would soon come to an end as I heard a horrible sound seeming as someone wanted to damage my eardrums. It was the sound of something hitting a metal surface might be a pan because of the way the sound was resonating all around the hotel. Who allowed someone to do such a horrible thing in a hotel filled with students who needed their good nights rest for the day ahead of them. Suddenly something inside me told me to check the time and indeed it was 6am and everyone was asleep even though we had to be awake by now bathing, dressing and preparing for our departure but it seemed like everyone was still sleeping which meant that they all did not go to bed early well excluding Nelly and the triplets as I turned around and saw that Nelly was done bathing and packing her stuff showing that she was ready to go. I got out of our room still in my pj's to witness the triplets descending the stairs ever so graceful. There were rumors around school that I was obsessed with the triplets and wanted to take them down or something similar to that but in truth I just wanted to be their friend. They had this bond that held them together like glue even though their personalities did differ but in the end they were always there for each other. Classy, smart , beautiful and funny are the words I'd use to describe them even though they were so much more than that. Sure they had beauty and money but they did not let themselves be subdue to that, they were much more than their names and status. Let's take the eldest Jinx- her names means curse or cursed , people normally associate curses with being evil or a bad thing forgetting that we have good curses ,which she was set to prove. Then we have Sonya which means wisdom and even though she's not the eldest or most flashly dressed she has the most wisdom among the three as her name suggests. Then we have the last but not least Meleke which means Kingly Stone or Royal Stone which shows her elegance and her kindness to all. So you see I do not envy them in anyway even if they have a better life I just want to be their friend and know what it feels like to one of them.
We were all able to finish everything as fast as we could and made it to the checkout time with 3 minutes to spare. We all got in the bus and took our previous seats as to not cause any confusion and help us get a move on. We arrived at the National Park a little too early in my opinion but who am I to say anything. Nevertheless since none of us had breakfast we were all allowed to go and buy food. After our breakfast a tour guide came to us and helped us tour the whole place, explaining every little detail to us and keeping us entertained all through out. Everything would have been perfect if only Michael would have stopped looking at me with that deadly glare. After the tour around the general areas of the park we were to go to the main source of attraction at the park which was The Nakum National Park Canopy walk , but before the walk actually began Madam Prinscilla sent both Michael and I to retrieve the snacks the school bought for everyone for this trip since we were the only prefects that hadn't done anything on this trip or even where it was being planned. So alas we departed for the long walk back to the bus without putting up a fight at all.
When we arrived at where the bus was parked I started walking towards it to open it when I suddenly heard someone snickering right behind me. It didn't take a genie to find out that it was Michael bitter as ever.
Blaine: What's your problem now, why are you laughing?
Michael: My problem is you its always been you. You stole everything from me, my fame , my reputation everything has been stolen or ruined by you. I wonder if I push you down the cliff here would anyone come look for you? 'He says as he looks at me then to the cliff and the hole that went down down down and down and didn't seem to have an end from where I was standing'
Blaine: Stop being so bitter about everything and just move on your just 15 live your life and stop hating on me.
Michael: You disrespectful brat answer my question ' He says as he walks angryly towards me and both of us nearing the cliff and the never ending hole' Answer me DAMMIT!
Blaine: Of course someone would come and look for me. My parents and friends love me they come looking for me.
Michael: *laughs* What friends? You barely have a friend and the one whom you claim to be your friend couldn't care less about you. Oh and your family I heard that they want to get rid of you especially your beautiful mother. So now tell who will come looking for you my dearest Blaine?
'He kicked me to the ground as he said this spitting on me simultaneously, and then all of a sudden I felt something click in me. Everything went black up until I opened my eyes to see myself on top of a terribly beaten Michael and nearing the endless hole. Without thinking I pushed him down the hole, I had my ears because of how loud he screamed and I sat there flabbergasted and looking down at my hands. Remembering what just happened and smiling like a mad person and finally letting out a heart felt laugh as if someone has just told me a really funny joke but there was no one and the joke was that he was finally dead the man who made my life even more terrible was dead and that was even funnier than any joke anyone could tell. I sat there for a solid 5 minutes envisioning it to be my mother down there and feeling the pride of finally getting rid of someone who made my life a hell'
~To be Continued