Blaine enterd the mayors building relatively shortly after getting his ID.
Messenger "He read the law book"
Mayor "I imagine he had quite the frightened look when you did your trick."
Messenger "no I mean he read ALL of it sir"
Blaine then heard some glass shatter as it hit the wood flores, and as it did he came around the corner into the mayors office, seeing a drinking glass shattered on the floor.
Mayor "You mean to tell me in fourteen hours he read everything in the law book?"
Blaine "section 1 sub 1 through section 26 sub 26 mayor and i think you know why im here now"
Mayor "Messenger Messenger"
Messenger "yes mayor"
Mayor "Go tell the gard captain to meat with me and say "black robe" thay will understand"
Messenger "right away sir"
The messenger hurried to complete his task. While the mayor grabbed a broom and dustpan from nearby.
Mayor "your not hear for 1 thing are you Blaine, you are hear for 2 things"
The mayor said in a hushed tone, all the while clearing the glass off the floor.
Blaine "Section 1 subsection 5: Any newly identified members of a town, city, or settlement is required within thirty days to visit the areas highest authority for proper area atire" and we both cant forget the "blank" 27 pages at the end of the book can we?"