Chereads / Eternal Search / Chapter 3 - Sudden reappearance

Chapter 3 - Sudden reappearance

I flew as fast as I could. I'd been gone for so long. No one noticed obviously, but I must be out of a job. I may be a God but even I can become as poor as a flower nymph. I touched down next to the office and frantically fixed my clothing. I tried my best to look presentable. As I walked into the structure other workers looked at me with surprize. I guess they did notice that I was gone. I walked up to the front desk and rang the bell. Nova stepped behind the desk without looking at me as she did with everyone else. She paid me no mind as she sat down in her chair and began to type. I stayed silent and after a moment she became angry.

"You rang the damn bell, yet you're being very quiet. What do you want? I have work to do!" I leaned over the desk and poked her forehead.

"That is no way to talk to your best friend." she looked up at me and her expression became one of pure shock. Her eyes welled up with tears as she jumped up from her chair and walked around the desk. I opened my arms for her as she railed into me. She slumped into me and began to cry. I made an effort to hold her up.

"You idiot! I thought you'd died! Everyone saw the news. Your body was sent away to the river nymphs in the mortal world." my eyes grew wide as the word left her mouth. I pushed her away and held her up. I looked at her and begged her with my eyes to tell me it wasn't true. "You don't remember what happened? Someone attacked you with a weapon made from the blood of Hades. You died after you were hit in the head while in the ocean. Poseidon found you. He was broken. He's been in the mortal realm with the river nymphs ever since." I looked around us at the people who had began to gather. Everyone was whispering and recording us. I looked back at Nova and pulled her in close enough so that only she would be able to hear me.

"Tell exactly where Lord Poseidon is in the mortal world." she took a peek around at everyone watching and then nodded her head to make it seem as though we'd spoken of something different before wrapping her arms around me and squeezing me tight.

"He's at the river nymph pool of tears. They buried you next to it." I gave her a pat signaling her to let go. Once I was free I quickly walked away. Many people began asking me questions and taking videos of me.

"Micah, is it true that you faked your death!?"

"Micah, who attacked you!? Do you know what they wanted!?"

"Can you tell us why you left the underworld!?"

"Micah, do you know who you parents are!?" everyone crowded around me from all sides. People shoved cameras, phones and tape recorders in my face. The questions were getting to be to much. I flew up into the air and headed for the beach. The people ran after me chaotically trying their best to keep up with me. The beach came into view and by that time I was ready to be rid of this mob. I flew as fast as I could and dived head first into the water. I thought as clearly as I could. I pictured the pool of tears. I imagined the huge statue of Oshun the goddess of rivers, the calm waves of the deep pool and the soft touch of the grass around it. My body began to dissolve into particles as I teleported into the pool of tears. When I opened my eyes I was still under water, but I wasn't in Olympus anymore. I swam to the surface and gasped as I broke through. I wasn't the only one who gasped. I heard a number of gasp from the nymphs who were sitting around the pool.

"The boy!" I looked around at them. They all had teal skin and navy hair. One of them stood from the grass and walked into the water. Once she had swam up to me she extended her hand to me. "Χαίρετε, you must be Micah. Lord Poseidon has told us a great many things about you. σας παρακαλούμε, join us." I nodded my head and grabbed ahold of her hand. To my surprize she easily pulled me along as she swam back to the grass. I pulled myself out of the water and sat to take a breath. The girls gathered around me. Some of them began to grab hold of my clothes.

"Δεν πρέπει ποτέ να βρίσκεσαι κάτι τέτοιο στον ανθρώπινο κόσμο!" one of them exclaimed. She looked worried more than angry, though her voice did scare me. I looked up at the nymph who helped me.

"I don't understand what she said." she smiled and beckoned me over to her side. I stood up and walked over to her. The other girls followed closely behind.

"She says that you can't wear that in this realm. Those are not ρούχα a human would wear." she pointed at a structure in the distance. It wasn't far but she seemed as if the place brang her dred. "Lord poseidon awaits you there. He has been unhappy and makes the water rumble. Δεν είναι καλό για τις νύμφες." I nodded my head and began to walk. The nymphs stayed behind, all but one. The one who continues to help me.

"I just thought about know my name but I never asked for yours." there was a glint of a smile on her face before she looked back at the structure.

"It's Peta. Δεν είναι τόσο ωραίο όσο το δικό σου υποθέτω;" I don't know what she said afterwards but I do know her name now. The closer we got to the structure the bigger her frown became. She really didn't like Lord poseidon.

"Peta? If you want, you can go back with the others. You don't have to come with me." she shook her head and crossed her arms.

"No, I have to face him and tell him how upset the nymphs are with his childishness! Είναι γουρούνι και δεν θα το αντέξουμε!" ok that's enough. I have to learn this language.