Chereads / Book Of Jason / Chapter 38 - Legends die (part 3)

Chapter 38 - Legends die (part 3)

"Riley we have all the stuff loaded into the truck and van." Marcy says. Riley glances back at the people gathered around now and his mind spins trying to think of what to do next. The utility truck is parked against the gate and a barricade of shelves and couches is pushed against it. Riley lowers his head as a plan forms. "Alright everyone i need all the smallest people to climb into the A.P.C here everyone else get in the van and the utility truck." Riley says. Turning to Nancy he signs telling her to take her brothers to the armored truck and wait for his signal to lead them away. "What are you doing?" Nancy asks. Riley smiles. "Crazy guy stuff" he responds. Tank and rat help everyone into the vehicles and turn to Riley. "How are we going to keep these bastards from just yanking the doors open?" Tank asks. "I'm going to weld the doors real quick should only take like 20 minutes with the portable." Riley says pushing Tank to the drivers seat. "Alex times up get your ass in the truck." Riley says. Alex rushes out and climbs in next to Rat. Riley welds the doors shut and then moves on to the van sealing them both up. "Yo Riley i didn't get the timer added to the bomb dude i'm sorry." Alex says after realizing he still had the timer in his hand. Riley shakes his head sadly. "Not going to be a problem little brother." Riley says Walking to the barricade. "We have another problem the gate is blocked by the barricade we cant get out." Tank says. "Already ahead of you." Riley says as he begins pulling the barricade down. "Riley the zombies are going to swarm in here if you do that." Tank says panicking. "I know ill draw them to me and go into the house waiting a few minutes for you to get away before setting the bomb off hopefully giving you a clean break everything after that is up to you." Riley says dragging the last of the barricade away. "Dude the timer isn't on and they would swarm you way before you ever put one on." Alex says. "Yep but if i shoot it it will still go off so problem solved" Riley says. "No because that is suicide." Rat says. "No i think of it more as last stand martyrdom sounds better i think." Riley says smiling. The boys notice that Riley's horde buster and jacket are also in the truck with them. "I'm not moving this truck!" Tank shouts. The rest of clan 13 hold their radios in horror. "I thought you might say that Tank." Riley says holding up his fathers revolver. "I'm going to shoot the fence until it is weak enough for them to enter wasting my ammo i need to have any chance at pulling a miracle survival, unless you back up a little let me open the fence and drive out of here." Riley calmly tells them. "Come on Ri this is stupid and insane." Rat cries. "My specialty really." Riley says. Sighing Riley begins shooting. 3 shots ring out until Tank backs the truck up sobbing. Riley rips the gate open and walks slowly backwards cutting his palm. "Come and get some tasty tasty Riley!" Riley shouts. "Go! and everyone survive conquer this world." Riley says into the radio as the truck begins barreling through the horde. "Sunny tell Nancy to move it!" Riley yells before throwing the radio. Slowly he walks to the main house. Once the van escapes Riley darts inside and slams the door shut locking it and rushes into what was once Alex's lab looking around he notices a discarded pipe bomb. "Might work." Riley says to himself as he hears the door begin splintering. Riley duct tapes the bombs together and lights the fuse before running up the stairs in time for the front door to splinter open. Riley runs to the rear of the houses second floor and jumps through a window barely making it to the wall.

Everyone flinches when the bomb goes off shaking the vehicles mercilessly and pushing them around. "He isn't coming back is he?" Alex asks. "I don't know buddy but right now we need to focus on getting a new home and setting up then we can go check on the old place." Tank says wiping tears from his eyes. No one really speaks for a while as they drive deeper into Jerichos gate the massive skyscrapers passing by in ominous silence. "Nancy says the A.P.C. is almost out of fuel." Sunny says after an hour. "Tell her to pull over we will have a few of us go around on foot to try and find our home." Tank says pulling over behind the large armored vehicle. "How do we get out of here?" Alex asks as Rat and Tank climb out the windows. "Oh yeah like that." Alex says to himself. Tank walks around to the back to open the sliding door to let the others out. Rat helps the people in the van climb out. "Okay guys me, and Rat are going to wander down that way to find us a new home we will be back before dark if not sooner." Tank says. "Take Jessica with you." Jason says handing out food. "I'm tagging along too." Alex says. Tank nods. "Everyone grab a gun or 2 and make sure its loaded we are in what i can only assume is a very infested area and we aren't going to stay lucky for long kill anything that comes near even if it isn't a zombie." Tank says turning and walking down the street to their right. The group walks quietly for a little while each lost in their own thoughts. Alex notices Tank grab his side occasionally. "We never got your side checked out did we?" Alex asks. "Ill be okay we just have to get this done then i think we all could use a good rest before we start the hard work." Tank says. "How about that one?" Jessica asks pointing at a office building. "Nah we want something already kinda homelike to start with might make it easier on everyone." Rat says patting the girls shoulder. They walk quietly discussing what they think might be a good place to call home when they come across a large hotel connected to the subway and a parking garage. "How about here?" Alex asks. Tank and Rat share a glance. "Only one way to find out, lets go check it out." Tank says walking towards the front doors. "Weird." Rat says. "Whats that?" Alex asks. "Not a lot of buildings are locked and that clean inside." Rat answers. "Maybe someone lives here." Jessica says. "I feel bad for them then." Tank says pointing his shotgun at the glass double doors.