Tank pats the security guards shoulder. "Alright buddy now that we got that messy business dealt with how about you go take a rest while we put everyone else's asses to work?" Tank says to the man covered in a painful sweat. "Hey we all joined you and we all are supposed to get training." the security guard says. "Consider this lesson 1 then if you don't want to be a burden to the others rest when your injured and help with planning and keeping stock as well as organizing the field reports." Tank says. "So i do paperwork while you go off and have fun?" the security guard complains. Tank pulls his sweater up and shows the guard his ribs. The purple and black bruise spreading around his 3 broken ribs. "I'm going to be doing paperwork too we saved a lot of our records from our old home so we gotta separate the history from training logs for the fort." Tank says smiling and dropping his sweater. "You fought your way here with that?" the security guard asks. "There wasn't any fighting really one of ours had detonated a really big bomb to try and buy us time to get away the noise probably attracted the larger hordes." Tank says sadly looking at his worn out boots. "Was it the guy named Riley you all talk about so much?" the security guard asks. "Yeah he was the only one nuts enough to do it." Tank laughs sadly. "What do you think he would have thought of this place?" the security guard asks. "He probably would have said we need bigger walls and more hunting parties or something, kill the hordes before they reach the fort and they wont be a problem." Tank laughs. "He isn't dead though I'm certain of it that guy has a knack for surviving everything." Tank smiles and turns to the table full of notebooks and hefts the large duct tape bound book with the words Book of Jason across it. "Everything we built or will build started with this." Tank says fondly patting the book.
Riley opens his abandoned trucks door and gets inside. "Well time to finish clearing out the gun store and then maybe ill go back to the police station." Riley muses as he drives back to the gun store. 2 zombies wander around inside the store when Riley shows up. "Thank god i was starting to think you fucks were avoiding my ass I'm so glad to see we can still play together." Riley giggles as he slaughters the zombies. "Well time for me to load up and hunt thanks for letting me get some therapy in." Riley laughs. For 2 hours Riley completely ransacks the store until there truly is nothing then he burns it all down. Riley watches the flames in his rear view mirror a moment as he drives away. When Riley reaches the police station the bodies are so clustered that he cant pull in. "you know I'm surprised we haven't gotten any diseases from all these bodies laying around i think ill start burning them." Riley muses. Getting out of the truck he lifts a body when a pocket knife falls from it. "And ill loot the bodies." Riley nods. Setting the body down he moves to the center of the parking lot and begins stripping the clothes off of the bodies there piling there clothes and belongings to one side and stacking the bodies in the middle. "I'm going to need to get some gas to burn this shit." Riley says hours later looking at his mountain of bodies. The sun is lowering behind the sky scrapers of the city casting the station in a deepening darkness. "Lets go visit Niles need some smokes anyways." Riley grumbles wiping his hands off on his pants. Riley puts the nozzle in the truck and enters the store. Walking behind the counter he grabs a couple packs of cigarettes and lights one. "So i got blown up again Niles and i can tell you i really fucking hate bombs, i saved a bunch of others but what i am really proud of is the fact i got my freedom sort of." Riley blows a cloud of smoke out. "I'm going to take the last of the gasoline and burn this place down too I've become quite the little pyromaniac bud." Riley laughs
Rat yanks his arrow free from the zombie he had just killed. "Do you think we will get the fort as strong as crystal lake was?" Jessica asks. Rat wipes his hair out of his face. "No we wont." Rat says twirling his arrow. "Oh." Jessica says. "It is going to be even more powerful than crystal lake ever was and this time nothing and no one will ever be able to take it from us again." Rat says grinning. "Left shoulder." Jessica says. An arrow flies over his shoulder killing the zombie moving sluggishly towards them. "Nice shot." Rat says impressed. "Do you think we are allowed to have some things from the old world?" Jessica asks. Rat hands Jessica her arrow. "What do you mean?" Rat asks. "Like dates and kids and stuff like that or are we only going to be scavengers and warriors?" Jessica says. Rat leans against the wall with a shocked look on his face. It had been a long time since anything like that had even crossed his mind. "I guess so i mean whats this all for if we don't live between the hellish crap?" Rat says. "Would you ever think about dating?" Jessica asks. "I haven't thought of things like that for a while but to be honest i wouldn't mind it, would be nice to have someone to help with the burden of this place." Rat says looking at the ceiling of the building they are in. "do you have any crushes?" Jessica asks. Rat rubs his head. 'What would Riley do?' Rat thinks. "I suppose you could say i do but i'm pretty sure they don't have any feelings for me." Rat laughs. "Who is it what are they like?" Jessica asks. "Its you." Rat says shrugging. Jessica stares at him for a while. "Still gonna partner with me after that or did i ruin the archer duo?" Rat asks nervously. "Good to hear cause asking you to date me would have really sucked if you didn't like me." Jessica says laughing. "So you want to date me?" Rat asks. "You are stuck with the first girlfriend in the apocalypse we should get a metal." Jessica says laughing.