Riley's head pounds like crazy and his mouth has an awful taste in it. He was wet and cold but none of that matters to him. He was alive yet again he had cheated death. There was a canal behind the main house's position or at least where it once was, Riley had pushed and shoved his way through the horde ignoring the bites and scratches until he leapt in the water. The shock wave from the bomb had still passed through the water hurting Riley's head and burying him under rubble. In the dark he felt zombies grab him and he killed them and sucked the air from their putrid lungs until he was free. Sitting up he looks around at the destruction. "Well fuck." Riley groans standing up and shaking his clothes. Looking around Riley sees that there are quite a few destroyed buildings in the bombs wake and he decides to go find a secure dry place to rest. Riley finds a library a few blocks away and gets inside barricading the door with a bookshelf. After going through the whole place he finds it to be empty and lights a fire in a little metal trash can. Riley groans as he strips his clothes off and sets them aside to dry. In the fire light he inspects his numerous injuries he has accumulated so far. "Really at this point I'm wondering how the fuck I'm still alive." Riley says ruefully as he curls up next to the fire with a random romance novel. It doesn't take long for him to fall into a deep sleep.
"You can't be here." A man in his thirties wearing a security uniform says pointing a gun at the group of 13 clansmen. "Rat leg." Tank says while still looking around the lobby. Rat's arrow sprouts from the man's thigh and he screams out in pain. "See if you are pointing a gun at someone you better use it cause if you don't they will." Rat says. "Jesus christ that hurts!" The man yells. "Keep the noise up and you're going to attract zombies in here and while I wouldn't mind earning some points you might want to think about your odds of survival." Tank says walking over to the man and crouching. "How many others are there here?" Tank asks as Rat informs the rest of the 13 on how to get here. "It's just me." The man pants. "Every time you lie I will either cut something off of you or have Rat fill you with arrows." Tank says smiling. "How many others are there?" Tank repeats. "I won't tell you." The man says bravely. "Good didn't lie this time so I'm not going to cut off your nose or have an arrow put in your knee however." Tank says grabbing the arrow and wiggling it. "Probably should have this looked at and hey we even have a doctor of sorts coming but gotta give if you want to get you know?" Tank teases seconds before yanking the arrow out and tossing it back to Rat. "We are going to live here whether you like it or not and we will kill you if you get in our way, so either tell your friends to come down here and decide if they are going to join us or just go." Tank says calmly. "If they don't get down here by the time the others arrive then ready or not here we come and they all die." Tank says smiling. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" The man asks angrily. "We survive at all costs and won't be beaten. Doesn't leave much room for nice making." Rat answers knocking an arrow and sending it into a zombie walking up to the glass doors destroyed by Tank. "i didn't see it!" the security guard shouts. "We didn't either." Rat says, "then how did you know it was coming?" the guard asks. "We heard it dragging itself along the building." Tank answers. "How could you have heard that?" a woman wearing a fancy uniform asks from a door leading to the stairwell. "The same way we knew you would come to us and heard your heels on the stairs." Jessica answers looking at her feet. "We learned from a monster named Riley and we learned through experience if you want to join us you will learn it too." Rat says. "Who is Riley?" the security guard asks. "He is the last man standing a monster walking around pretending he is human the horde slayer and the 13 clans savior he wont die even if you blow him up and he cant turn even if the zombies bite him in short he is the guy you want on your side and you don't fuck with." Rat answers
Riley pulls his dry clothes on and rolls his shoulders. "Time to find weapons and prey." Riley says checking his knives and his fathers revolver. "Might as well go see the gun store i sent them to i doubt they got everything." Riley mumbles to himself. The streets outside are silent and devoid of life. It was perfect. Riley puts his hands in his pockets as he walks the journey doesn't take him long and he is disappointed to find he only killed 4 zombies before making it to the gun store. Riley whistles as he beholds the corpse pile and the dead panda. "Well isn't that a fucking nightmare right there?" Riley chuckles going into the storage area. "Well you got the guns but not all the ammo dumbasses have paper weights." Riley sighs grabbing box of 357. "Should take as much as i can carry." Riley says to his fathers gun. "Or maybe i should just stay here and play for a while." Riley says spotting a glock. After checking the handgun he feeds it ammo and wanders around looking for more weapons. "Those fucking morons." Riley groans finding yet another gun under the counter. "Then again there is a sexy pile of corpses outside so maybe they were preoccupied, fuck it i guess they did alright besides they left me some toys anyways." Riley chuckles, after grabbing 2 AR-15s and another handgun Riley goes through the bodies until he finds a bloody backpack and fills it to bursting with bullets. "I should find some food and water or ill be fucked soon enough." Riley says to himself as he returns to the darkening streets to wander and hunt