Emmanuel and I moved away from the tiny shoot and back towards the bonfire. For a few moments, neither the guys nor I uttered a single word. I think they were trying to give me time to come to terms with what I had just seen and heard.
Releasing a sigh, and taking a seat on the ground, without caring much about where I sat exactly, or next to who, I prepared myself for the next part of the trek.
"So," I simply asked the three men around me, as if nothing of big importance had just happened. "What now?"
"Well, now it's storytime. After all, what is a bonfire for in the dark of night if not to tell stories?" Emmanuel said while he and the others chuckled.
I chuckled too, shaking my head. I had no idea what kind of story these men were going to tell me, but if it was anything like what I had experienced so far, then I knew I was in for the ride of a lifetime. These guys never did anything by halves.
It was at the same time fun, and ironic, that while Emmanuel's words indicated that something magical was about to happen, the scenery around me, and especially the whole bonfire-with-snacks thing, sent a completely different message. But I liked the combination, weirdly enough.
Michael, who at that point I realized had been sitting across from me in our new sitting arrangement, stood up and brought me a new skewer, this time of fire-cooked chicken and a can of soda. I stared at him as he rearranged the sitting and took a seat on my left side, while Emmanuel sat on my right, and Abraham sat before us, where Michael had once been.
I was a little taken aback when they, instead of any of them beginning to tell me the story Emmanuel had mentioned, started talking about everyday things. Nothing unusual or out of the ordinary. I guessed they might not yet be ready, or they wanted to extend this moment of "normalcy". However, I decided not to worry and simply allow things to flow as they wished them to flow.
So, for a very good while, we talked and ate all the snacks until I started to feel a little too full, and also sleepy. It was very nice to be in this beautiful place, enjoying such a simple event as a bonfire, without having any negative thoughts inside me. I was at peace. And that, coupled with a full stomach and the warmth of the fire, invited me to relax further.
I was almost on the brink of literally falling asleep when Michael suddenly turned towards me and brought his thumbs to my eyes. I was startled at first, not being sure of what he meant to do. But as I looked into his eyes, the warmth and gentleness in them, I was able to control my innate animal instinct to push him away, and instead closed my lids, as I understood what he meant to do. As soon as I did, he placed his pads gently on top of my closed eyes.
The sensation I had was of a really hot fire rushing through my eyes and up into my brain. It did not harm, or cause any pain. Instead, it felt like a cleansing heat, a transforming fire, and when in my mind's eyes it reached my brain it met a barrier I had never thought existed inside me. I perceived it as a steel curtain or wall, and as it melted away, it felt like discovering a part of my mind that I had never had full access to. Where that barrier came from, or why it was there, was beyond me. But I knew that it had to go for a reason. So I did not put up a fight.
At that very same moment, Michael spoke and asked me to open my eyes, and when I did, I almost threw up everything I had eaten. The rush of light, of color, of shapes, of everything that I had not been able to even sense before, was so intense, that it hit me like a sledgehammer and I had to ask Michael to help me control this new-given sight. I knew for sure that neither my eyes, nor my brain, nor any part of me, was prepared to see with true and unimpeded sight.
At my request, Michael extended his hand and took my own, and when he did, I felt a surge of power coming from him and flowing into my heart, mind, and soul. As this happened, the three of them expanded and all limits inside them were removed and I knew I was now ready to really see for the first time.
Slowly, carefully, and at Michael's order, I began to open my eyes, and although the shock of what I was now being able to see did not let off, it was not bringing me to the edge of panic. I simply took in a deep breath and relaxed the rest of my body and this helped even more.
As all of my other senses adjusted, and the power of Michael continued to flow through all of me, helping me, I allowed my eyes to take a little look around the small island and I was impressed by what I was able to see. Now, I could not just see what was physically seeable, but I was able to see all that which tends to be either hidden from human senses or requires technology to be seen. I realized then how much we, humans, miss out on our own world.
At that moment, Abraham took my hand softly in his and said, "You are now ready for the most impressive and beautiful story of your life. Do not feel afraid, we will be with you, but be prepared for what you are about to see. Open your senses, that is very important, and let Michael's power be your guidance."
I was astounded and a bit frightened by Abraham's cryptic words. But as I felt Michael's hand inside one of mine, and Abraham's gentleness also flowing through my other hand, the doubts took flight and I just handed myself into their care.
"All right Emily, this story will develop in a different scenario from this one, but again, do not be afraid; you will not be alone even for a moment. You will start to understand the mysteries surrounding us, you will, in fact, know who we are exactly and why we are here with you, living this experience. After you have seen what we wish to reveal to you, and through you to others, you will have the chance to ask as many questions as you wish. We will be opened to any of it," Abraham clarified.
"Now, what I want you to understand is that what you are about to experience will be in the flesh, so this will be an unusual story, but all of it has a purpose, which you will discover as we move along. There will be a lot of symbolism in what you will see, and you will also see a lot of revelations that you will not be able to fully understand now, but you eventually will as we guide you through them. Now, given all this, tell me, are you ready for the biggest story of all?"
Emily stared at the three of them and asked, "Will you guys be there with me?"
Michael was the one to respond. "My power and light will be with you guiding you. But no, you will not see us next to you, because we will be part of the story to be told. However, there is someone who will accompany you in this amazing experience. You know that person and she will help you as we move along. I will not give you further details, as these are surprises for you. But we need to know, are you ready and are you willing?
The warmth flowing from all three of them into me soothed my fears and handing over my full trust to them, I answered: "I am ready."
As soon as these words left my mouth I felt overpowering tiredness falling on me. Trusting my friends, and knowing this was their doing, I allowed sleep to take over and I knew no more.