Chereads / This American Life (Returning to 2001) / Chapter 39 - Chapter 39: The storm

Chapter 39 - Chapter 39: The storm

By recess Jeffrey met more and more people who wanted to get a jar of slime. Earlier in the day it was maybe a random passing student in the hallway or as he got out of class. However, now it was starting to be groups of students all wanting one at the same time.

Jeffrey knew that he was going to run out of all of it by lunch. Jeffrey quickly ran to the boys restroom and pulled out his phone. Walking into one of the restroom stalls he did the only thing he could, he called his parents.

Jeffrey phoned his mom.

*BRRR* ... no answer.

Jeffrey phoned the number again.

*BRRR* ... no answer.

"Dang it mom, can you please pick up?", Jeffrey said out loud.

Jeffrey called his Dad's number.


someone picked up.

"Hey Dad are you at home?", Jeffrey asked with an urgent tone.

"Jeffrey? Where did you get this phone?", his Dad asked him incredulously.

"I uh... borrowed a friends phone. Are you at home at the moment?", Jeffrey asked.

"No I'm at the office. I've got a meeting in a little bit, did you forget your homework again Jeffrey?", his Dad asked with a sigh.

"Uh kinda, there's a large cardboard office box in my room that I need as soon as possible. Do you think you'll be able to get it?", Jeffrey asked nervously.

"Umm, I probably won't be home later today. Maybe after school, but I'll see what I can do. If I head back, I'll drop it off at the front office during lunch but don't get your hopes up", Jeffrey's dad said to him.

Jeffrey felt bad that he had to ask his dad to help. He could almost hear the sound of disappointment in his voice in having to take care of him again.

During primary school, Jeffrey's Dad often had went home to get his homework so he could turn it on to his teacher. Jeffrey remembered a particular time when he forget his math project he had spent the whole weekend on and left it at home.

"Dad, I really need this math project!", Jeffrey pleaded.

"You need to learn to be more responsible Jeffrey", his Dad told him.

"I worked really hard on it", Jeffrey said.

"I have a really important meeting that I have to attend Jeffrey. You're going to have to rely on your own this time", Jeffrey's dad hung up the phone.

Jeffrey remember the office secretary taking back the phone and receiving the school's attendance records. He was on the verge of tears thinking about how he was going to have to face his math teacher later in the day.

During lunch period however he received a PA announcement.

"Could Jeffrey Zhang please head to the front office, Could Jeffrey Zhang please head to the front office."

Jeffrey heard a few immature "ooohs", said by some of the other kids. They though he was in trouble and was headed to the front office for detention.

Although his dad was always stern with him, his office was miles away from their home and his school. His Dad still took the time to drive back and pick it up. He often got in trouble at work to pick up a few pieces of insignificant scribbles that his son called homework. However, he did it anyway.

There were times where not even a phone call could pull his parents away from work. Now that he was in middle school, Jeffrey rarely called any more.

For whatever reason, perhaps it was the desperation in his tone or his Dad somehow had the time and was headed back anyway. Jeffrey found a white cardboard box sitting in the front office with his name on it.

The secretary Mrs. Mundsen saw him walk in.

"Are you Jeffrey?", she asked. Her hair was neatly tied in a bun and she was wearing a long sleeve yellow shirt.

Jeffrey dumbly nodded his head in disbelief

"Your dad left this for you, he was in a rush. However he wanted me to tell you to be more responsible next time and that he loves you", Mrs. Mundsen said it with a perfectly straight face.

She continued filling out the paperwork and paused for one moment to address him.

"Thanks", Jeffrey said in a daze to her.

"Don't thank me, thank your Dad. He looked really busy, but he still dropped this off for you anyway", Mrs. Mundsen said with a look of slight disapproval.

"Yeah, he's the best", Jeffrey said as he walked out the door back to school.

Jeffrey with cardboard box in hand started to walk to the courtyard. For a brief moment he felt as he was the luckiest boy on earth. Forget cloud 9, forget Mr. Edgerly, he had his dad and 2 awesome friends working on a science project and they were going to take on the world.

By the time he had reached the lunch area however a small horde of students started to gather and descend on his group as they recognized them as the kids who were selling the glow-in-the-dark Oobleck and Perfume slime.