Chereads / FiM: Equestrian Heroes / Chapter 17 - Problems, Issues And Interviews...

Chapter 17 - Problems, Issues And Interviews...

Chapter 16 - Problems, Issues And Interviews...


Luna found having to adjust to modern-day bedding one of those small annoyances that she would have to get used to in this new era. What happened to a nice fluffy cloud bed that shifted with every subtle movement of its owner?

The sound of light knocking caused the Moon Princess to stop her attempts at trying to sleep. "Come in," she called out to it.

The door opened quietly, and Celestia stepped through. She had already raised the sun Luna had felt the surge of her sister's magic but the white princess was still dressed in a lilac nightie which would be considered scandalish of someone of her station. She was also without her golden crown and jewelry.

"Morning Luna, I hope my arrival was not at a bad time?" she asked in a soft, benevolent voice.

"Neigh sister, we are far from tired merely trying to get a few hours of rest before tonight."

There were few moments during the day the sisters could find time to talk between Luna resting and Celestia with the ever-growing missives that have poured in. Those times were the morning and evenings when day went to-night and vice versa.

"So, how did you enjoy your evening last night?" Celestia asked as she took a seat on Luna's bed.

"Yes. Naruto Uzumaki has proven himself most enjoyable company. Sister, he is not among your guard correct? How did thou come to know him?"

Celestia couldn't help herself and giggled. "I have to say Naruto is a rather interesting character." Celestia then began informing Luna about how she had come across the blond in her private library. How he had snuck in and how they formed an odd friendship of sorts. "I am glad to hear that the two of you get along so well. Progress between you and our subjects seemed nonexistent and I grew concerned, especially since my duty has kept me far more busy than I would like."

Luna reached in and wrapped her arms around Celestia, pulling them together.

"Sister, we promise that leaving you again is the last thing I'd do to thee again." Luna released Celestia, and then began speaking again. "Tis a shame we do not have more time like this to speak."

"Tell me about it, the paperwork has been the worst of it." Celestia admitted .

"Paperwork sister?"

"Our tax revenue has been pretty consistent, but now a good deal of that has been taken up by repairs and internal improvement bills not to mention there have been pushes for more healthcare plans and expanding our military budget in light of the incident." Celestia chose her words carefully to avoid putting any extra guilt on her sister.

"But what about trade? Surely the bits we get from that would ease the burden of relying on tax revenue for damages."

"Unfortunately the incident has caused a lot of problems domestic and foreign. Every nation has focused on the internal strife and damages that the nationwide breakout of criminals has caused. While there are members of every branch of our government working on keeping the export and imports going there have been an increase of bandits attacking and pillaging trade shipments and hiring the necessary protection for certain goods in itself is proving quite expensive. The money we have Is being funneled into our imports and relief efforts with what's left over going into maintenance of the city. "

"And our private accounts?"

"Eight-hundred years ago I recreated Equestria's current banking system as well as financed many of the banks along our borders. I then placed a vast amount of my bits into treasury to finance our nation after a rather costly war with the Griffin Empire a few centuries ago. I would later go on to construct a document detailing an agreement of a siphon that sees me paid out fifty million bits a year under the condition I would not remove money from the treasury for personal use. I had to do something to relieve the fear of our subjects at that time not to mention I can honestly say I have no idea what to do with all that money anyway. While I do not wholeheartedly agree with every decision the governing bodies I created make I do trust the Department of Treasury to make the right calls on handling the financial spending and managing that needs to be taken care of. Right now the biggest headache is all the bills and laws being brought to my attention about how to deal with the tainted criminals and those who were as some of our esteemed members suggested were coerced." There was a disagreement of sorts that was brewing through many political circles in the major cities.

It appeared several of Nightmare Moon's forces had come from some rather prestigious families who were accusing Luna of having brain washed their family members and making them slaves for her treasonous actions. This was yet another burden, neigh distraction among the piling amount of situations that Celestia found herself having to deal with. Frivolous laws or allowances backed by old money to allow the elites as they saw themselves a way to save face.

The next few months were going to be rather tiring. With an unimpressed half-lidded gaze Luna dryly commented. "We see the nobles remain a headache in thee's skull." She then decided to bring up the idea to at least reduce one thing off her sister's plate. "Speaking of deciding things Tia, we believe we have solved the issue of Captain of our Guard."


Another tiring day in the town of Ponyville had passed for Naruto. As he drew closer to his home he picked up the sound of something.


He followed the sound of the crying until he came across a distraught mare setting on the bench. The mare in question was definitely a Unicorn with a white as snow coat. She was also rather tall and with a healthy and attractive body. She was wearing a white long lace trim tank top emphasizing her bust along with curve skinny jeans. She definitely had to be new to town as her light pink mane was even lighter in color than Fluttershy's mane.

"Are you alright miss? You're not hurt are you?" he asked as he approached the sobbing mare.

Upon hearing him, the mare looked up at him, stifling her sobs as she wore the tears from her eyes. "O-Oh hello I hope I didn't disturb you. I'm not having the best of days."

"If you need someone to talk to then I'd be happy to help." He volunteered as he took a seat on the bench. Not like he could just leave her here and ignore her.

"I don't want to bother you. I'm sure you have better things to do than just comfort some stranger." She replied and sniffled as more tears threaten to fall.

"Because I'm not the kind of individual who just stand by and ignore others pain. Let's just say I understand how much it means to have someone to lean on when you're feeling down."

"I see." The mare responded as she took a sigh before explaining her situation. "I decided to come to Ponyville to surprise my coltfriend and caught him in bed with another mare. The thing is we were having issues with our relationship seeing as it was long distance and he wanted to start a herd, but I wasn't sold on the idea seeing as I wouldn't even be around to do my duty most of the time. I know we were having issues with him pushing me into things I weren't ready but I didn't think he'd go that far you know."

'Herd?' Naruto pondered for a second. If he was remembering correctly that was the term of the Menage a Trois? Was that what the term was called? "What about friends and family members?"

"My family is all the way in Canterlot and I'm new to town. I also won't be able to withdraw any bits from the bank with it being closed so I won't be able to afford a hotel." She said as she shivered and rubbed her arms. Tonight while nowhere near as cold as your usual winter seasons it still seemed rather chilly.

"If you wish you can come back to my place. Its not much, but its better than staying out here in the cold."

"Really?" she asked, wiping away the last of her tears as she settled her hands in her laps. "I wouldn't want to impose."

"Its fine, as a good friend of mine always says, I'm too much of a gentlecolt to leave a lady in need."

Quickly composing herself, she stood up and turned back to the blond. "Thank you so much. I don't know how I could ever repay you."

"Its fine, I'm Naruto by the way. So what's your name miss…" he introduced himself as the mare gave him a warm smile and introduced herself in return.

"Twinkleshine…you have my thanks Naruto."

Naruto smiled in return and began leading her back to his place. He unlocked the door and invited her in. "Come in and make yourself at home. Can I offer you anything? Tea or Coffee maybe?" he asked as he led her into the living room. Twinkleshine took a seat on the couch as she gazed around.

"Some coffee with a lump of sugar if you don't mind." She answered him as she continued to look around the room. She took notice of some of the scrolls and a bottle of inks on the table.

"Alright a cup of coffee for the mare coming right up. " Naruto traveled into the kitchen and opened the cupboard. Taking down two cups he set them down on the cabinet and filled his tea kettle with some water. Turning the fire up he began to boil the water. Soon as the water was ready he poured it in the cup along with some instant coffee mix and put in the sugar. He soon returned to the living room and saw that Twinkleshine was standing by the table, looking over his scrolls with interest.

Setting down the saucers containing the cups on the table he walked over. "Have an interest in scrolls?"

The mare jumped lightly and let out a slight yelp. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be nosy."

"No its fine and the coffee is ready by the way."

The two of them returned to the couch where Twinkleshine carefully lifted the cup with her hooves and took a small sip. "I don't believe I've had this brand of coffee before."

"Its local made. I rarely drink coffee myself but I keep some for days where I feel like I want to sleep in, but really can't."

"I hope you don't find me prying, but what do you do?"

"I don't have a set career, I'm actually the assistant to the local boutique owner, but I do a lot of odd jobs around town. Helping the local farmers on their land or gathering herbs from the forest. I saved up enough money for this house, but now I'm trying to decide on what career I should take. So tell me Twinkleshine did you have a career?"

"Yes, I was doing some work for the government in Canterlot before I arrived in town I was doing your typical job of paperwork and some meetings here or there, nothing really interesting."

"Well we can always talk about something else than. Why not tell me a bit more about yourself?"

Hours ticked away as Naruto continued to chat with the mare. The two of them traded back stories back and forth as they discussed various topics and such. Even laughter found its way through the home as Naruto regaled in some of his childhood pranks. It took Naruto taking notice of his clock on the wall for the blond to realize they had spent almost all night talking. "The sun will be rising in a few hours and I have to get some rest. I'm sorry if I come off as rude, but I have to get up early tomorrow and aid a friend of mine with a project her teacher gave her."

"Thank you for your company Naruto." The pleasant smile left her face as she paused as if she was afraid of how the blond was going to react upon the next thing she was going to say. The fact her eyes would meet his and then dart away and she would fidget along with the grasping of her hands gave away her nervousness. I know I don't have any right to ask you of this." She started and inwardly chastised herself.

That sounded absolutely horrible. "I…I mean…" she began to stammer when the blond gave her a warm smile.

"You can stay as long as you need to." He answered, seemingly picking up on her problem.

"Its only for a few days, at least until my paycheck is deposited into my account. I'll be able to afford a train ticket then and get back home."

"Of course, until then make yourself at home." He said as he got up from his seat. "I'm going to get some blankets and pillows and show you to the bedroom. I'm way too tired to argue with anypony tonight so please just take my room. I just wanted to crash as soon as possible and sleep." Between each of his sentences Naruto let out a deep yawn as his eyes began to cloud with moisture. Twinkleshine would have responded that she couldn't do such a thing, but seeing that the blond was about to collapse accepted his kind offer without much argument if only to ease the burden of the kind stallion. Saying their good nights the two parted ways as they went to prepare for bed.

Naruto woke up early the next day and made breakfast. After consuming some pancakes and eggs Naruto left a note for Twinkleshine to find while he went on about his business. Golden Oaks library was a place Naruto visited often when he first moved into Ponyville. Hours upon hours of time were spent reading and rereading using a combination of kagebunshin and henge to quickly absorb all the information he could get.

He walked into the library to which Twilight who was sitting behind the desk greeted him. "Good morning Naruto." She greeted him with a bright and cheery smile. A few days had passed since the house-warming party that was had for Twilight and Spike. As always Rarity was dressed to impress.

"Morning Twilight," he greeted her. "So you ready for this assignment?" From the time he had spent with Twilight so far she was definitely the dutiful student. She really enjoyed reading and research, a trait that from time to time had him reminiscence about his old team-mate.

"I definitely am, I'm so excited. I've already talked with the others and set up a strict schedule for us to begin the interviews." Naruto raised an eyebrow. Interviews? "Princess Celestia wanted me to give you this letter." She said as she brought out that she had neatly tucked away in her bag and levitated it over the blond.

Naruto's eyes skimmed over the letter and the more he read the more incredulous he got. "What?" he audibly exclaimed, not believing what he was reading. Did Celestia really expect him to ask his friends these questions. "Uum Twilight, what did Princess Celestia detailed that we should ask the other bearers?"

"She wanted their name, physical traits, and background. She insisted on getting a complete biography so she could reward them for their services to Equestria along with getting to know them better. "

Twilight may have accepted the explanation at face value but as Naruto's eyes skimmed over some of these questions there was no way in hell that the questions on this size had anything to do with that.

Naruto now came to realize the folly of pranking an immortal princess with several thousand years of living experience. Why did he underestimate how cunning she would be? She even cashed in that little chip they agreed on meaning that he had to take part or admit defeat. Well if Celestia wanted to battle then a battle she shall have.

Since he arrived fifteen minutes early he and Twilight chatted for a bit until Rarity was schedule to arrive. A knock on the door drew them out of their revere. Before Twilight could even get up Spike had raced and beat her to the door with eager bluster.

Opening the door stood none there than Rarity. As always she dressed to impress with one of her usual numbers, but violet in color. Today she was wearing earrings and a diamond necklace along a pair of heels. "Why hello Spike? How are you this morning?"

"Wonderful …" he said in a bit of a daze. "You look wonderful by the way."

"Aaw," she cooed as she rubbed the top of his head affectionately. "You are just so sweet. I bet you say that to all the fillies." With that she walked forward as Spike continued to be in a love struck daze.

"Morning Twilight. Naruto."

Naruto nodded and smile. "Rare."

"Morning Rarity, I'm glad you could make it. Can I offer you anything? Muffins? Tea?" Twilight asked as she levitated a tray of goods from the kitchen.

"Just a cup of tea if you don't mind darling." Rarity said as she looked for a chair to sit in only for Spike to drag up a chair, quickly dust it off, and placed a pillow for her to sit on. "Why if you keep being this helpful I might have to convince Twilight to let me borrow you from time to time."

"Oh I see how it is Rarity. I move out and now you're ready to replace me?" he teased her with a sad pout.

Seeing through the mock hurt she merely grinned. "No one can ever replace you darling. So shall we begin this interview? This is so exciting."

While the two mares were excited for the interview Naruto couldn't help but inwardly groan. He could only hope that Rarity would only maim him slightly when it was his turn to ask the questions about her body...