Chapter 17 - Side Chapter - Interview With Rarity...
The two of them made sure to go over with Rarity that this detailed interview was to not only answer questions Celestia would have about the bearers, but to make sure she had a detailed file on them for a matter of reasons. One would be as a quick reference in case of a domestic issue that might result from anything ranging from kidnapping to black mail. Knowing their past and combing through it to make sure there is nothing that could be used against them. The other was that Celestia insisted on rewarding them. Her Generosity which was one of Celestia's most known traits besides her Kindness was known by many which in hindsight upon the return of the Elements of Harmony made since.
Celestia wasn't kind and generous because she was secretly some evil dictator controlling everything or because she was being manipulative, those were just genuine traits to her character. The accusations all and all didn't make sense because if Celestia was truly cruel she wouldn't be able to use the Elements of Harmony in the first place.
"Well we know of your name Rarity so we will go on to the next question. Do you have any nicknames or aliases you go by? Say for purposes like business deals or such?" Twilight began as Naruto glanced down at his paper and let out a soft sigh.
"Well from time to time I have been given the moniker Rare by those close to me. I have also used the name Radiance during my short stint as a model. Of course I had to stop modeling because not only did it take away my focus from my career I was not willing to mutilate my body for the styles they had coming out. I am rather happy with my shape thank you very much."
Naruto heard this story from Rarity once when they were simply talking during one of their gemstone hunts. Apparently Rarity's hips were too big for some of the dressed and they wanted someone with a more upside down triangle shape.
"Alright now on to the next question. How old are you?" As soon as the question left Twilight's lips Rarity had paused, looking rather affronted at the question. For a mare like Twilight she didn't care for such things about guarding her age. She thought the whole idea was kind of silly.
Naruto covered his mouth with his palm to hide the silent laughter. He could practically imagine her speaking. 'My age? My word, that certainly is not an aspirate question that a lady should be asked.'
"Twenty-three," Rarity answered in practically a hushed whisper.
"Rare you have decades before even having to worry about entering your Aged years." He replied as Rarity shot him a look.
"Talking about another pony's age isn't particularly polite." She answered as Naruto shook his head.
All the while Twilight nodded and continued to simply jot down whatever information she was given. For tribe she simply jot down information because that was ease to gleam along with fur, eye, and mane color. With her careful observation she quickly answered the questions that were unnecessary to ask.
"So Rarity how tall are you?"
Rarity happily answered this one if only to get away from the age question. "Five-foot nine," she answered proudly.
"Okay so how much do you weigh?" As soon as the question left Twilight's lips Rarity's tea cup slipped from her grip and clattered on the saucer, spilling some of the tea on it.
"Is such a question really needs to be asked?" This time Rarity couldn't hide her displeasure.
"It's on the list of question Princess Celestia sent me to ask. If you're not aware of it offhand you can always go find out and we can answer it later."
"No, I will answer the question now might as well get it out of the way." She shot a hesitant glance at Naruto.
As if he read her mind Naruto picked up why Rarity was hesitant. "I'll be right back." He said as he got up and made his way to where the restroom was. He waited a few minutes and returned just as Rarity finished going over her occupations.
"Now do you have any scars, illnesses, or allergies?"
Rarity took a moment to think, taking a sip of her tea as she did. "My body is free of any scars and I am not inflicted with any illnesses thank goodness. As for allergies I have seasonal reactions to certain plants with pollen, but other than that no allergies that I know of."
All these questions were more than just a biography. Those questions could be used as a checklist to spot out imposters.
"What about accessories and jewelries?"
Now this was a question Rarity could answer. She prattled on for practically fifteen minutes as she trailed off topic as she went into a discussion about necklaces and earrings for various purposes and such. It took Naruto interrupting her in order to get them back on track.
They skipped the relative questions because Naruto knew of Rarity's family fairly well. After going over Rarity's ability it came to the moment Naruto dreaded. Now it was time for him to question her.
"Please keep in mind these are not my questions and were sent to me. I'm only asking this at her majesty's behest. What is your bust size?" he asked as Rarity's mouth dropped and Twilight head jumped up from the pad she was jotting information down in surprise.
"E-Excuse me? " She cried out in righteous indignation. "I do believe I misheard you."
"A-Are you sure you're reading that right?" Twilight asked as she was in utter disbelief that Princess Celestia would ask that sort of question.
"Yes Twilight, I can read," he sarcastically snapped at her causing her to reel back and her ears to droop. Naruto inwardly cursed, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get mad at you Twilight, its just, well I don't know. I mean Princess Celestia has her reasons right?" he reasoned to them while inwardly thinking 'damn trolling princess'. He quickly came up with a reason. "Maybe she wants to have a thank you outfit made and she's making sure she's getting the measurements right?" It was such bullshit reasoning. He knew it and he suspected Twilight wasn't sold on it.
Rarity on the other hand did a one-eighty, no longer sending a hated gaze at Naruto and stared off into space as the look of day dreaming entered her eyes. It was obvious she was imagining a lavish spectacle of an outfit given to her by Celestia herself. "So…about the question."
"Oh, well, I'm a triple D, size 42." She answered.
"Actually I didn't finish the question. I need more than your bust size, I need your entire measurements." He said as Rarity hesitated but finished the question. She gave her waist as twenty-six and her hips as Forty-two. For a moment Naruto had to remind himself that the beings here weren't human so what was considered reasonable by those standards weren't going to be the same here.
Naruto blushed a bit, for the first time in a long time he was thinking about Rarity's figures and looks overall and sure enough she was highly attracted. Sure one or twice he had noticed it, but he never really looked at her in that sort of a way, considering her a dear friend. "L-Let's just go ahead and go on to your combat abilities." Naruto quickly changed up the subject.
Finally it was going on near eleven when they finally finished. "Is there anything else you wish to know?"
Twilight finished writing down what she needed to before smiling. "Well, then. That's all. Thank you for the time. Naruto and I have to plan for the next interview. I assume this time next month will be good for an update interview?"
"I will have to see what my schedule will hold for that week. I must admit this was a rather interesting interview and I will be seeing the two of you later. "
"See you later Rarity."
"Later Rare."
With their good byes exchanged now it was time for the next bearer to show up for their interview...