/Monday, Spring 8/6:00 AM/
The dawn was beginning to be present throughout the forest while the surroundings were flooded with light and the sounds of nature, but deep within it, that tranquility and harmony were being totally destroyed by the screams of emotion and euphoria they were coming out of a peculiar elf.
"Well, my dear assistant, I hope you are ready to see my masterpiece!" Hearing that, Blake could only give Daria a tired look as a yawn escaped from him thinking how wonderful it would be to be in his bed right now.
"Yes, but... Why so early, I really didn't sleep much and..."
"What are you talking about?! Sleep can never overcome art! Besides, I told you that when my work was finished, I would go looking for you, I couldn't go back on my word."
"So... Does that mean you finished it?"
"Of course, did you doubt me?!" The confidence with which Daria said all this was undeniable and made Blake think that she was actually serious.
'Actually, I thought that building a bridge would take too long, no less than a day.' Coming out of his thoughts, Daria's excited voice reached him again.
"And I didn't just make one, I connected both inputs! So not only will you be the first to see the best bridge in the world, you'll be the first to see the two best bridges in the world instead!" Without letting Blake say anything else, he was again taken by the arm and dragged down the stairs that led to the strange ruins only to be surprised by how quickly he stepped into his line of sight. "Tell me what you think, I'm sure you've never seen anything like it, hehe."
"It's... It's very colorful." Perhaps the description was too simple, but there really was no better way to describe what was in front of him. He couldn't deny that he was actually looking at a bridge that seemed to be fully functional, but aside from that, his aesthetic was truly unique.
Instead of a normal bridge that would be made of wood or another more "specific" material for construction, this seemed to be made of fabric, but what was most noticeable was the great accumulation of colors that was part of it, making it you had to squint your eyes to avoid being dazzled by the bright patterns full of life that recalled the scream of the one responsible for all that.
"That's exactly what I was looking for! Of course it has to be colorful, after all, I wanted something unique, and what better way to think about walking on a rainbow?"
"Yeah, I think I noticed the resemblance..."
"Well, don't waste any more time and cross over, you must do the honors!"
"Wait, haven't you tested if it's safe?!" Blake's nervous screams reached Daria's long ears, but she wasn't the least bit concerned about what she was doing.
"Don't worry, the fall can't be that bad." Ignoring the screams of panic that came from Blake and that he forgot that he could perform some technique to get out of that bad situation, he was thrown against his will ending up on the bridge and closing his eyes expecting to fall at any moment.
'How strange, I don't feel like I'm falling to my death.' But before he opened his eyes to see what exactly had happened, Daria's laughter and comments reached his ears making him think that she was just having fun with him.
"You see? You didn't have to worry, even though it was my first time making a bridge, I chose the best materials I had on hand, as you can see, the entire bridge is mainly made of spider web, not even an ordinary sword will be able to break it." And hearing that, Blake realized that he was still in the same place, but he could feel like under his feet, instead of feeling something delicate and weak, there was actually a really firm and stable area, he even touched it with his hands to make sure, and sure enough, it had incredible hardness. "You can even jump on it and nothing will happen, the paint I used gives it an extra hardness and prevents it from being really sticky, I had it all in mind from the beginning, hehe."
"I thought it would break the moment I set foot on it." Breathing a sigh of relief, Blake took in the construction.
"Did you really think I would throw you to your death? You should have a little more trust in me, plus I can't afford to lose my first assistant."
"Thank you…?" Daria could be said to be totally satisfied with her handiwork, and Blake could tell clearly as he kept his thoughts to himself. 'Though I don't remember agreeing to be your assistant now that I think about it.'
"Well, I'd still like to put a few finishing touches on it and investigate what this place hides, but I'm really tired and I need to recharge my energies, I'll leave the rest in your hands, dear assistant. Good night." Leaving Blake in the same place, the smiling elf waved goodbye as she walked up the stairs making all the cheerful atmosphere go with her.
"Didn't you say that art came before sleep...? Anyway, now I can see what's really in this place." After crossing the colorful bridge, Blake came to a new corridor that seemed to lead deep into this place, you could really tell that no one had been there in a long time, and the rubble and cracks everywhere reinforced that thought, even more, strange symbols and designs kept appearing on the walls that didn't seem to have any meaning, but after analyzing them for a long time, Blake seemed to understand something of all that. "This place is very strange, I guess it's really old since I don't understand exactly what those symbols say, but the images seem to be... Monsters?"
It was as he had said, removing the strange symbols that he could not understand, he was able to identify that the images and designs that were carved in the stone had the shape of monsters, there were many that he did not really know, but others that he could identify as orcs among others, there were even figures of what seemed to be dragons or giants, but even with all that, he didn't know what they wanted to convey.