Chapter 3 - Chapter Three:

Belladonna had stopped by the shop to check on the worker. I have no idea who she hired on such short notice. But she seemed like she was in a good mood. Which was a plus.

"Where are we going first?" I felt myself frown a little.  I had no idea where to start.

Belladonna chuckles happily.

"Come Nyssa said she would cut us a deal." I let out a sigh of relief. Oh thank the goddess.

Belladonna pulls me along while humming softly. I arch an eyebrow at her. Why was she so happy?

I notice that Nyssa's shop was kind of busy. She custom made custom clothes. Which was of course done by magic so she had no problem mass producing anything. And she always made a killing around the festival every year. I groan as Nyssa spots us and gives a wide smile.

"ERY! You're here!" I force a smile.

" HI Aunt Nyssa." She giggles before smashing me against her causing me to grunt.

"Come! I have awhole dressing dressing room set aside for you!" I yelp as she snaps her fingers and my hair falls loose around me. I glare at Belladonna and point at Nyssa! They knew I hated when they did stuff like that. Belladonna just laughs.

I groan again walking into the dressing room. Oh hell no!

"Aunt Nyssa! Something not so revealing!" All these dresses looked skin tight and had deep cuts in them. Aunt Nyssa clicks her tongue at me.

"How do you execpt to find a man without showing off what you have?" I press my mouth in to a thin line and look at Belladonna. She sighs.

"As she asked Nyssa. Please." Nyssa huffs but snaps her fingers again and new dresses lined the walls. I still wasn't happy with them. But they were better than what was in here.

I close the door and look at each one. I frown. I wasn't fond of any of the colors in here.

I that's when I noticed a black one. It had long sleeves too! Maybe it was safe.

**Kyro's point of view***

I growl out a sigh. If Marcus wasn't my friend then I wouldn't even be here at this town. Wolf's Peak? I snort the irony in the names of these towns.

The scent of  wildflowers and pine hits me like a ton of bricks. My wolf pushes forward. Oh no you don't You've had plenty of time out. I was still getting use to being back in human form.

But the scent was driving me mad. I grab Marcus's arm half dragging him along with me.

I notice a few girls were staring at me. But I didn't care. There was only one girl that held my interest and I felt ashamed of it because I had already gotten my mate.

I glance in the window of a shop and starlight curls caught my eye. She was wearing a modest dress. It was black with long sleeved. The neck line came down but not enough to show anything. It clung to her waist then came out with to layers at the bottom that gently went to her knees.

I noticed the diamonds on the bottom and the silver sash around her waist. She was stunning and she took my breath away.

But I felt like she was playing it safe with that dress.

"Whoah! That girl...she's beautiful." I openly glare at my friend letting lose a warning growl. Both his eye brows shoot up in surprise.

" Her hair...Starlight! She's the one!" I deliver a quick punch to his guy to keep him from finishing that sentence. He groans and starts chuckling.

"You haven't changed at all."

I growl at Marcus again before looking back at the girl.

She was still smiling but I noticed that another woman was messing with her hair pulling it to all one side. She seemed Rather annoyed with it.

That's when I noticed a male in the shop staring at her. My wolf pushes forward again. But this time the girl looks toward the male and flips him off with a satisfied grin. I chuckle. Well that was a new one. I'd never in million years think I'd see a young lady being vulgar. My wolf felt proud though.

What a strange feeling.

"Dude come on! The festival is in two days. I'm sure you'll see her again!" I roll my eyes. I hated when Marcus got whiney.

**Eritrea's Point Of View***  

I had flipped Paris off but it had earned me a lecture from both Belladonna and Nyssa on how a young lady should act. I just tuned them out and went to change back into my normal clothes.

Once I was changed I grab the dress.

Nyssa was smiling brightly at me. I arch an eyebrow up at her. What was she up to?

"It seems that you have an admirer. A very handsome young man came in and paid for your dress and shoes. So you owe me nothing." My heart skips a beat and my mouth falls open in shock.

What in hades is going on? Belladonna chuckles.

"Why are you so surprised little dove? You are a beautiful young woman." I narrow my eyes at her. Sighing I hand the dress back to Nyssa and she looks almost shocked.

"What are you doing?"  I shake my head.

"I don't want other people paying for my things I'll pick something else." Nyssa snickers.

"AND I was told if you tried to refuse that wolfie? Would be upset?" I felt the blush creep all the up from my neck and it reached my ears. My eyes widen and I pull the dress back to me quickly. He had Seen me in it?!

And if I didn't accept it then I would be defying Royalty and I could very well be excuted for that. If not by him then I certainly would be by Belladonna if she found out.

"Alright! Fine! Just keep it here so I don't have to go all the way back home to change." Both women were laughing at me now.

But I didn't think it was funny. How had he found me anyway? Why was he here? Grumbling I head out of Nyssa'a shop and down toward the library.

Reading always made me feel better. And there was something that was nagging at me in the back of my head. Something I felt like I needed to look into.

The Grand Master was up in his office and there was only one librarian down stairs. I sigh. That was good. I went over to The Royal section. I really needed to read up on him and his family because I had a bad feeling that I would be running into him whether I liked it or not.

I climb the stairs where several window seats were and sit down. I lean back against a pillow and get comfortable.  Opening the book I began to skim through it.

Not  Only are the Lycan Royals descended for Vikings but they are also descended from the Viking warriors called Berserkers. In human mythology they were thought to only wear the hids of a bear or wolf. But in fact these men were one of the first shifters to come along.

I groan and close the book. Oh well that's just great. Sighing I look out the window watching people go by. Just what had I gotten myself into?

"Eritrea?" I glance up to see The Grand Master standing there with a curious expression on his face. I move my feet allowing him room to sit down which he does.

"What seems to be troubling you my dear?" I couldn't tell him that but maybe I could ask him something else.

"Grand Master does anyone know why Aradia disappeared? Has anyone seen her since?" The Grand Master frowns slightly.

"It was said that she resurfaced about twenty years ago. Only a few people saw her. But, she went into hiding because of her father's brother. He is an evil man. Well he's more beast than man now."

He had my attention now.

"Is there a book about it?" The Grand Master chuckles and a book appears in my lap out of thin air. I smile. This is why I loved the library. 

"Just return it once you are finished."  I nod and hold both books to my chest. Maybe this would help....but I couldn't go home with these.

"Grand Master May I use one of the bed rooms on the top floor tonight?" He chuckles and shakes his head.

"Just take your usual room." I jump up smiling. For some reason when I was little The Grand Master would babysit me while Belladonna had to make trips to castles and what not I would stay here.

There were several rooms on the top floor including the Grand Master's. I stated over some night. When I didn't want to be at home. I climb two more flights of stairs and all the way down a long hallway.

I sigh as I open the door. It was a simple room. With an over sized bed. Like bigger than a California king bed. I walk over to the dresser and set down the books opening up a drawer.

I chuckle to myself as I found my pj set. Humming quietly I quickly change and curl up under the blankets with the books.

I look at the one that Grand Master had given me but there wasn't a title and the pages had yellowed.

I open the book and my stomach drops.

To my starlight. If you ever begin to ask questions.

Grand Master? What was the meaning of this and what was everyone's kink about calling me starlight? I roll my eyes and flip through a few pages.

In the beginning the world seemed dark. Humans hated our kind and hated how different that we were.

The Goddess Diana seeing that most humans wouldn't change decided then for her unborn child and for her people that she would create a realm just for supernatural beings.

A place where supernaturals could be free and not have to hide. With the help of her mate Remus they were able to contain peace.

Diana sent her daughter Aradia to earth. To the supernatural realm to teach them the way of true magic. Healing magic.

But as time went on Aradia noticed how greedy even her fellow supernaturals were. It made her weary of trying to keep helping them.

After her disappearance it wasn't until twenty years later that on the stroke of midnight a shinning silver light could be seen in the sky.

As a sign of Aradia many thought that she returned to her mother...but some believe that she may have had a child.  

Nope! I'm done. I close the book and bury myself under the blankets. I didn't want to read anymore because right now it made me feel like I wanted to puke and Belladonna would have told me something that important right?!

I probably just over thinking this. It probably has nothing to do with me. This was ridiculous. I frown and pull my sleeve up looking at the brand that Aradia had given me.

Clearly she hadn't went back to her mother. So that meant that she had a child..I groan and close my eyes.

I laid there for hours tossing and turning. I sigh heavily. Of course I wouldn't be able to sleep! This was stupid!

I climb out of the bed and put my clothes back on. I was out of the library and walking down the street. There was still alot of people out and about. Probably because it was only eight.

I sighed again and made my way around looking at stalls that were already set up. My ears started to ring and a my head throbbed a little. I let out a small groan pinching the bridge of my nose.

What brought this on?!  I try to inhale but a sharp pain erupted in my chest. It made my knees buckle. I felt myself falling but I couldn't catch myself. I gasp as a strong arm wraps around me keeping me up right.

"Èg fann pig." (I found you.) That voice! I knew that voice. The throbbing in my head grows. To close!! I needed to move. I struggle in his grip but I didn't have enough energy. I gasp as strong arms lift me off the ground. I squeeze my eyes shut. Don't make eye contact!

He chuckles softly.

"Are you afraid I'm ugly." I shiver. His breath was hot against my ear.

"Put me down." I squeak as he tightens his hold on me and starts walking.

"I'm not doing that. I barely caught you the first time. You are in no condition to walk." I groan throwing my head back.

This was so bad! I knew what making eye contact with him would do. He snorts.

" This would be easier if youd look at me." I stick my tongue out at him.

"You could put me down and walk away!" He let's out a soft growl.

"You know why I can't do that." I let out a dramatic sigh!

"Stupid Viking!" He chuckles and continues walking. I know I was being ridiculous but opening my eyes and looking at him...I had a really bad feeling that he would end up my pair bond and I don't want one of those!

"Where are we going?"

"My room at the Inn." I frown and turn my head away from him.

Oh this was just great!!!!