Chapter 6 - Chapter Six:

I groan as Marcus flinched for the hundeth time since we had arrived at the shop. He was being dumb! Everytime the door opened or closed he was ready to attack. I shake my head and look back down counting the special orders.

Since tomorrow was the festival the dead line for special orders was cutting it pretty close. I roll my eyes. These people were still acting ridiculous. I felt a faint smile on my lips thinking about Kyro.

I shake my head and felt myself blush for no reason. I jump as Marcus comes behind the counter and peers over my shoulder. I suppress a groan and glance at him.

"What is it?" He raises an eyebrow at me ad the door opens and two girls walk in. Causing Marcus to roll his eyes.

"Wolves."  It was more of a grumble than anything. I giggle a little.

"Can you believe that Prince Kyro is actually here? I wonder if he's found his mate?! How great would it be if I became a princess." I clench my together and narrow my eyes at them. Marcus stiffens at my side.

The other girl giggles.

"Not to mention he's hot!" I click my tongue and felt anger rise up in my chest. Marcus clears his throat gaining my attention.

"I'll get this love charm and then when he sees me-" I let lose a snarl drawing both their attention. They give me puzzled looks.

Marcus grimces and steps back slightly. I hold my and out and the love charm instantly lands in my hand. I curl my fingers around it tightly.

"Talk about my mate like that again and I'll have your spine in my hand next!" Both girls look mortified and they turn around sprinting from the shop.

Marcus trys to cover his laughter and I openly glare at me.

"Apologies Princess." He clears his throat and remains silent. Huffing I turn back to the special orders and rummaging through the bottom counter to see if they were all there.

Marcus's low growl draws my attention. I look up and I felt as all the blood drained from my face as I stare in to a pair of ruby colored eyes. The man's hair is smoke black and his skin is an ivory color but it is scarred.

I inhale a shaky breath. He didn't come any closer just glanced between Marcus and I then a wicked grin spreads across his face causing my skin to crawl. I noticed his canines then.

"Found you." I stumble backwards out the stool trying to put further distance between me and this man. Marcus shoves me behind him and let's out a warning snarl. My heart was pounding and my palms began to sweat.

The man smirks giving a mock bow before turning and walking out of the shop. My legs turned to jelly and I collapsed on the floor. Marcus bends checking me over carefully.

"Are you alright princess?!" He voice was a little panicked and it took me a minute to actually look at him. I search his face for a moment and then shake my head. No I wasn't alright. What the hell had just happened? Why was this happening.

Marcus reached out to touch me and I flinched. He sighs and stands up right. I just sat there trying to calm myself down.

I inhale several rigid breaths.

"Where is she?" It was Kyro's voice but I still couldn't find it in me to move.

"Stjörnuljós. Èg er hèr."(Starlight. I am here.) A large hand covers mine and I glance to see Kyro's worried expression. I let out a whine and fine myself crawling into his arms. He wraps his arms around me tightly and I felt my body relax.

Kyro's stroked my hair gently. Closing my eyes I listen to his heart beat and match my breathing to his. I sigh and curl closer to him.

"Hvađ gerđist?! Af hverju er hún svona hrædd?"(What happened? Why is she so afraid?) Kyro sounded strangely angry. I tilt my head up and look at him but he is looking at Marcus.         

"Myrkur úlfur. Hann lyktađi af brennisteini."(Dark wolf. He smelled of sulfur)

I could feel my eyebrows draw together in annoyance. They were talking in a different language again. Kyro let's out a low growl.

"I'm okay now." Kyro looks down at me and his eyes soften. He lightly kisses my forehead causing me to blush. I duck my head back down. Stupid! 

"Can you stand?" I groan. Kyro was warm. I had no idea how much I needed this warmth until now. He chuckles softly. I gasp as he swiftly takes a hold of me and stands. I wrap my arms around his neck in a panic. Marcus smiles. Clearly he was amused. I glare at him causing him to actually laugh.

"Take me home please." Kyro nods and heads toward the portal door. My arms tighten around his neck. I still hated portals. I squeeze my eyes shut and brace myself.

Once through I look around I could hear Belladonna's soft humming from the kitchen. Kyro sets me down gently and I make my way toward the kitchen.

Belladonna looks up and her confusion sets in. She glances over at Kyro and Marcus.

"What happened?" I look away from her. I half listened as Marcus explained what happened and Belladonna curses and runs toward the front door quickly throwing it open.

A bit surprised I follow her. She was standing at the summoning circle. Who could she possibly be summoning?

I shield my eyes as a bright white light shines. A strong arm wraps around my waist pulling me back toward them.

I lean into the warmth. I couldn't help but smile alitttle.

I tilt my head up and look at Kyro. But he seemed tense. I rest my hand over the top of his. He looks down at me giving me a small smile.

Belladonna sighs and I turn to look. I arch a curious eyebrow.   

"Grand Master?" He smiles gently at me then his eyes travel to Kyro.He bows his head respectfully. 

"Let's go back inside. There are things that need explained." I scoff.

Kyro with his hand still around my waist pulls me toward the house. I dig my feet in to dirt. He stops and waits for everyone to head in the house before turning me around to face him.

"Are you alright?" I inhale a shaky breath as he runs his hands up and down my arms gently.

"I have a bad feeling that whatever they are about to tell me is going to be bad!" Kyro sighs and takes my hand in his.

"Whatever it is I'll be right there." He says that now. But if it's what I'm thinking it is then my life just got awhole lot more complicated and I wasn't about to drag anyone else down this path with me.

I swallow hard and look back at the house. I really thought about running then. That would be my best option right? Just not deal with any of this?

I peek up at Kyro. Frustration settles over me. But knowing this jerk he would just run after me. I watch a small smirk play on Kyro's mouth and he tugs me forward a little.

I chew on the inside of my cheek. This wasn't something that I wanted to Do. I don't want anything to change. I don't want whatever was coming. Kyro tugs me again. I groan as I try to resist. but it wasn't going to work and part of me knew that. But I wasn't ready for this! To much was changing to fast!