Chapter 5 - Chapter Five:

Eritrea's Point Of View.   

I wince as I try to move. My right shoulder had a dull pain. But at the moment I was more concerned why I couldn't move. I pry my eyes open and notice something warm and soild behind me and an arm secured around my waist.

My heart starting racing. Oh dear goddess! Please please please don't let this be who I think it is!!

I crank my head and check a glimpse of blonde hair. I suppress a groan. And mentally cuss because obviously if I talk I'll wake him up!

What the hell was Kyro here in the first place?! WAIT! Panic sets in. Where am I?

I look around the room and let out a small whimper. This was his room.

How did I end up back here? I glance down at his arm and realize that I was wearing a tank top now. My eyes widen. Why was I in different clothes?!

"Your thoughts are very loud tiny mate." I did groan then. He was awake and apparently could hear my panicked babbling.

Kyro shifts so that he is sitting up. I slowly try to push myself up but when I put weight on my right side pain shot through me.

"Shit." It was a whisper but I heard him say it. Kyro gently grabs Me and props me up on some pillows. My ears were burning and I couldn't look at him.

What happened last night floods my head and I gasp snatching Kyro's hands looking them over carefully. He chuckles and takes my hands.

"I'm already healed. Nothing to worry about." I glare up at him.

"You're stupid! Wolf's bane is poisonous to your kind and you still touched it!" I press my mouth into a thin line. I hadn't meant to say that out loud. I peek up at Kyro and he was smiling gently at me. I give him a confused look. What was wrong with him? Shouldn't he be mad? I did call him stupid.

"I wasn't worried about me. Your grandmother said it could hurt you if it stayed in. I wasn't going to lose you." My breath hitches as he leans closer. He lightly kisses my forehead.

Dear Nyx! I wanted to melt. I mentally kick myself. Nope! No time for that!

"So who stabbed me with an arrow?" Kyro growls and his eyes glow slightly.

" Marcus is looking into it. They will pay for what they did to you." I roll my eyes which seemed to amuse him.

I groan. Why does he have to be so..ugh! He chuckles placing his hands on either side of me. My eyes widen as he leans closer and inhaling deeply. I shiver.

He was inhaling my scent. I stiffen as he lays his forehead on my shoulder. Suddenly realizing that he had said something to me last night in a different language.

"What did you say to me last night." His lips grazed my skin sending a warm sensation all over my body.

"I said that you were my reason for existing." I bite down on my lower lip and look away from him. He was making this very hard.

It's this stupid bond. It was growing the more time that I was around him! Everything he said seemed to make my hair race and my knees feel weak. This was so frustrating!

"You smell like wildflowers and pine." I sputter out a giggle.

"What?! That's what I smell like? And you like that smell?" He moans peacefully. But doesn't budge.

I sigh heavily.

"You realize that I have to go work at the shop today." He growls and looks up at me.

"No. You are staying right here where I can protect you." Anger flares into chest. The hell I am! I shove him then glare because he didn't even move!!! Stupid! Overgrown! Man!

"The hell I am! You. Don't. Get. To. Tell. Me. What. To. Do!" My teeth were clenched. He wore a straight expression.

"Incase you forgot tiny mate. Someone tried to kill you!" His glowed slightly. I let out my own growl and lean closer to him.

"Let me up. Or I'll break your arm." He smirks. That made me even angrier. He kisses my nose causing my eyes to widen and throw myself backwards away from him. My ears were on fire.

"I'm not letting you out of sight." I groan. There was only one way out of this and I wasn't going to go down with out a fight. I inhale a deep breath smile sweetly. He raises an eyebrow at me.

"Please..KY?" He looked a bit shocked at first. But his eyes softened. I suppress a smile.

"Eritrea.." I place my hand on cheek and I watch as he relaxes into my touch. My heart was hammering in chest.

"I'll be safe. I promise. I'll go crazy just sitting here please. I'll do anything else you ask." He smirks.

"Then I request a kiss to let you do this." I swallow hard. What?! That took a sharp turn! A kiss?! I'd never been kissed! This would be my first kiss. I froze. Kyro was leaning closer again but I couldn't lean back any farther.

"WAIT! I've neve-never been kis-kissed before!" Palm to face. I can't believe I had blurted that out but I panicked! Kyro's eyes soften and he smiles. Why was he smiling?! Why was he still moving closer?! I place my hands on his shoulders to try and keep him from getting any closer. I could hear my heart beat in my ears now. And my face felt incredibly hot.

"Good." My breath hitches as I glance down at his lips. I was panting. Oh dear goddess! 

His lips grazed mine and my mind started to swim. His mouth covered mine again and a soft moan escapes me as I grip his shirt.

As his mouth moved mine stayed in sync. This was amazing. Warmth spread through out my chest. Strangely I felt complete.

Kyro pulls away. I was panting quietly. I peek up at him and he is grinning like an idiot.

"You taste like honeysuckles." My cheeks burned at his comment. I slowly let go of shirt and bite the inside of my cheek and look away from him.

He let's out a small growl. I shriek and let out a giggle as he buries his face in the bend of my neck.


He chuckles lightly and pulls away from me. Sighing he looks almost defeated.

"Fine you can go to the shop but you have to take Marcus." I felt my face crinkle. I didn't like that idea. But as if on que Marcus bursts through the door.

He was grinning from ear to ear.

"Good Morning Princess! I will be your personal guard!"  I make a sour face and look back at Kyro.

"Is he always this chipper?"

"Not you too!" Marcus whined. I turn and look at him and he's pouting. Bottom lip out and everything. I roll my eyes and stretch. I notice Marcus look at me to long and a growl erupts from Kyro causing Marcus to avert his eyes. I sputter out a giggle.