Chereads / Snow falls gently in the darkness / Chapter 27 - Your Majesty Or Your Husband

Chapter 27 - Your Majesty Or Your Husband

Serena was a little disconcerted at the sudden change in subject, as she tried to formulate an answer that wouldn't expose her feelings for him. She wondered what he meant by asking her such a question and she thought, with some degree of anxiety, that he might suspect how she felt about him. Well that won't do, she inwardly scolded herself, how could she possibly hope that the Vampire King would fall in love with a mere human like her? Impossible! Better not to get her hopes up at all.

"Serena, it is fine, you do not have to answer now", his voice startled her.

"No, I....I wasn't sure of the answer that you were seeking", she stammered, embarrassed.

"I seek no answer but the one in your heart", he replied softly, closing his eyes again.

She stared at him then, unsure that she had heard him correctly, and even less sure of her response if she had. There was something different about him, something that she hadn't previously noticed until now, but what it was, she couldn't yet tell. He looked tired, more human and she felt a stab of guilt, knowing that she was the cause and she had allowed him to concern himself with her, without showing any concern for him at all. She had, selfishly assumed that because he was a vampire, he didn't require care and attention like a human husband would.

Perhaps this is what he meant by his question, she thought with a start, was he indirectly hinting that he wanted more from her? She looked at him, searching his face for something, but not knowing what.

Ivar felt her eyes on him and he reached out with his mind, trying to read her thoughts but finding only deafening silence. He could sense faint traces of confusion and concern but not much else, she was an enigma, of this much he was certain.

Just then, the carriage came to a halt and Serena looked out the window, confused to see that they had not returned to the Royal Palace.

"I thought we might have lunch outside of the Palace", Ivar said, climbing out of the carriage and reaching back to help her out.

The building was, in fact, a restaurant and they were met at the entrance by the owner himself, who led them through the crowded dining room, to a small, secluded table in the back. Once again, they were subjected to the stares and whispers of the restaurant's many patrons, as they passed, all of them straining to catch a glimpse of the new Queen. Noting the small gesture of privacy, Serena was inwardly relieved to be sat away from the constant scrutiny.

"You will become accustomed to it in time", Ivar said, helping her into her chair.

"The stares or the whispers?"

"Both", he answered, taking the seat beside her.

"I don't think that I could"

"You might be surprised what you could get used to", Ivar replied, turning to the restaurant owner and ordering their food.

"I doubt being an object of constant scrutiny is something to which I could ever become accustomed", she reiterated, once they were alone.

"And yet, you are here having lunch with the feared Vampire King, whom you were forced to marry in order to save your family and kingdom"

"I had no choice"

"You offered your hand in marriage"

"You would have demanded it"

"You didn't give me the opportunity"

Serena bit her lip and turned away, her face crimson with heat at the implied meaning behind his words. She burned at the implication that she had so willingly offered herself to him as though she secretly yearned for him, to be his Queen. Did he really think that low of her, she asked herself.

"Serena, you misunderstand me again", he sighed, "It was not my intention to demean you in any way, I just wanted to show you how strong and resilient you are, without even knowing it"

She turned back to him, confusion and surprise, on her face, as he reached out under the table and held her hand.

"I have always thought highly of you and nothing will change that", he squeezed her hand reassuringly as he gazed into her eyes.

She nodded and squeezed his hand back, feeling suddenly overwhelmed by her emotions and his eyes probing hers. She couldn't tear her eyes away even though she knew that he might see how much she loved him and she was grateful when the waiters arrived, at that moment, with the food.

For the remainder of their meal, Ivar kept the conversation light, telling her of the town's many attractions and asking her which ones she would like to visit. He watched as she became more animated in her conversation, telling him about what interested her and the things she had always wanted to see. He had been telling the truth when he said that she was captivating, he felt himself captivated by her even more so now, watching her speak so freely with him.

When they eventually returned to the Royal Palace, they retired to the Royal Chambers, to change out of the royal attire that had become stifling and heavy. Ivar immediately dismissed the hovering maids, preferring to undress his wife himself and using the opportunity to seduce her once they were alone.

She was, as always, incredibly responsive to his touch and he reveled in the smell and feel of her skin and the noises of pleasure that she made. He took her on the thick rug on the floor, in front of the fireplace, their bodies glistening with sweat, sliding effortlessly against each other in a sweet, sensuous dance of pleasure. He began slowly thrusting inside her, gradually building to faster, deeper strokes that culminated in a crescendo of ecstasy that had them both crying out and clinging together as they rode the crest of their climax.


In the High Council's main chamber, following the exit of the Vampire King and Queen, Seamus, still seated, waved his hand in a dismissive gesture and the silent audience in the alcoves immediately filed out, leaving the five Councilors alone.

Mikhail had remained standing in the aisle, his eyes fixed on the doors, through which Ivar and Serena had just left.

"A rare creature indeed", Markus spoke first, breaking the silence that had settled in the chamber like a dense fog.

"Hmmm...I wonder though if he knows", Lucinda spoke, voicing their unspoken thoughts.

"Of course he knows, Ivar is a lot of things but ignorant he is not", Seamus replied thoughtfully.

"It is not certain that she is the one", Lavinia scoffed.

"True, her eyes are not a sure indication", Markus agreed, "I've had many a woman from all over the north with eyes like hers"

"Bring them to me", Seamus spoke, his eyes on Mikhail's back.

Markus stared at him in shock, his mouth hanging open, when Lucinda giggled cheekily, covering her mouth with her hand.

"He means to interview them, Markus", she tittered.

"Of course", Markus chuckled sheepishly at his own foolishness.

"Well then she can't possibly be the one so it isn't necessary to handle her so delicately", Lavinia continued with her earlier sentiment.

"You are not the one to be the judge of that", Seamus countered in his soft, melodious voice.

Lavinia stared pointedly at him, her mouth parting to speak when Lucinda, glancing sharply at her, shook her head in warning. Pressing her lips into a thin line, Lavinia looked away and kept silent, her displeasure clear on her face.

"Do not allow your emotions to color your judgment, Lavinia", Seamus chided, his tone unchanged.

"It is time you let go of the past", Markus concurred.

"I have no feelings towards Ivar", Lavinia spoke through gritted teeth.

"Do you also have no feelings towards Serena?", Lucinda questioned, turning to look at her.

"She is of no consequence to me", Lavinia replied petulantly, avoiding the eyes of the other Councilors.

"Enough Lavinia, your emotions are fast becoming monotonous, much like your denials", Seamus admonished.

Lavinia looked sullen and angry, her mouth turned down in frown, as she stared at the floor and tried to bring her emotions under control. It was rare for Seamus to rebuke any of them and when he did, it was not to be taken lightly.

In the silence that followed, a barely audible whisper, floated through the chamber, taking them by surprise, as the three Councilors leaned forward in their chairs, straining to listen. Seamus seemed the only one, not surprised, and remained sitting as though he had heard nothing.

In the middle of the aisle, Mikhail stood with his head lowered and his long, platinum hair covering his face, as his lips moved soundlessly in the, now, silent chamber.

Mikhail slowly turned around to face them, his robes swishing against the stone floor and his eyes burning blood-red as he spoke, enunciating each word.

"She. Is. The. One"