She had just reached the carriage when she felt Ivar's hands around her waist, turning her to face him, as he held her firmly in place. Serena tried wriggling out of his hands but he only tightened his grip, speaking to her through clenched teeth.
"Tell me what is the matter or I will begin killing everyone in sight until you do"
Serena gasped, staring at him in shock, but she soon realized that he meant it, he would really kill innocent people because of her. Just then a woman appeared from out of a side street, the exaggerated sway of her hips, leaving no doubt as to her profession. Catching sight of them, she sashayed towards them, coming to stop less than a foot away.
"She don't look too willing but I'm willing and able, know what I mean?", she said winking at Ivar and lasciviously licking her lips.
"Are you now? Well then, why don't you join the party, the more the merrier, so I hear", Ivar replied, smiling winningly at the woman.
"No Ivar, don't", Serena whispered, beside him.
"But this is what you wanted, Serena, you insisted"
"You rich folk sure like your debauchery, I'll give you that", she responded, moving closer.
"Not as much as your blood", Ivar instantly appeared beside the woman, sinking his teeth into her neck before she even realized what was happening.
His eyes were open and staring at Serena, as he continued to draw blood from the woman, who had gone limp in his arms. Serena covered her mouth with her hand, her jaw hanging open with horror as she watched Ivar draining the life from the woman.
"Stop Ivar, please stop", she pleaded.
His eyes turned crimson and the surrounding veins seemed to swell, almost popping through the skin as he sucked harder, letting the blood spill from the sides of his mouth and trickle down the woman's neck. Her eyes were turning glassy and she was fast losing consciousness and Serena knew she would soon die.
"Ivar please! I don't care that you are in love with Lavinia or what happened tonight in the garden. Just please spare her life! She is innocent!, Serena cried, running towards him.
Immediately, Ivar pulled away from the woman, releasing her as she fell to the cold cobblestones below with a loud thud. The woman groaned and clutched her neck, looking up at Ivar with terror in her eyes as he leaned down and whispered.
"You never saw us, nothing happened, now run like the devil himself was after you"
The woman staggered unsteadily to her feet and without a backward glance, ran headlong into the dark streets.
Ivar's face was dark with rage, his eyes a sea of stormy gray and his lips set in a thin, angry line.
"What, pray tell, is this nonsense, of which you speak?", his tone had become low and menacing as he walked towards her.
"I.....I the garden....with.....Lavinia", she stuttered, suddenly out of breath.
"The Vampire King I may be, but still, it would impossible for me to be in two places at once "
"But I saw you.....I mean.....your suit and...your cufflinks", she stammered, trying to sound convincing.
"Let's go back inside, I believe that the dear Lady Lavinia has some explaining to do", Ivar said, taking her arm and leading her back into the Council building.
Inside, the ball was well underway, the music somehow louder and more lively than before, competing with the clamorous sounds of conversation from the guests. Everywhere, people were scattered in chairs, couches, standing or dancing, and all in varying degrees of intoxication. Serena caught a glimpse of Lavinia on the dance floor, laughing as Viscount Linley, twirled her around in his arms, while their eyes danced with glee and satisfaction.
Ivar strode purposefully through the crowd, his arm around Serena's waist, lifting her off the floor and carrying her along with him. The crowds parted with heads bowed at the appearance of the Vampire King, sensing immediately that something was amiss. Making his way unhindered to Lavinia and Linley, who by now had turned and were watching them approach, Ivar stopped just short and placed Serena down, his eyes never leaving the pair before him.
"A word, Lavinia", Ivar spoke, coldly.
"Surely, you can wait your turn, Your Majesty, my dance with Viscount Linley has not yet ended", Lavinia replied sweetly, batting her lashes at him.
Ivar's hand shot out, sinking deep into Linley's chest followed by a sickening, squelching sound as he withdrew his arm, Linley's still beating heart clutched in his fist. Serena felt her own heart lurch inside her chest, as the contents of her stomach churned, threatening to rise up her throat and spew from her mouth. If she could move, she would have run screaming from the room but she found herself inexplicably rooted in place.
"I believe it would be safe to stay that Viscount Linley's dance has come to an end. Permanently", Ivar returned Lavinia's sweet smile with one of his own.
The music had stopped and a fearful hush fell upon the crowd, as they subtly began edging away, leaving Lavinia alone in the center of the dance floor with Ivar and Serena, while they watched like vultures, from a safe distance.
"Now tell me Lady Lavinia, how I was able to be meeting you in the garden for a moonlight tryst when I was speaking with Lord Seamus in this very room?", Ivar questioned, as he took a step toward her.
Lavinia's tongue darted from her mouth, as she nervously licked her lips, her eyes flitting around the room, seeking support. The thought belatedly occurred to her that she may have pushed Ivar too far and underestimated his feelings for the girl.
"If it is a man's heart that you desire, then take this one because mine is not yours to take", Ivar roughly shoved Linley's heart into her hands and taking hold of Serena's hand, turned his back on her.
"Ivar", Lavinia's voice was soft and pleading, and Serena felt him stiffen beside her.
"Please give me another chance, Ivar, please. She can't love you like only I can", she begged.
"Love?! You know nothing of love! You love only the power and prestige that comes with the position of being my Queen. Do not dare to speak to me of love!", Ivar spat contemptuously, looking at her over his shoulder, his eyes flashing with anger.
"Lavinia!", Seamus' voice rang out in the ballroom, though he spoke in his usual soft tone.
"Remember to whom you speak", Seamus chastised her, "Return to your chambers at once"
With a flick of his wrist, the music began playing and the guests returned to the dance floor, laughing and chattering as though nothing had taken place just moments before. Seamus walked gracefully toward them, his face a mask of cool indifference, as he gestured for them to follow him through the windows and out onto the terrace.
"Your temper leaves us a Councilman short, with both Josiah and his brother your hand", Seamus said, without emotion.
"They have a half-brother that they used as a slave on their estate because he had the audacity to be born to a scullery maid, who had been repeatedly raped by their father", Ivar replied indifferently.
"I will send for him in the morning", if Seamus was surprised, he didn't show it, only nodding in agreement.
"I trust that you will handle Lavinia", Ivar looked at the fae, who eventually turned his head to meet Ivar's gaze.
"Of course, she will be dealt with accordingly. My sincere apologies, Your Majesty, for Lady Lavinia's abhorrent behavior tonight. Please rest assured that this will never be repeated", Seamus had turned to Serena, as he spoke, "She is only human and as such is prone to such emotional outbursts"
"All is forgiven, I am also human after all", Serena replied politely.
"Of course", a faint smile played on Seamus' lips, as a strange look passed between him and Ivar, and faded as quickly as it had appeared.
Serena couldn't be sure but she could have sworn that it seemed as though they were sharing a private joke. She wasn't given time to ponder about it as Ivar soon excused them and they began walking back to the carriage, but this time Ivar took her through the garden.
As they approached the large tree at the center, Ivar stopped and turned to her, his lips twitching slightly at the corners.
"Is this where you thought you saw me?"
"No I...I'm sorry Ivar", she replied, her face turning bright red.
"Here?", he asked, moving closer to the tree, pulling her along with him.
She nodded, feeling more heat suffuse her already crimson face.
"Did I hold you like this?", he held her in his arms.
She shook her head, avoiding his eyes.
"Like this?", he held her closer, pulling her tight against him.
"Yes", she whispered, her body tingling at his closeness and the feel of his hard, muscled body pressing against her.
"Did I kiss you like this?", he said bending his head and brushing his lips against hers.
"No", her lips were burning where he had touched them and she was trembling like a leaf in the wind.
"Like this?", he captured her lips with his, sucking and nibbling, before he slid his tongue between her lips and gently probed inside her mouth.
He kissed her tenderly, taking his time to savor the succulent sweetness of her mouth, teasing and tasting, leaving her breathless and aching for more when he eventually pulled back and looked deep into her eyes.
"I could never kiss anyone else like this, nor do I want to. You've ruined me Serena"
And he rose up into the night sky, with Serena holding tightly onto him.