Below the Council building, Rathgar strode briskly through the winding passages, stopping at a narrow tunnel that wound its way deeper underground. He entered without pausing, slowing only because of his large frame, before eventually entering a large, circular chamber with dungeons lining its edges.
It didn't take him long to find what he was looking for, the pungent odor of the Lycans, alerting him of their presence before he saw them. They were imprisoned in two, large cells, six of them in one and upon seeing him, they all turned to face him, snapping their teeth and growling. They were massive in build, even naked, and they eyed him with undisguised contempt, moving closer to the bars that held them captive.
Rathgar walked fearlessly towards them, coming to a stop in front of the cell bars and raising one finger to his lips. They looked confused for a moment, before one of them stuck his huge hand through the bars and grabbed Rathgar by his neck, squeezing tightly on his windpipe.
Suddenly, he loosened his grip, his hand going slack and falling back against the cell bars, as the sound of breaking bones and tearing flesh, echoed through the dungeons. Rathgar had disappeared, reappearing only a split second later and throwing something dark and wet into the first cell. Looking down, the Lycans saw two hearts, still warm and faintly beating, just as another landed on the dirt floor beside them. The Lycans looked up bewildered, only to see three of their own, stumble backwards and land heavily on the ground, their muscular chests replaced with gaping holes.
Removing a handkerchief from his jacket pocket, Rathgar casually wiped the blood from his hands and dropped the bloodstained cloth on the ground. He stepped back to the bars, his eyes glittering maliciously in the dim light as his lips curled back into a ghastly smile.
"Tell me who sent you"
Arriving at the Royal Palace the next morning, Lucinda was surprised to find Serena ready and waiting for her in the drawing room. It was a large room, beautifully furnished with low, comfortable chairs and couches, crafted from the finest wood and decorated with elaborate designs. A fire burned in the large fireplace, warming the room against the bitter winter cold outside. Tall French windows ran along one side of the room, opening out onto the terrace, overlooking the Royal Gardens. Serena liked the drawing room better than the palace's other rooms, preferring it's secluded, cosy atmosphere despite it's size. Greeting one another, they sat on one of the many couches, in front of the fireplace as the palace's maids served them tea.
"What preparations need to be made for the coronation?", Serena asked, taking a sip of her tea.
"Well first you will need a gown, I have arranged for the Royal dressmaker to come by later this morning to take your measurements and show you the different fabrics to choose from", Lucinda replied excitedly, clasping her hands together.
Serena nodded her agreement, trying not to grimace at the thought of spending her time on so boring an activity. She had hoped that she would be able to sneak away into the library to do some reading but the possibility seemed remote now.
"Of course, you will also need new clothes for your public engagements while you are here. Then we will have to visit the Royal Vault, with Ivar's permission of course, to select the jewelry that you will be wearing", Lucinda continued enthusiastically, "Then there's your shoes, hats and gloves....and your undergarments"
"I will see to that myself", Ivar said, suddenly entering the drawing room.
Serena's face flushed red and she looked down at the floor, wishing that it would open and swallow her whole.
"But Your Majesty.....", Lucinda tried to protest as Ivar interrupted her.
"I will take care of it Lucinda", Ivar's tone was final and Lucinda reluctantly acquiesced.
Serena was too embarrassed to speak, keeping her head bowed as she continued to stare at the floor. She hadn't expected that Ivar would join them, thinking that he would be otherwise occupied with matters of the court and she inwardly hoped that he would soon return there. Thankfully, the butler entered the room to announce the arrival of the dressmaker and Serena exhaled in relief.
The dressmaker, Smithers, was a small, portly man, who wore wire-rimmed spectacles, perched on the bridge of his nose. His mustache took up most of his face and seemed to be grown that way in obvious compensation for his head, where the hair was sadly lacking. He was constantly sweating, despite the winter chill, and he removed his handkerchief repeatedly to mop his brow.
He brought with him, a rather large, brown leather bag, that contained samples of different types of fabrics in almost every color. Removing them from his bag, he arranged them, quite fastidiously, on the large wooden table in the center.
Serena was surprised to see Ivar take a seat in a chair across from her, lazily watching the proceedings from beneath hooded eyes. It seemed he had forsaken his court duties to spend the morning with them in the drawing room.
Lucinda was already on her feet, keenly circling the table and checking each sample, as she held it up to the light before placing it against Serena's cheek.
"Oh Your Majesty, they all look so lovely on you! Which ones would you prefer?", she enthused.
"There's so many to choose from, I'm not sure I know myself", Serena replied, trying not to look in Ivar's direction.
"Perhaps I might be of some assistance", Ivar drawled from his chair, as he stretched his long limbs and stood up.
He ambled towards the table, bending over to pick up a sample and looking at it, before he carefully set it aside and proceeded to the next one. He was focused on his task, studying each sample in turn before neatly placing them into two different piles. Lucinda and Serena watched him quietly, fascinated at his unexpected behavior until, at last, he was done.
Picking up the smaller of the two piles, he turned and handed it to Smithers, who had been anxiously hovering behind him.
"Do you not have white silk?", he asked the dressmaker.
"Yes, Your Majesty, I do", Smithers answered, rushing towards his bag and pulling out a sample.
"You will use it for Her Majesty's undergarments"
"Of course, of course, Your Majesty. I will need only to take her measurements"
"You will do no such thing!", Ivar retorted sharply, sparing the man a withering glance.
"No! My assistant, Sheila, will take the measurements", he placated, waving his hands in front of him.
"She will not"
"It is not terribly necessary, we can just make do", Smithers shakily dabbed his shiny forehead with his handkerchief.
"I will take the measurements and have them sent to you tomorrow. You will use the samples I have selected for Her Majesty's new dresses and have them brought here exactly one week from today", Ivar instructed.
"Yes, yes and what of Her Majesty's coronation gown?"
"That is not your concern", Ivar replied, dismissing him with a wave of his hand.
Hurriedly gathering his things into his bag, Smithers scurried unceremoniously from the drawing room, still dabbing feverishly at his perspiring brow.
A stunned silence descended upon the room as Serena and Lucinda, stared open-mouthed at Ivar, still trying to comprehend his actions of the past hour or so.
"I believe that I have completed both your tasks for this morning. You're most welcome", Ivar smirked, looking altogether pleased with himself.
"Your Majesty.....I...", Serena halted, unsure of what she wanted to say.
"I will fetch a tape measure", Lucinda offered politely, rising from her seat.
"Whatever for?", Ivar questioned in surprise.
"Why, Her Majesty's measurements", Lucinda frowned, confused.
"That will not be necessary. I can give you her exact measurements right now, I'm quite familiar with Her Majesty's....dimensions", he stressed the last word, ensuring that they both knew exactly what he meant.
Serena looked positively mortified, her face burning a bright crimson, as she turned to face the windows so Lucinda wouldn't see. Beside her, she heard the Council's witch unsuccessfully attempt to suppress a giggle, as she covered her mouth with her hand. If it were possible, Serena would have turned an even brighter shade of red, but sensing her embarrassment, Lucinda came to her rescue.
"Your Majesty, please don't trouble yourself on my account. I consider you my friend and what is harmless banter between you and your husband when it is only me to hear", Lucinda gently took her hand and patted it reassuringly with both her hands.
Serena looked from her to Ivar and seeing only genuine warmth, she visibly relaxed and allowed Lucinda to pull her back down onto the couch beside her.
"Unfortunately there is a silver-haired vampire who requires my immediate attention so I must take my leave", Ivar said, turning to leave.
"Your Majesty", Serena called out.
He immediately faced her again, a questioning look on his face.
"Who will make my coronation gown?"
"It's a surprise"