Chereads / Snow falls gently in the darkness / Chapter 39 - A Gift of Blood

Chapter 39 - A Gift of Blood

"Then he shall have it", Serena said softly, as she tenderly brushed Ivar's dark hair back from his face.

"Your Majesty, I must ask you to reconsider", Rathgar spoke again, as he took a step toward the bed.

"Lord Bane, if there is even the slightest chance for me to save my husband, I will do it. Without question"

"Even at the cost of your own life?"

There was a pregnant pause, as both silver-haired vampires waited for her to answer, but she took her time, fussing over Ivar before she turned to face them.

"Especially then, for what is my life worth without him?", her response was soft and filled with emotion, such that neither vampire could deny her.

"He would never forgive me for allowing it", Rathgar made one final attempt at changing her mind.

"You don't have the power to either deny or allow it", her voice was determined and her eyes dared him to challenge her.

She was right, of course, as Queen of the Shadowlands, she wielded absolute power and authority in place of the King. No one, not even Rathgar, could disobey a direct command issued by the Queen. This was a fact, of which she was well aware, and she made it clear now.

"Let us begin. We have wasted enough time as it is", her tone was brusque as she turned back to Ivar and gently stroked his cheek.

Shaking his head in wonder, Rathgar withdrew a small, evil-looking dagger from under his cloak, and approached the bed. Standing beside her, he extended his hand and Serena placed her hand in his, without hesitation. He looked at Ivar, laying on the bed, his pallid complexion already darkening with the poison that flowed and swelled inside his blackened veins. Time was running out and Rathgar knew it, but something inside him, shied away from the thought of risking the life of this human girl with nerves of steel. That she would sacrifice her fragile, mortal life for an immortal was unheard of and filled him with respect and admiration for the woman. She would be the perfect queen to rule at Ivar's side...should she survive.

His gaze flicked to Mikhail, who was studying him intently, as he stood casually by the balcony doors. Mikhail gave him an imperceptible nod and Rathgar focused his attention on the small, slender hand in his, swiftly drawing the dagger across her wrist before she knew he had done it. She barely flinched, only looking down, in surprise, at the thin ribbon of blood that appeared where the blade had cut the skin. She watched as the ribbon unfurled into dark rivulets of red that oozed from the wound.

Rathgar quickly moved her wrist over Ivar's mouth, letting the blood trickle down between his slightly parted lips. They heard a soft, rasping sound from somewhere deep in his throat as he parted his lips and swallowed. His tongue darted from between his lips, licking the blood that had spilt there, as his fangs extended. Ignoring Rathgar's look of warning, Serena lowered her wrist to his mouth, gasping as his fangs bit down onto her wrist, ripping through the flesh and grazing her bones. She could hear her blood rushing in her ears and her heart was pumping so hard, she thought that it might burst its way through her chest.

He was biting her so hard, it felt like he would shatter her bones into pieces and her wrist burned in agony as he sucked her raw and broken flesh. She lowered her head to hide her pain while gritting her teeth so hard, she was afraid she would grind them to dust inside her mouth. Her head was unbearably heavy and her mouth had gone dry, her throat burning so hot that tears sprang to her eyes. She placed her other hand on the bed beside Ivar, using it to support herself as she unknowingly swayed from side to side.

Rathgar glanced worriedly at Mikhail, who shook his head, indicating that the Commander General should not intervene. He shifted his gaze back to Serena, who was now hunched over the bed, the knuckles on her free hand turned white as she tightly gripped the sheets. He knew that, for a human, the pain would be excruciating, enough to cause a grown man to lose consciousness, but still she held on. She made no sound, not even a whimper, and Rathgar wondered at her tenacity.

Ivar's eyes suddenly snapped open and he grabbed her wrist, holding it tightly to his mouth, as he continued to hungrily drink her blood. His skin had lost its deathly pallor and his veins were no longer black and swollen, disappearing beneath his smooth, pale skin. Serena softly called his name, the unspoken plea, evident in her voice, but he seemed to neither hear nor care if he had.

"That's enough Ivar", Rathgar growled, ignoring Mikhail's shooting glare.

"Ivar please", Serena pleaded, sounding weak and out of breath, "Please Ivar, stop"

His mercurial eyes were glazed over and unseeing, as he continued to drain her blood, oblivious to her pain and suffering.

Serena could feel her life draining from her and she fought to remain conscious, even as she saw black spots dancing before her eyes. She closed her eyes and saw vivid memories of Ivar in her head, his lips curving into a half smile and his beautiful gray eyes twinkling with amusement. She felt his body, satiny smooth and muscular, pressed firmly against hers, as moved against her and inside her. The feel and taste of his mouth and lips, the tantalizing touch of his hands and every sensation that he awakened in her. The images seared her heart and soul, burning white hot and consuming her in their intensity.

Just as Rathgar moved to pull Ivar from her, a blinding violet light flared up around Serena, pulsing and growing in intensity. He could hear a low thrumming from within the light as it began to pulsate before shooting outwards in an explosion of violet hues that filled the chamber, almost blinding him. He stumbled backwards, covering his eyes with his hands while across the room, Mikhail watched with a knowing look, as the faintest ghost of a smile, tugged at the corners of his mouth.

Ivar was momentarily stunned, his jaw falling open and finally releasing Serena's wrist from his vice-like grip. He blinked slowly, as though waking from a dream, and his eyes swept across the room, quickly assessing the situation. Seeing Serena still enveloped in her violet aura, he reached out to her and pulled her into his arms, hugging her tight against him.

"Serena it's alright now, I'm alright. Calm yourself, I'm here now. I promise I won't leave you", he soothed, while stroking her hair and back.

He felt her gradually begin to relax as her aura started to slowly ebb away, becoming lighter and fading, until finally dispersing into the air. She shuddered and went limp in his arms, her body weak and exhausted beyond what any normal human could withstand. He held her a while longer, making sure that she was sleeping deeply, before gently laying her down beside him and climbing out of bed. Clad only in a pair of fitting black trousers, he stalked towards the fireplace before turning to face the two silver-haired vampires, glowering with barely controlled rage.

"Which one of you decided to allow me to feed from my wife?", he didn't wait for an answer, "Or was it both of you?"

Unaware that Ivar had retrieved the dagger from where it had earlier fallen on the bed, Rathgar realized too late when he felt it pierce his neck, just above his shoulder. Mikhail sped across the room to his defense, only to be stopped dead by Ivar's hand gripping his neck as his fingers crushed Mikhail's windpipe.

Serena moaned and called out his name, her voice raw with pain, pulling him from his murderous intentions. Immediately releasing the two vampires, Ivar rushed to the bed and climbed in beside her, speaking to her in a soothing tone. Once she was calm and had fallen back to sleep, he looked up at the two vampires, nursing their wounds.

"Leave us. We will continue this discussion tomorrow"

He watched them leave, quietly closing the door behind them and he leaned back against the headboard and exhaled. Looking down at Serena, he reached out and removed a lock of hair that had fallen across her face, smoothing it back into place. Her thick, dark lashes fluttered delicately and her lips parted slightly as her breathing deepened. He listened to the sound of her heart beating steadily in her chest, pumping the blood through her veins in a quiet rush. Her body was healing itself, she just needed to rest and eat, her powerful aura would do the rest.

He had seen something when he drank from her and once she was awake, he would talk to her, but for now, he wanted her to rest and recover.