Chereads / Snow falls gently in the darkness / Chapter 25 - Captivating

Chapter 25 - Captivating

The Royal Chambers were a bustle of activity with three maids in attendance, preparing Serena for her introduction to the Northern High Council. She had been bathed in scented oils and shampoo and her hair, intertwined with gold ribbons, hung down her back in a straight, silken braid, the color of raven's wings. Her corset was tied so tightly, she could barely breathe and bending at the waist was impossible. Her dress was made of the softest velvet of deep royal blue with gold embroidery around the edges and for only the second time since her marriage, Serena donned her crown.

Descending the grand staircase, she saw Ivar, standing at the entrance to the vestibule, dressed in full royal regalia, his black hair slicked back from his face. He was deep in conversation with Rathgar, when suddenly he turned and their eyes met and immediately she felt butterflies in her stomach as a pleasant warmth spread through her. His smoky gray eyes drew her in, drowning her in their depths and as her heart fluttered in her chest, she knew with absolute certainty that she was in love with him.

She loved him and she loved everything about him, from the errant lock of hair that constantly strayed onto his forehead, no matter how he brushed it away, to his perfectly formed feet, that looked like they were carved from the finest marble. She couldn't remember when exactly she had fallen in love with him but now that she knew, everything just felt somehow different. She couldn't take her eyes off of him and he continued gazing at her, transfixed, his conversation with Rathgar, all but forgotten.

Serena wanted to run into his arms and feel their warmth and safety, to know that this is where she truly belonged. She couldn't imagine being anywhere else but here with him, by his side, as his wife and Queen. Overwhelmed by her emotions, she cast her eyes downward as she reached the bottom of the stairs and began walking towards him.

Ivar extended his hand as she neared, gently pulling her toward him, as he took hold of her waist with his other hand. He leaned down and stared intently into her eyes, searching, before he spoke.

"You seem....different. Are you unhappy that I did not inform you earlier of your introduction?"

"Not at all, Your Majesty, it is only nerves. I will be fine", she murmured, keeping her gaze lowered.

He studied her a moment longer, before leaning further forward and whispering in her ear.

"I will make it up to you, I promise"

"The King cannot break a promise", she replied softly.

"I don't intend to", he smirked, releasing her and taking her arm, as he led her outside to the waiting carriage.

Rathgar rode up behind the carriage, his white horse, panting and pawing restlessly at the sleet on the ground. His eyes glowed like burning coals, surrounded by the labyrinthine tattoos covering his face and his silver locks had been braided into rows, which only made him look more menacing than usual.

Helping her into the carriage, Ivar climbed in and sat down beside her, their thighs and shoulders touching in the confined space. Serena swallowed and looked out the window, feeling her body reacting to having him so close to her. She could smell his aftershave and perfume, like warm spices and lavender, and it intoxicated her, filling her senses and rendering her almost incapable of coherent thought.

She squirmed a little, trying to create distance between them but he leaned back, closing the gap, as he turned to face her.

"You.....are captivating", he said, reaching out and tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear.

"As are you", she whispered.

"Am I now?", he asked, his lips curving upwards in a smile.

"You will have to show me how captivating I am", he continued, tracing her jaw with his thumb.

Serena, feeling suddenly breathless, looked away, gazing out the window at the passing scenery while beside her Ivar grinned delightedly. The way she had looked at him back at the castle, he could have sworn she was in love with him but he couldn't be sure yet. At times, he could just barely hear her thoughts, like a faint echo borne away on the wind, but most often, it was as if there was a wall of silence inside her head. But if he captivated her then he could make her love him, make her fall in love with him so deeply that she would never be able to imagine being anywhere else but with him.

"Serena, choose your words carefully before the High Councilors, they are not the most forgiving of people", his voice suddenly crisp and insistent.

"I don't understand", she said, turning back to him, confusion on her face.

"You will", he answered cryptically, staring straight ahead.

"But Your Majesty.....", she began when he interrupted her.

"We have arrived"

As Ivar helped her out of the carriage, Serena looked up at the Northern High Council, looming high above their heads. It was built in a fashion similar to that of a church, with impossibly tall spires and stained glass windows. The front steps leading to the pointed arch that formed the entrance, were wide and made from cut stone while stone statues of winged demons, perched menacingly on either side of the doors. Around the stone roof were gargoyles, with bulging eyes and inhumanly long tongues, that protruded from within their fanged jaws. The intricately embellished colonnades and flying buttresses gave way to exquisitely stained glass lancet windows.

Fascinated, Serena had completely forgotten about Ivar, standing beside her, until she heard him, murmuring in her ear, as he took her arm in his.

"Remember what I said"

They entered the council building, with Rathgar following behind, walking through the massive foyer, with its high, vaulted ceiling and stone columns, lining either side. Here and there, small groups of people were scattered around the room, conversing in quiet tones, as if afraid that talking any louder would bring the entire structure crashing down on them. As they passed by, Serena could feel heads turning to glance at them, before quickly turning back to whisper amongst themselves. She tried her best to ignore them and she was grateful when Ivar gently squeezed her arm as if to reassure her.

They were just about to leave the foyer, entering a long corridor at the front, just beside the stairs, when they were accosted by a tall, handsome vampire with brown hair and twinkling blue eyes.

"Greetings Your Majesties, we have been looking forward to your visit", he said, bowing his head.

"Viscount Linley", Ivar nodded, his eyes turning cold.

Serena stiffened slightly at the mention of the man's name, recalling the vampire who had attacked her in the castle, the morning after the wedding. But he was dead, she thought, Ivar told her that he killed him, so who was this man.

"This must be your lovely Queen. She is indeed, as beautiful as they say", Viscount Linley smiled at her, his eyes widening slightly when he noticed the color of her eyes.

"Do they now? I wonder what else they say"

"Nothing untoward, I can assure you"

"They wouldn't dare", Ivar replied calmly.

"Indeed. I trust that Her Majesty finds our quaint little town to her liking?", he asked, changing the subject.

"It is delightful but I would hardly call it quaint or little", Serena answered honestly.

Viscount Linley, chuckled, "I am glad Her Majesty approves but we have many attractions here that may interest you, if you would allow me the honor of taking you on a tour. That is, if His Majesty does not mind"

"Actually I do", Ivar drawled, his eyes like pointed daggers.

"Very well, it has truly been a pleasure Your Majesty and I hope we meet again soon", Viscount Linley, stiffly bowed again and walked past them into the foyer.

Serena turned to look at Ivar, when he answered her unspoken question, "The former Viscount Linley's brother, Josiah"

They began walking again, down a long hallway with doors on either side, until they reached the end where a set of tall, doors, guarded by armed guards, stood closed. Upon seeing the King, they immediately bowed low and moved quickly to open the doors, allowing them entry into the Council's main chamber.

The chamber was nothing short of magnificent, the intricate tracery of the stained glass windows, reflecting a kaleidoscope of vivid colors onto the carved stone walls and floor. Along the sides were high pointed arches, beneath which were alcoves with straight-backed wooden chairs, all of which were currently occupied. The center aisle ended in a semi-circular space, in front of which sat the five High Councilors, their chairs facing the aisle.

As they neared the open space in front, Serena was able to see more clearly the Councilors, that Ivar had warned her about, as she tried to hide the cold, chill that settled in her stomach and chest. She could feel the eyes of the entire chamber on her and she quickly lowered her eyes, hiding the unease that she was feeling.