Chereads / Essence Meta CYOA / Chapter 10 - Essence Meta CYOA Part 2-Section 3(Lack of Space)

Chapter 10 - Essence Meta CYOA Part 2-Section 3(Lack of Space)

Essence of the Patron Porn God

By drinking this fuzzy lemon lime tasting concoction your soul is symbiotically linked with a minor sex Deity.

You may change your appearance, age, and gender as you wish starting off. With a body in perfect health and fitness.

Your body runs off hentai/porn logic. STDs are no longer a concern, your genital can be as big as you want and not cause you any problems, people around you follow more of a porn logic than common sense, such as forcing a partner to orgasm multiple times will see them following in love with you, ect. This effect grows in strength in relation to your Deities' power.

You may design your sex deity to appear to you as whatever you wish, gender, species, and basic personality and relationship to yourself.

Comes with a physical object or item that serves as a connection to the physical world for your entity, and it produces sounds and communicate with you through this item.

While it starts off weak, it may grant you a Boon to start. This Boon can come in many forms, perhaps granting a superpower, modifying or amplifying an existing power you have from another source, a magical item, a subtle wish such as a lewd law in the world, ext.

In general, this starting Boon can be either be manifested at the strongest possible way the Entity can grant at this time or be granted at a weaker state but grows in power over time. For example, wishing to be a flying brick would make you strong enough to lift tanks and fly at moderate airplane speeds. A weaker gift would have you start at lifting ten tons and resistant to modern firearms but will eventually grow in power to true comic book top tier in level. The weaker an ability starts off, the more it can grow over time.

By engaging in sexual acts and other forms of offerings, your Deity grows in power and what he can give you in the form of boons and miracles. Existing powers can be made stronger or remove limitations. Country perhaps even worldwide modification of society in lewd ways, ext.

In general, the more of a significance a partner is in some way, whether a celebrity, leader, well known superhero, or perhaps even "the stories main character" the more favor and power it gives your Deity. Or by how tantalizing or erotic the "conquest" is, such as a family of a beautiful woman and her three equally beautiful daughters.

At any time, your Deity and you can meet in an astral pocket, which is where your soul is bound to in case of death by the way. Here you can interact physically with the Deity but sex with him/her/it does not grant the Deity more power, although it may enjoy the act very much.

Outside of sexual favors and methods, you could choose to title your Patron God of nearly any domain or concept and grow their power in a manner that makes sense for that patron god. Want a God of Battle that grows as you defeat more powerful/important foes? God of Games, Adventure, Death, ext. As long as the general guidelines of favor and boons are used nearly any concept is viable.

The Deity can bring you back to life if killed, in either bringing you back at a safe place, or placing you back your body at an earlier time, ect.

Resurrection is tiring for your Deity and unless it possesses a truly awesome amount of power will reduce their powers considerable, if they have to they can hold your soul to their charge enough, so in effect nothing can really kill you, if keep your soul in their pocket dimension for a while.

Your Deity can also reincarnate you in this world or any other universe you can think of. Allowing a form of multiversal travel. In general, same rules apply as bringing you back to life, but they can always give you a starting Boon. You can pick exactly how and when you reincarnate, such as the general scenario your born in, what race, if you're the sibling of a specific person, ect.

Essence of the Soul Manipulator

By drinking this light orange drink, you gain powers to control and manipulate souls and spiritual energies!

You gain the power to see souls and spirits in a manner you decide. Whether its information on a game screen, a glowing ball inside their chests, or another. You can look into a person's soul and gain information about their personality and other characteristics. With time and practice you can gain the ability to manipulate this information, changing personality traits, and even effecting physical and spiritual changes on a person.

You will quickly discover that a large amount of unseen spiritual beings exists, although their exact nature and abilities are for you to discover. These spirits do have powers and abilities you can take advantage of. With practice you can control and modify these spirits in much the same way as you can a person's soul.

You gain a large amount of spiritual energy inside your own soul. This energy has an enormous range of potential uses. The exact style of use and capabilities will be based on your own imagination and personal nature. Perhaps you can create gigantic swords and move so fast you appear to be teleporting, or perhaps you will fly in the air and cast comic book like spells or emulate psychic abilities while holding your fingers to your forehead, the archetypes are endless. While you can emulate just about any power or ability, only a single archetype that matches your personality and a handful of powers will come easy to you at first. And with practice and training you can gain more uses for your energy.

While large your spiritual energy is not infinite, it is like a pool of energy and uses will expend it. However, it will naturally regenerate and the more you use and train with it, it will expand your maximum limit over time. The amount of power your soul can produce is practically limitless, however softcaps and slower periods of growth are to be expected.

You can drain spiritual energy from souls and spirits, either to replenish your powers or to temporally supercharge your abilities. Note spiritual energy can replenish naturally in a target, but taking too much at once can harm or kill a person.

You gain powers to travel as your soul and can enter spiritual and mental planes of existence, the collective unconsciousness, the astral plane, and travel to other realms of existence. You have an unusual amount of power and authority over these domains, even in places where their owner or lord should have absolute authority over it. With time and growing spiritual power, you could wrestle control of these territories from their owners, or make a personal domain of your own.

Manipulators also gain the ability to effect the boundaries of mystical realms and beings with the physical realm. At first this ability will affect his or her home city, and gradually grow if desired. Want to make it so spooky stuff like ghosts and undead happens? Or kids get real imaginary friends? You can turn this effect on or off.

Your soul is now an absolute existence, it itself is immune to manipulation and your consciousness will survive inside it intact even if your body is destroyed. Allowing you to regenerate your body over time. Even if you drain yourself of your spiritual power, no power can control or destroy your soul. With time and learning you will learn to separate your soul from your physical body and can at that point enjoy immortality in a number of different ways. Either preserving your body and recreating it, living in the astral plane of inside the internet, body-hopping, ext.

By unlocking a person's spiritual potential one can give limited spiritual abilities. While without the near unlimited growth potential and absoluteness of their souls, they can train and gain powers similar to your own over time. Some people may have a natural aptitude that leads to greater rewards than the average person awakened with this power.

Essence of the Invader Lord

By drinking this glowing green essence you gain the power of the Invader! Becoming the literal embodiment of the fear of invasion and destruction by the unknown!

- You may design a new form for yourself, this form is far stronger than a human able to rip apart tanks and posses a host of abilities. You can also make separate transformations if you want, going in increments in power from your human form to your maximum strength. a single form can have a maximum height of 40-50 ft. You may transform into your human form and back again as you wish, although you can alter your human appearance as well.

-You have access to a powerful force called Destruction Energy, this power can emulate nearly any effect you wish from energy beams, granting yourself super powers, and altering matter. Just about any special effect can be emulated. The only limitation is the amount of Destruction Energy you possess which at first is a large reserve and fully capable of destroying a city by yourself, but enough usage will see your power reserves drained. It does naturally regenerate after use.

-You may choose to travel to new universes as you please, entering into a new universe allows you a chance to redesign how you look and your servitor race. If killed you are simply thrown out of the current universe and are unable to return to it for at least a 100 years from the time you were killed. Each time you are killed in a universe this time period increases. Your servitor race continues to exist in that universe however, and its possible they can bring you back early if they are able to perform certain rituals and will attempt to do so. But they are resource intensive and elaborate. You can not truly be killed, at worst reduced to a consciousness without a body until you build a new one, and nothing can destroy your soul. You can choose to relinquish your title and move on to whatever comes next at any time however.

-Each time you enter a new universe you may design an servitor race as your invaders. This race can have sub-species and in fact be multiple species. You may choose up two out of the three following themes for your race:

Super Science: Your race has advanced technology with often bizarre weapons and devices. Rayguns, giant robots, freeze rays, and many other toys.

Mysteroius Powers: A sub-set of your population has access to a system of magic, psionics, or superpowers. And can build items that work on this power and in fact your races entire "technology" is based on this force. You can design this power and how it works as you wish.

Bio Race: Your race itself is the weapon, able to change their forms to fit situations and may possess different breeds built to task. All of your "technology" is organic and alive.

By mixing these styles you get certain types of Invaders. Super Science + Mysterious Powers means that on top of super science maybe certain members have psionic powers or space magic. Bio Race and Super Science means they are all cyborgs or robots. Mysterious Powers + Bio Race means the race itself all has powers, such as Super Saiyins or Skrulls.

In truth your race is empowered by Destruction Energy and in general there is only a thematic difference in these styles and your alien race starts off starts off with sufficient capability and power to potentially conquer modern day Earth. As you conquer worlds and gain more Destruction Energy their abilities will grow in strength and versatility.

-When entering a new universe you may choose to have your invading army materialize in a uninhabited space that will essentially become your new home. It might be a planet in the solar system, underground, under the sea, or even a pocket dimension. Cities and support bases also materialize and you may choose to retro-actively edit in signs of your species existence into history. Effectively making it a hidden civilation from the dawn of time. Your species technology is completely adapted for whatever environment you choose. And you always have some form of FTL in a form that you wish for.

-By conquering/destroying other civilizations you gain more Destruction Energy and more ways to use this power. This increases your standard pool of power and even after extreme use of energy the power will regenerate to your current "pool" size.

- The Invader Lord can decide on three bonus objectives for each invasion that give extra Destruction Energy for their completion. These objectives can range from anything from kidnapping beautiful women/men for your harem, engaging in mad science experiments, gladiatorial blood sports, or bombarding the population with bad poetry and Hello Kitty products. These bonus rules also allow you to set certain abilities and styles for your armies and yourself in tune with your bonus objectives. Perhaps a bonus objective is to feed off happiness, then your race may be alien space clowns that literally feed off making people laugh, ect. These objectives can give you a bonus up to the equal of the actual invasion itself in bonus energy, allowing a Invader Lord to theoretically continue to grow in power in some measure even if they truly wish to not destroy or conquer worlds in a harmful sense. Although never to the full level of an Invader Lord who actually engages in conquest and destruction.

Essence of the Grand Line

By drinking this shockingly disgusting fruit drink, you gain powers from the world of One Piece!

Start off as strong as Luffy at the start of the series. You may redesign your appearance right after you drink this essence. You also start off with access to all three forms of Haki although the stronger abilities need to be learned and trained. Your ability to learn and train is enhanced and you will find gains in your abilities to come in leaps and bounds.

You have access to any known Devil Fruit power and can in fact make your own. You can only access one at a time, although the switch rate is rather quick. New powers must be made in accordance with the rules and types of Devil Fruits, and come with their generic and specific weaknesses. However you can turn DF powers off entirely, and go without any of their weaknesses.

At any time you may pull a seed out of your pocket or have it appear in your hand. This seed will quickly grow if planted into a strange plant and within a week give you a Devil Fruit based on whatever DF power you choose. This fruit acts like a normal DF and you can make only one copy of a specific fruit at any one time, but if a fruit you make is back in fruit form you can summon it back to yourself.

You can also temporarily turn off a devil fruit power from fruits you yourself have grown.

You can transform into a member of any of the many sapient tribes of people that live in OP. From Mer-men to Long Legs to Giants and Minks. And can even turn willing people into other races as well. You are a rather outstanding member of said race in physical abilities and their individual powers.

Though dreams or meditation you can enter a weird island space filled with poneglyphs and Easter Island heads, these poneglyphs carry the knowledge and memories of the OP world. Everything from Fishman Karate to how to make cyborgs is here. Although finding it and studying it can be a pain. Some poneglyphs are encrypted and need time to translate. Also you can read real world poneglyphs as well.

You gain a ship you can summon on any body of water that can hold your ship. Its essentially a reskin of the Thousand Sunny with similar capabilities. You can use this ship to travel from any body of water on Earth or wherever you are to the One Piece world. And in time maybe even farther. The ship comes with a small four man core of a nakama. They can be canon or AU versions of people from the series, or even tailored made by you. However starting off they are about as strong as the starting stawhat crew, with you as the strongest person on the ship. How this occurred to someone who started off more powerful is a mystery.

Essence of the Hentai Tentacle Monster

By drinking this green potion you are transformed into the ultimate tentacle monster! A fiendish monster of hentai!

You can design a monstrous form with superhuman attributes you can transform into at will. For the most part you have complete control over your shape and size to a limit of 20ft tall at maximum height. You are effectively immortal and have incredible regenerative powers.

You are able to form tentacles of various shapes and sizes to incredibly flexible and fragile tendrils perfect for fine manipulation beyond the human norm, to strong main tentacles. The heads can be pensile sensitive to form actual weapons or extra sensory organs.

You can emit and control pheromones and chemicals with a myriad of biological uses, from instilling lust or fear, to controlling a subjects sensitivity, fertility, cause hallucinations or amnesia, and other bodily functions. Can be emitted as a gas or adminstried as a liquid. Extensive use will temporary drain your reserves.

You have the power to transform and manipulate the bodies of your targets. You can change genders, turn them into monster hybrids and change their appearance or other biological factors. Essentially making a target biologically any age you desire and biologically immortal.

Any powers or abilities that would normally impede sexual intercourse with a person can not affect you. From poison or energy draining powers, to mental inability to feel pleasure or enjoy sex.

You can also bound partners to yourself, bound partners are a mystical bound that can not be broken and make a telepathic connection between the two of you. Multiple bounded partners can be made. Bonded partners can be resurrected if killed. And a bonded partner will allow you to resurrect yourself as well. This can take the form of super fast and easy pregnancy or just forming out of energy they exude.

Can feed on sexual energy, both to replace the need for food and drink, and to empower yourself further.

You have access to the Power Pervert, a mystical cosmic force of perversity! This energy can be used to emulate most supernatural abilities in you and your bound mates. You have a pool of energy that naturally regenerates from use, and it will increase from your sexual conquests.

The Power Pervert will replicate the powers and abilities of your sexual conquests. You can also gain knowledge and skills though sex. Replicated powers do not drain your energy reserves.

Travel between dimensions using the Power Pervert. Can open portals to other universes in tantric rituals.

Essence of the Evolving Vessel

By drinking this green potion you gain the ability to summon a super vehicle capable of evolution!

Choose between "magic" or "science" while the capabilities of either are the same it does change how your vehicle works and how its abilities seem to function. This is mostly just visuals of your new Vessel. From using nanites to self-repair to magically reforming after damage, ect.

Pick a form and make its appearance however you wish it to be. It could be a naval vessel, a starship, or even a police box. Your vehicle can change its form for different functions but this will be considered the default form.

At the beginning your vessel's outward appearance can only be as big as a decent sized navel vessel. However it is bigger on the inside and is about the size of a large mansion. You may choose how this layout works and change it as you wish. You can make it look exactly like it should and no one can find its inner space unless you wish them too.

Your vessel drains power from its surroundings naturally in a variety of different ways and therefore can function indefinitely. It is self-repairing and possess weapons that are fairely stronger than most modern weapons. It's incredibly strong and tough by modern standards, but can become much stronger over time.

You may choose to start some esoteric abilities to start such as a working cloak device, teleporters, changing form to work in a different environment (such as turning into a submarine mode or tunneling underground) but these abilities are only medium in power and effectiveness. Multiversal and time travel may not be taken at first. However you may choose to be placed into a specific universe or time when you first receive your vessel.

Your ship can be summoned to you at any time, no matter its location. It essentially has a basic AI or spirit and can follow mental commands.

Over time your vessel can develop new powers and capabilities. You and your ship now have an EXP similar system, and it gains new powers and abilities as you spend this EXP. You gain this EXP thought feats and actions you can decide at first. Defeating enemies, gaining notable sexual conquests, sacrificing enemy souls, completing quests given by the Ship's AI, ect. Or even a combination of them. It should be noted that more powerful functions should correlate to higher requirements of EXP.

Specific powers may also require quests for specific materials or actions. If you wish to add specific technology of a high level you may have to acquire it for consumption by your vessel, gain resistance to magic by giving the ship the body of a magical creature. Most quests can be avoided with a massive EXP buy out instead.

This can be leveraged into powers and abilities for yourself, but these abilities are dependent on the overall strength of your vessel. Simply powers like regeneration and fire control should be easy to acquire but truly powerful abilities or effects like being as strong as superman should be epic quests. They also may come with limitations, such as the power being generated by your vessel and it needs to be in range or undamaged.

Essence of Universe Attunement

By drinking this essence you may attune your existence to any fictional world or universe you wish. Granting you many powers and abilities based on that work of fiction.

You may switch between your attuned universe and your home universe at will, or if you have other travel powers wherever in the multiverse you currently are.

Starting off you may choose a single franchise or particular iteration of a franchise of your choosing, giving you several options of starting choices:

You may choose race,career, and other starting options of that universe and transform into them.

You may choose powers, conditions, and backgrounds of a particular franchise or specific character. Such as being a force sensitive, a bleach shinigami, or having Marvel mutant powers. Or say having the money and intelligence of Bruce Wayne or the powers of Monkey D Luffy. However you only start at the initial power level they were first shown with. And can't pick exceptionally powerful beings such as skyfathers, cosmic beings, Golden Superman, ect.

You may "summon" (more like conjure a copy of) items, vehicles, creatures, and other things of your attuned universe.These summonable objects start off as either common to the world or are objects popularly associated with the franchise in question. Blasters would be considered common items from Star Wars and Light Sabers would be popularly associated with Star Wars, despite being extremely rare in the galaxy.

You can use any item as if you fulfill any requirements needed for the item such as mana, being a particular race,specific person, ect,, and all items and other things have an inbuilt restrictions to follow your commands and not harm you. Even just a pistol from some action movie universe will simply fail to fire if pointed at you.

Items and objects that have downsides that negatively affect the wearer do not affect you or people you choose not to. A magic sword that controls the user or drains his life force will simply no longer do so while still having access to the powers it should still have.

Specific items may be summoned back to the attuned if lost or stolen. Expended or broken items would have to be re-summoned.

As your attunement grows your power and the rarity of the items you can summon and control go up as well. Attunement grows naturally over time, but can be hastened with time spent in your attuned universe, and the more you interact and affect the universe in question. Becoming an infamous pirate captain in a One Piece universe would affect the rarity of summonable items, and your overall power level.

Also increase Attunement by cross pollinating your current universe with the "essence" of your attuned universe. This starts with just bringing over items and things Acting in a way that in accordance with your attuned universe and eventually this effect will bleed over, allowing other things such as people, powers, and even metaphysical concepts to cross over. An example would be having a One Piece style pirate crew in your original universe or the marvel universe, and eventually "wild" devil fruits may start appearing and shonen style fights become more the norm, until actual portals and mergings start to happen.

You may perform a ritual to attune to a new franchise or universe, effectively freezing your current level of attunement with your previous universe and starting a new one.You may still use items summoned and still possess more mundane skills and abilities you have from the previous attunement. And at any time may switch back to any of your previous attunements at will.

Starting a new attunement will not affect the level of crossover already in your current universe. And if continued may result in a truly weird world.

Essence of the Polymath

By consuming this essence you possess the power to become the potential master of all skills and professions. Able to become a master of a skill to superhuman levels in mere moments, as long as you have a free charge.

-You body has been improved, removing health issues and generally made "superbly average". A body that is good in all traits but not superhumanly so.

-Granted 20 "charges" that can be "invested" into a skill, profession, job, ect. Each skill can have up to five charges at a time as a maximum.

-Charges are essentially "placed" in a category, skill, or profession, this charge is held up until you remove its effect and "place" it in another category. Up to five charges can be placed under any one skill or profession. Skills under five charges disappear immediately after being removed, over five the amount of time you've had it at five allows you to keep some skill and talent in that area for a similar amount of time.

-A single charge gives you competent knowledge and experience in that profession. Two charges makes you the equivalent of respected master or genius. Three makes you a singular genius in your field, guaranteed to make breakthroughs and advancements. And four starts to add supernatural effects to your skillset. Like say hollywood movie hacking and wire fu martial arts. And five is stronger supernatural abilities and effects.

-At five charges your skill emulates many supernatural or super science effects more akin to what you wish to have happen than what is actually physically possible. This effect grows in relation to how long you have the skill maxed out. At first you may be capable of making weird science like devices capable of effecting a city and equaling your random mad scientist. By the year end mark your the equal of Dr Doom, Reed Richards, Jimmy Neutron, and Dexter.

-This can be applied to fictional professions, but basically works as extreme trivia and knowledge until you start hitting four charge levels. For example being a Jedi or "Star Wars Enthusiast" would make you have an almost encyclopedic knowledge of the franchise, higher levels would make you a master at writing star wars related works and four-five would start allowing you to actually emulate force powers. Note with the two examples the Jedi would have force powers that would grow into the likes of EU jedi by the end of a year. While the "Star Wars Enthusiast" would have a more general star wars knowledge and start making actual devices from Star Wars. Even Starships would be possible.

-Maxed out skills start to help and blend together in similar fields. A maxed out construction and engineering would find it easier to make bigger and bigger starships from star wars. A candy maker and a weapons designer could make guns out of candy or that shoot candy at incredible speeds.

-Actual weaknesses and issues of these skills would be handled by the power, to continue the example the Jedi would not have to worry about falling to the Dark Side, and in general a "Sith" profession would not suffer the mind altering or body harming effects of the Dark Side.


Essence Of The Prime Conduit

(This small but elaborate bottle is shaped like a DNA Helix, and contains a vibrantly glowing liquid that constantly shifts between various shades of Blue and Red. It tastes like sweet Blueberry and Cherry, but burns the throat like neat vodka.)

This Infamous essence gives you several abilities and powers, and lets you change the world to your liking;

You gain a perfect mind in a perfect body, ready and fit for adventure. This will rise you to roughly Captain America/peak human levels of strength, agility, endurance, senses, reflexes and metabolic efficiency. You will be immune to any illnesses or diseases, up to and including cancer and AIDS, and even down to tooth decay, halitosis, body odor, vision problems and excess body fat. Your mind will be sharp and resilient, and you have perfect memory with perfect recall and indexing, plus the ability to learn new skills and knowledge rapidly and accurately. This health will maintain undiminished even into old age, although your lifespan will only be moderately enhanced (200 to 300 years naturally) barring further boons from elsewhere.

A one-time body re-sculpt to whatever body type/sex/age/features you wish, as long as it is theoretically still within human limits (You are allowed minor cosmetic changes such as unnatural hair, eye or skin colours - but no extra limbs or tails etc unless your Conduit Element or other boons grant it) You are completely resistant to mental trauma and will never develop psychosis, OCD, PTSD or other mental issues, up to and including minor things like anxiety and mild depression. Your mind will always be your own, resistant to any outside or unwanted influences. You will also always age gracefully in terms of both physical ability, attractiveness and mental agility. No hair loss, dementia, incontinence or arthritis - even in your late two hundreds, you'll be in your relative prime, merely as a silver fox MILF or DILF rather then an old fart.

Enhanced durability, particularly relating to impacts. This allows you to survive severe car crashes with no injury and only the mildest and most fleeting disorientation, explosions merely bruised and singed instead of liquefied and/or incinerated, and even jump from the top of multi-story buildings and land with no damage to yourself (though damage to the sidewalk is another issue)

A strong healing factor, allowing you to shake off bullet wounds, blood loss and broken bones with only a few hours of uninterrupted healing time. You also tend to heal *cleanly*, getting even shredded flesh and intensely shattered bones back into their natural shape with minimal assistance and leaving only minor scars that will fade quickly. This can be enhanced even further by exposure to your Conduit Element, if you have a nearby source you can drain, you can heal from otherwise fatal wounds in minutes - though this healing factor can be worn down by excessive use in quick succession.

Diminished reliance on sleep, food, excretion and other basic bodily necessities as long as you gain regular exposure to your Element (Though you can still preform them all if you wish to).

Choose a Conduit Element - you gain the ability to drain, channel and manipulate (but not generate) this Element for a huge variety of purposes, up to and including but not necessarily limited to,

Energy blasts/beams/missiles, shields, flight, teleportation, regeneration, super speed and strength, shape shifting, healing, energy projection, restraints, armour, summoning golems/simulacra/weapons, matter manipulation, kinesis, sub-dimension creation and control, invisibility, many types of extra-sensory perception, time dilation, the possibilities are vast. At lowest level you will be able to throw simple fist-sized blasts of your Element, at highest you could turn into a gigantic Godzilla-like Titan of your Element and unleash nuclear bomb levels of devastation.

Your choice of Element is not limited to one of the traditional four




And Water,

But far more tenuous and creative forces that could theoretically be classified as an Element. In Cannon and semi-canon materials alone we have






















And many others. If it could conceivably be referred to as an Element or Energy, you can choose it.

You can also choose the exact details of how your powers manifest during use, down to the colours, size, texture and shape of your aura and attacks. Think City Of Heroes power customization. Always wanted glowing eyes and tattoo-like veins of energy? To leave a glowing trail of rainbow mist as you fly? You got it!

Note you can also gain extra/bonus abilities if they are linked thematically to your main element. For example, Cole McGrath's Lightning Element also included elements of Thunder and Magnetism manipulation, and Hank Daughtry's Smoke manipulation also included Flames and Heat, you can have similar bonuses if it fits your theme, like Mirror and Glass or Water and Ice. You also get a buff to inspiration and innovation with your powers, allowing you to unlock ever more abilities as you practice and time passes.

You could alternatively choose to be a Syphon. This would allow you to gain access to the Element of another Conduit you have had direct skin contact with, allowing you to hold a library of dozens or even hundreds of different elements should you choose. There are three downsides to this - 1) You can only use one element at a time and must drain from a new source to switch Elements, it's not automatic and you can't combine them or use more then one type at a time. 2) You will take much longer to master and understand the powers granted then the original Conduit (unless there are Blast Cores involved, but that's another story) 3) You will never be able to master an Element as well as the original Conduit, leaving the highest level and most complex abilities beyond you. You're essentially trading Power for Flexibility.

Either way you have complete control over your powers and abilities. They can never be taken from you, surprised or diminished in any way without your conscious consent, and never working in a way that causes you or people you care about any harm or difficulty. You can also use them at any level from minimum to maximum with complete instinctive control and skill, and will learn new abilities and powers with the same control as time goes on.

You gain an internal 'Battery' of power. All your abilities except the basic physical and mental enhancements run off this battery. You can fill this and utilize your higher level powers by draining sources of your Element, allowing you to access greater abilities. If your power source is easily locatable like Smoke (pull from vents or exhausts) or Electricity (power cables or generators - or lightning storms), you're golden. Drained sources will generally refill within five minutes or so unless they have a finite charge by default (so for Electricity a substation would refill but a car battery wouldn't).

Your battery will also slowly recharge by itself, meaning you don't actively have to search out replacement sources all the time, but if you run dry in the heat of the moment, you're in trouble. Your overall capacity will slowly increase as you age, and can be sped up by frequent practice/exercise with your powers.

You also have 'Healing Blood' ala golden age Superman. A transfusion from you (or any other Prime Conduit), will act as a near panacea, curing a huge variety of illnesses, diseases and other conditions in people, boosting their metabolism and making them feel decades younger and healthier, giving medical treatments a huge bonus to effectiveness, and with study drastically improving medical science and helping to alleviate suffering worldwide. Will you give regular donations for science, allowing medicine to progress rapidly and ensure this spreads across the globe? Or horde it for the rich and powerful, making people dependent on you for their continued survival? It's up to you.

As a Prime Conduit, you have the ability to share/inflict your powers on other, lesser Conduits should you choose, primarily through transfusions to those with a latent Conduit gene. There are generally three types of Conduit.

Prime Conduits like you, who have the highest and most versatile level of abilities and tend to develop them naturally through dangerous situations or emotional stimuli, or through exposure to Ray Field Radiation

Beta Conduits - who tend to never develop powers without exposure to either a high dose of Ray Field radiation or the direct intervention/blood transfusion of a Prime Conduit, and have comparatively lesser power and versatility.

Artificial Conduits - Normal humans who through one of several types of brutal scientific procedure have Conduit abilities forced into them. Tend to be powerful but severely disturbed, and have a short lifespan.

As a Prime you can give Betas a lesser version of your abilities, creating a legion of loyal super soldiers like the D.U.P or Vermaak 88. You can also reclaim these abilities at any time, rendering them powerless again. Alternatively you can choose to be immune to power-sharing so as to avoid the hassle. (Note Syphons cannot get this ability)

You gain a degree of 'animal magnetism' a subconscious force of charisma and manipulation that other people, and especially other Conduits will be drawn to. Either as a earnest, shy do-gooder or a fiery, acerbic thug, people will respect you and be intrigued by your skills and personality, allowing you to gain friends, allies and rivals wherever you go.

You can choose how and when this ability manifests itself, allowing you to walk through crowds and people unbothered and anonymous, or catch people's eyes from across the street or miles away with your stride and voice alone. You can appear as a shy but extremely lovable awkward goof like Otacon from MGS or Cole from DA:I, or a suave, supernaturally graceful bad-ass on par with Dante or Virgil, depending on your personality and choices. Either way you can control this power either consciously or subconsciously at your discretion, and you can always make the impression you want on people. Other Conduits in particular will tend to find you intriguing and be sexually attracted to you and willing to have relationships or flings/one night stands at your leisure.

None of these mental changes will alter your personality or morals in any way that you yourself do not actively choose - the essence will prevent you from screwing yourself up or changing yourself in anyway you do not or would not desire or would come to regret.

You can also choose to gain two romantic partners as a Triad Relationship (Conduits tend to come in/join up together in threes, Alden, Sasha and Kessler who all worked in the First Sons, Cole, Nix and Kuo who teamed up in New Marais, Delsin, Fetch and Eugene taking down the DUP in Seattle) This power will guide you towards your perfect partners. Creating two people, who are not only perfect for you, but each other as well. They are certain to be Conduits unless you specify otherwise, and they will have a compatible orientation to make the relationship work, whatever your sexual determination and fetishes are. Two guys, two girls, guy-and-girl, transsexual, other - whatever would suit you best, they will exist find you.

At some point in the future, it might be days, weeks or years down the road, you are going to meet, and like lighting from the heavens it'll hit you - you're home. As your bond grows you will be able to share emotions and minor aspects of your powers, drawing you closer together then any non-conduit relationship could ever be. The relationship will not be flawless (no human relationship is) but the love you share will be real and endure your whole lives and beyond. This will do wonders for your and your partners emotional stability and happiness, and you won't just be happy, you'll all be proud of what you are and who you become together. True love.

Alternatively you can go for a straight Harem Mode, allowing you to create a happy willing stable of loyal super-bitches/bastards at your beck and call.

These choices also throw in Complete Porn Logistics for free. Anything and everything you would need in order to enact your sex fantasies is enabled for you. Legendary dick/vag? Check. Clean, pliable and lubed up orifices? Check. Master at giving and receiving pleasure? Check. Legions of interested, adventurous, trustworthy and discrete potential partners and opportunities? Check. Fetishes accepted by society, either widely or just for you? Check. Anthropomorphic furry sex beasts who always go into heat when you're around? Sure, as long as it relates to the sexy. This only activates when you want it too, and only in the way you want it to for as long as you want it too.

Karma/Reputation - The actions you take in life and your career will now be tallied and add up to supernatural boosts to your reputation and relationships over time, granting you new respect, opportunities, contacts and even powers depending on how you act. A stalwart Hero will find themselves beloved by the nation, with friends at the highest levels of society, and all the rewards, respect and adulation due to such a paragon. A insidious Villain will find themselves feared and obeyed, with contacts at the lowest levels of society and leverage over the great and good, and all the power, respect and fear such a person deserves. Unlike the games, you can pursue both of theses extremes simultaneously if you choose, becoming a desperate villain who secretly fights to better the world, or a renowned hero who will cross any line to get the job done - Forge Your Legend - it's up to you.

To help you craft this role, you will also be supernaturally immune to any past actions or mistakes coming back to haunt you. Your mistakes be they great and terrible or small and minor will be forgotten as long as you want them to and make some form of amends, or simply will it so. You'll never have to worry about opponents with long-held grudges, tell-all books, libelous articles or historical investigations. In fact if someone tries to slander you or call you out for their own reasons over some perceived crime, error or slight, be it for personal gain, amusement, retribution or just spite, it will instead backfire on them and cause them ridicule and strife. Or you can choose to allow this theoretical past deeds come to light, and decided how people react to them, either respecting your genuine regret and contrition, or fearing the depths of your abilities - it's your choice.

You can also choose to enact a more projective form of Karma, making your actions and deeds have a wider effect on the world as a whole. Treat people with respect and kindness, and they will become more worthy of that blessing, becoming better more worthy people. Or treat them like cattle or drones, and they will become more fitting for it, loosing their will to resist and being content in their slavery. You can spread this as far as an entire Nation, or as focused as a single person, it's your choice. You inspire others, be it for better or ill.

This also grants you a degree of Plot Armor of your choice. You could be the absolute center of the universe, with fate itself striving to put you in the right place at the right time for any event you choose, unable to be beaten or fail in a task and save all, survive any dangers with your reputation becoming legendary and hailed far and wide as the greatest of your generation. Or the exact opposite, ensuring you avoid any danger and infamy, letting you drift contently and anonymously through simple slice of life adventures with friends. You may also switch between either of these extremes as you will, following a week of death defying adventure and world shaking battles with a few weeks of hanging out happily with your friends/family. This also includes reincarnation should you die, with your choice of new body/circumstances and powers, and whether you instantly regain your memories, or at a certain point, or never. You can make other souls of people you choose reincarnate this way too, until you tire and want to go to the true afterlife or whatever comes beyond.

World - You can retroactively change the world you are currently in in a number of ways - or create a new one and travel to and from it at will -

Conduit Origin - have Conduits always been a part of humanity? Have they only recently appeared? Will they not show up till the far future? It's up to you.

Conduit Amount - how common are Conduits? One in a billion? Million? Thousand? Every other person? Are any people you know personally? Or by reputation? Do you want to design others? It's up to you.

Conduit Variety - How many Prime Conduits are there? How many Betas? How many Syphons? How many latents that could awaken? Do artificial Conduits exist? Are they sane and stable? Do all Conduits get the same blessings as you? Are there varieties that haven't been mentioned here? More? Less? It's up to you.

Conduit Response - Are Conduits loved or feared? Do people dream of becoming Conduits, or fear it? How are they policed? Are they experimented on? How does the Media view them? Are there fan clubs? Hate groups? You decide.

Ray Field Effects - has Ray Field technology been discovered and/or perfected in this world? Is there Conduit-compatible technology and augmentations? Are Blast Cores a thing? Is the deadly Plague that Ray Field radiation caused in the Cannon universe also applicable in this world? Is it less or more deadly? Are Ray Spheres a common way of gaining powers? Do they still require human sacrifice? It's up to you.

Other Supernaturals - are Conduits the only supernatural force in your world? Are there other types of superpowers? Mutants? Aliens? Magic? Ghosts and Gods? It's up to you.

Your Place - are you just a regular joe? A celebrity? A soldier? A superhero? A criminal? A king? Were you always this way? It's up to you - write the history and skills you want.

The World Tone - is your world a idealistic utopia? A grim dark dystopia? Saturday morning superhero cartoon? Cyberpunk mess? Steampunk fantasy? Any and all changes are available, and up to you.

Knowledge - do you remember the choices you've made? Are you a blank slate? Instinctive knowledge? Somewhere in between? It's up to you.

As a final boon you may choose to designate one place as your Homebase. You will never be hurt or attacked in this place, and will respawn here if you die to accident or violence. You may move this place up to once yearly.


Essence of the Stone Mask

By imbibing this blood red concoction you gain several benefits.

You gain the biology of a Pillar Man, including immortality, absolute control over your body, the ability to fuse organic beings together, speed and reflexes to track bullets, regeneration, and enhanced strength. However, you are vulnerable to sunlight (both natural and artificial), which causes you to turn into a statue that may only awaken through time or significant amounts of absorption.

You also gain a set of unique biological abilities based around an element. Examples include Wind, Fire, Light, Electricity, or any other Element you can think of. The manifestation can be literal, metaphorical, or even incidental, but must have something to do with the element in question. These manifestations are unique, but you may develop more over a period of study.

As an optional bonus, you may develop the powers of Vampire: further enhanced strength, the creation of Zombies, the rapid freezing of your blood and body, and firing a strange, deadly energy from your eyes.

You gain the knowledge of how to create Stone Masks. However, your masks are capable of creating Vampires or turning the Wearer into a new Pillar Man. Pillar men may automatically have a unique "element ability" at your discretion.

You are capable of creating a Mask that can remove your weakness to sunlight, allows you to copy the abilities and forms of any creature on earth, and drastically shortens the time it takes to develop your other abilities. However, it requires a massive amount of power in order to be used (about as much as strike of lightning, or the hooking it up to a nuclear reactor. These will be drained of all power to fuel your transformation, and the Mask will be destroyed. Plan carefully.

As a final benefit of this Essence, you and anyone affected by your Stone Masks do not require sustenance in order to use your abilities. You may still choose to eat like a human, vampire, or Pillar Man should you wish.

Essence of the Joestar

By imbibing this orange sparkling beverage you gain several benefits (shoulder star optional)

Your body is increased to the peak of human ability. Strength, stamina, and dexterity easily surpassing Olympic athletes, as well as near perfect health.

You become beyond stylish, gaining the ability to find affordable clothing of any design, regardless of where you are and how tight your budget is. Should you choose, any world you go to may instantly become close (but never at) your level of style. This also affects hair, makeup, and anything else "Stylish"

You are now a master at projecting emotions via Posing. Should you wish, any world you go to may learn to come close (but never surpass) to your Posing prowess.

You gain the ability to use Hamon: a powerful energy created by breathing. Hamon is capable of applying a variety of effects to organic objects and liquids, such as: hardness, sharpness, programmed movements, and even increasing strength and durability. Hamon may also heal from grievous injuries as long as blood continues to flow to the extremity (be it yourself or another person), and slows down the aging process equal to the amount of Hamon your body can store.

Your initial store of Hamon is average for a human. However your reserves and precision increase rapidly, enabling you to match the sheer energy of the sun after a few years and potentially beyond that should you truly practice.

You can teach people the art of Hamon, and they in turn can teach others. While no one will be as powerful as you, those you personally teach will still be incredibly powerful.

You additionally gain a Stand: a manifestation of your inner desires and character that may interact with the world. It appears however you wish. Your Stand is particularly potent, easily rivaling Star Platinum and The World, with an unlimited range. This Stand may possess any power, up to limited Reality Warping and Time Freezing. Alternatively you may possess several weaker powers, such as having the powers of Magicians Red, Killer Queen, and Hermit Purple in a single Stand.

You may give and remove the ability to form Stands to anyone in the world, with or without knowing the person, and from any point on the planet.

You may Absorb the Stands of others. Absorbing the Stand of another person grants you the power of that Stand, as well as allowing you to give that particular Stand to another person should you desire

Essence of the Fetish Master

By imbibing this creamy concoction you gain several sexy superpowers!

You gain an immortal body that conforms to your most sexy ideal. Muscular hunk with a foot long cock? Busty Catgirl amazon? Tentacled Futa Orc? Anything you desire to be you can. Additionally, you may shapeshift in accordance to your fetishes, such as growing and shrinking body parts, gaining animal traits, etc.

You function under Porn logic at any point you want. Suddenly sexy neighbors, clean holes, stretchy orifices, lack of back pain from impossibly big tits, etc. Every detail may be turned on and off, but only if you truly wish them to be.

You can gain and remove any sort of powers you wish, from super strength, flight, and mind control to lust beams and milk cannons. These powers must be used for sexual purposes, though just using the superhero schtick to get laid later on does count for this purpose. You can also grant these powers to others for similar purposes.

You may choose to make yourself sexually attractive to anyone you would desire. Long term relationships still require some form of chemistry.

Any partners you have a connection with may have their fetishes altered to any specifications you desire. They will find nothing strange about this.

You are able to travel the multiverse in search of sexual partners. This comes naturally and easily to you, but sadly non-sexual clothes cannot travel between universes.

Essence of the Thoughtform

By imbibing this Essence you gain several abilities.

Beyond genius level intellect and infinite multitasking capability.

A perfect memory with infinite storage.

Your mind is eternal, existing even after your body has stopped functioning.

You may separate your mind from your body, allowing you to project across space, time, or even across other universes. This allows you to view events remotely, even travelling the multiverse. You may control your body, even from impossible distances with no additional effort.

You may not interact with (or be damaged by) anything in your projected state. However, some abilities (such as telepathy) may allow their user to see or connect with you.

While in your projected state you may possess people in these locations. This causes you to feel what they feel, and places their consciousness in a sort of "sleep".

You may, at your discretion, establish a permanent link with the person you are possessing. This effectively makes them "your body" for all intents and purposes. You may choose if you destroy, subsume, or exist beside their natural consciousness. Such links may be terminated at will.

All powers that a controlled body has are intuitive and natural. Should you establish a permanent link, then this power is available at all your bodies. This does not transfer weaknesses.

Essence of the Dreaming

Imbibing this fanciful concoction gives you several powers.

You gain a Fae Soul; an immortal and eternally reincarnating extra soul that promotes creativity. Unlike other Changelings, you will always remember your past lives. Should you choose, you will always be the dominant personality.

You are able to enter "The Dreaming," which is a fanciful personification of the collective imagination of humanity. This place is not without dangers, but you may create safe paths through areas you have explored before.

You gain a fantastical form based on folklore and your innate desires known as a Fae Mein. This may be anything, from a large stone giant to a small gnome to a strange monster-girl(or boy). This is your default form in the Dreaming, and in the real world you may shift between this form and your normal form at will.

You gain 3 Birthrights, minor magical powers that are linked to your Fae story. Examples include flight, durable skin, gaining strength from duty, or changing into a single animal.

You may change your Fae Mein and Birthrights by spending an hour in concentration.

You gain access to some of the Artes and Realms of the Changelings. Artes are an effect, such as lighting something on fire or changing something (or someone) into a frog. Realms are a what you may use them on, such as lighting your knife on fire, or turning your neighbors cat into a frog. You may create new Artes and Realms with time and effort.

You may create Chimera. Objects and beings made from the substance of the Dreaming. Anything from a simple rock to a cthuloid monstrosity can be made, but the more powerful it is the harder it is to create. Mortals can only see Chimera if you choose to make them visible.

You may use the Chimera in the real world as normal should you choose, but the mortals surrounding you cannot interact with the objects. A sword may cut a mortal, but that mortal may not pick up that sword: his hand will just pass through it.

You may imbue an object or Chimera with your Artes. This is called a Treasure, and allows anyone to use the Arte as normal. You may imbue Treasures with Artes you do not possess if it is thematically or symbolicly appropriate, such as making a sword light in fire at will or having gauntlets that increase your strength.

You may place a shard of yourself into another mortal, slowly growing into an ordinary Fae soul for them to use. Your powers are weakened slightly for a few days after this, before returning to full strength. The seeds turn people into ordinary Changelings, gaining a fae mein and being able to interact with the Dreaming as you do. You may also take this soul from them, causing intense pain.

Essence of the Forsaken

By imbibing this beverage of liquid moonlight you gain several benefits.

You become a special Breed of shapeshifter from the World of Darkness, unique in your own right.

Choose an animal. You now have 4 additional forms based on this animal that you may shapeshift into. The Near human form; a form that is human at a distance, similar to Killer Croc or the classic Wolfman, The Warform: a hybrid form that combines the deadliest aspects if animal and man, The Dire Form: a large and powerful version of your chosen animal, and the Animal itself. You may shift between your human form and these forms at will.

You gain a powerful regenerative ability, able to heal cuts and bruises in a matter of seconds. Severed limbs will also heal, taking a few hours to grow back. The only exception is wounds caused by silver, which can take several hours to heal.

You gain a connection to a phase of the moon. Upon seeing this phase in the sky, you feel instantly restored, as if you had a full night of sleep and several hours to regenerate.

You gain a connection to the Umbra, a place where the spirits of the world reside. You may enter the Umbra at any point by looking into a reflective surface.

You may learn the powers of Garou and Fera innately if taught the various Spirits of the Umbra. These powers vary, typically resembling the fictionalized extremes of natural phenomena, such as a rabbit's speed, a rats famous bite, or the power of an earthquake. These powers may also be more literal, such as shooting a fireball, or camouflaging yourself in the forest. They are as varied as the spirits that teach them. You innately and naturally understand these powers.

You may, with proper knowledge, create Rituals to empower those around you, either turning a human or animal into a shapeshifter, with the same four forms that you have. Animals gain a slight boost to their intellect as well.

Additionally, you may use your rituals to provide small buffs to fellow shapeshifters, such as a limited danger sense or a temporary invisible armor.

You may, through dealings with a spirit, coax it into inhabiting an object. This object gains unique powers based on the spirit inside of it, such as a fire spirit lighting a blade on fire or a time spirit showing whenever time is disrupted. Objects you or another shifter make themselves tend to be preferred.

When you breed with someone, any offspring you have will carry a small connection to the spirit world, and may become a shifter, unless the child is born between two shapeshifters. Then it automatically be a shifter, innately born into the warform.

Essence of the Ascension Warrior

By imbibing this liquid, the secrets of the universe unfold.

You gain knowledge of the Truth of reality: It is Malleable, controlled by the underlying consensus of the sentient. And in doing so, you've learned to Express your own beliefs, becoming a Mage

Choose how your reality expresses itself, otherwise known as Magic. This can be anything from standard druidic practices to creating fantastical mathematics that prove you right. Almost anything can define your magic.

The magic you use depends on a metaphysical understanding of the world. The interactions may take time, effort, and study, but virtually anything is possible.

Your magic takes time, requiring several minutes of ritualized use of your method (things like an actual ritual, building a machine, or performing a long kata). However, you may develop shortcuts that drastically reduce the time it takes for a specific effect (such as waving a wand and saying "Fuego" to shoot a fireball). Developing a shortcut can take several hours.

You may likewise create wonderous objects with your magics bound into their being. These Wonders vary in difficulty to create, generally correlating to size and complexity of the desired Magic. A wand of Fireball is always going to be easier than gloves that mold all matter like clay. Anyone can use your wonders.

You may, at your choice, give others knowledge of the malleability of reality. This gift, once given, cannot be taken away.

Your powers are governed by the Consensus, a metaphysical understanding of the Majority that this *is* how the world works. Going against this concept makes the interactions of your magic difficult, especially with greater and greater numbers of witnesses. Though you can mitigate this with effects that slide beneath the notice of most people. If you should change a person's understanding of reality, then your magic will flow freely in front of them.

Essence of the Imbued

By drinking this white, milky beverage you become one of the Imbued

You heal several times faster than normal, recovering from broken bones and cut limbs in a matter of days.

You may sense all supernatural creatures, and pierce through things like illusions and invisibility automatically. This sense is perfect and infallible.

You gain several Edges; minor powers that grant an edge against the supernatural. These powers range from potent attacks, to minor healing, to minor future sight.

You may, over time, develop more Edges. These powers are generally street level, but more powerful abilities can develop as you grow in strength. More powerful abilities can take their toll on your body in painful ways, so be careful when using them.

As a final benefit, you may Imbue other people, granting them the same abilities you possess. This can only be done when the person is in the presence of a supernatural being other than yourself.

Essence of Ghennas' Harbinger

By Drinking the blood of the Most Ancient you gain power that is beyond compare.

You gain the immortal power of an Antediluvian; a powerful vampire with few equals. You are capable of feats of strength and speed far beyond even the greatest humans, and are almost indestructible. Sunlight is merely painful to you(though deadly to your progeny) and Fire and crosses may be seen as slight annoyances.

You may create progeny, which may in turn create progeny. Each step dilutes their power slightly, ensuring that none would be your equal. Differences will be highlighted if necessary. To do so, you need only feed a recently deceased person a mere drop of your blood. Though keep in mind the less blood you give them, the hungrier they will be.

Choose a type of vampire, such as the classic Dracula, or a hopping vampire, or even something like Alucard(Hellsing). You gain all of their power, as well as logical extrapolations of their powers up to continent destroying levels. You may also learnthe abilities of other kinds of vampires (again, with conceivable extrapolations and increased power) or create entirely new powers with minimal effort. Your progeny intuit your chosen archetypes powers, and require teachers to learn other kinds powers.

Your body is fueled by blood. While you are able to eat (and enjoy) food, it provides you no sustenance. Human blood now tastes like the finest wine, the best chocolate, and a rich steak somehow mixed pleasantly on your tongue.

You may store near endless amounts of blood for later use inside yourself. Despite this, you arent under some kind of "hyper pressurization" or something. The blood simply exists inside you, somewhere.

By feeding a small amount of blood to a human, you may grant them a fraction of your power. These "Ghouls" may easily go out in sunlight, and suffer none of the weaknesses of vampires. Additionally, as long as you feed them blood monthly they do not age. As a trade off, they must be kept hooked on your blood, or their powers will wane. Your progeny may also do this.

Essence of the Fallen

You become separated from the realm of the mortals and join the ranks of the Fallen: Beings who went against the plans of their creator, casting aside his orders to do what they thought was right. In becoming a Fallen, you become an Immortal spirit, capable of inhabiting (or if powerful enough, creating) bodies to interact with the world.

Your powers come from faith. Faith in yourself, preferably from others. This need not be religious fervor, instead being any sort of assurance you could offer. A reliable handyman, a noble defender, or a font of knowledge are all equally valid sources of faith. The more that know you, or the deeper their belief in you, the greater the power you gain.

You are able to perform Miracles: acts fueled by the Faith other beings have in you. These acts can range from slight boosts of luck to one, to causing plants to grow, to even manipulating the foundations of the universe. The more Faith you acquire, the greater these feats can (and will) be.

You gain the power to assume an Apocalypse Form when you are possessing someone. This form grant's several times the bodies natural strength, speed, and durability, on top of several natural abilities that come directly from the form. Your Apocalypse form may look however you wish, but be warned: all Apocalypse Forms carry an aura of fear in them, as if the wrath of an angry god was to descend at a moment's notice. Even those who know you would never harm them would be uncomfortable seeing you in this form.

You are outright immune to mind control, possession, illusions, disease, aging, and toxins. These immunities extend to whatever hosts you.

Essence of the Numina

This plain bottle tastes distinctly of vanilla, but Imbibing it Grant's several Supernatural powers.

You gain the ability to intuit new concepts rapidly, becoming a master of a craft in a matter of months. These skills will not diminish with time.

You become a Psychic, capable of drawing on the energies of your mind to create phenomena. These powers range from telekinesis to technopathy, and grow with your usage of them.

You become able to learn the various kinds of magic, from mythical alchemy, to voodoo, to Omnyodo. You may create more based around fiction, but this will take longer than learning them.

You may create mystical fighting styles, such as lighting a sword on fire with your soul, or increasing your physical prowess with meditation. You may create and teach them to others, who may also create and teach them.

You are able to share your powers and knowledge with others through teaching them. This is exceptionally fast.

Essence of the Pentex

This cheerfully colored bottle hides a foul, brackish liquid that Grant's several powers.

You become an incredible business man/woman, capable of creating a multi-billion dollar business in a matter of weeks.

You gain an incredible sense of what to do to prevent, or even profit from scandals.

By concentrating, you or an underling of yours may condense a sort of metaphysical ooze made up of negative concepts. Things like pollution, greed, cannibalism, anything that is seen by the majority as being a "bad". You may use this for your other powers.

You may infuse the Ooze into objects or people, granting them thematic powers and mutations based on the concept involved. This power correlated directly to how much of the negative aspects are used by your business.

Anyone who imbibes the Ooze becomes unswervingly loyal to you, willing to perform any action without hesitation or complaint. Arguements may form if you force two people infected by opposing concepts to work together, but they will still work together to complete any task you give them.

This essence is not responsible for any nausea, blurred vision, murderous impulses, or sociopathy that may result from Pentex. If you experience any of these symptoms, please consult your nearest Magadon Pharmacist for treatment.

Pentex: an equal opportunity employer.