Chereads / Waking Dreams 2 / Chapter 2 - Chapter 1

Chapter 2 - Chapter 1


I woke up with a start and saw mom by my side looking upset. I had used so much focus on my gift that I induced a nosebleed. She asked me to stop doing this. She and dad have to decide to get a divorce. So I need to start living instead of looking. She moved out of the house and stay with her older sister Agnes.


I had to split my time with mom and dad. She and dad remained civil until my neighbor decided to take me away. He dropped by the school and convinced the principal that dad is unwell. So he took me on a drive to see FBI agent Johnson. This man was the head of the Special Investigation Unit. I realized what he was doing so I tried to figure out what to do. I remembered I can do. I made the car drive faster. This worked to a point where the police stopped him. I screamed that I was kidnapped. I was taken back to mom. She was pleased that I was unharmed. The neighbor had seen what I can do so he wanted to know what else I can do. One of my others were gifted in making people forget things so she made the creep forget the first chance she got. She accidentally made mom forget we have gifts. Thankfully she make her forget us.


I turned eight years old when dad decided to open a restaurant named Mystique. I got the operation and now I looked like I had heterochromia iridium. He put my eyes under the name like a signature for a unique touch. A month later he married Isabelle Rankings. A detective that works not far from dad's restaurant. She has no clue what I can do so it was an adventure hiding my gift from her. I had to keep it a secret but like I said it is not easy. Especially those days I find corpses. I make sure to write down everything so when it is my turn I would know what is going on.

I was with Emily when I smelled something that resembled fresh roses. I followed the scent and found a young girl my age buried in the back of the school. The teachers were perplexed by it and grief counseling was made mandatory.


As for mom she married a guy that works for NCIS when I turned fifteen. He was big and burly. He had a daughter of his own. She was six years old but bold as brass. She was mature for her age. My stepdad was Hawaiian and he seemed like a really nice guy. She made it clear that Hawaiians don't keep secrets. They share it with everyone. This complicated things for me even more. I had to watch my back from now on. I just needed a friend I can rely on. I looked through the minds of people and found Lily Stokes. I asked if she could come over for a sleepover. She came and I showed her my ability and she happily swore never to tell anyone. She promised to make sure all my gifts are secret that no one will ever find out.



I found myself on the floor. I asked myself how the heck did I get here. I looked up to see the Feds were charging towards me. But stepmother got to me first. I was taken aside and Emily explain to me what happened. She told me I saw someone suspicious and I followed him. I called 911 and the police arrived but he got away. I saw a poster behind an FBI agent and saw something weird. So I informed the police. I asked what I saw on the poster. She explained that I saw a registered pedophile in the poster. The Feds wanted to take me away to test me for my skills. I laughed and showed them the poster. They apologized profusely as both my step-parents argued with them. They had to agree that psychic is fictional. They left and dad drove me to grandpa's house.

I hopped out of the car and felt someone staring at me. I turned to see it was a man strapped to a chair. His hair and beard were overgrown and it covered most of his face. I only saw his steel-blue eyes. I felt myself connect with him instantly. Whoever he was it felt like he was someone very important. I had to find him and fast. It felt like the time was running out. So I had to devise a way in which I can escape without Feds following me or mom and dad punishing me. I found his picture and kept it as a reminder to find him.


I woke up and found a newspaper clipping that Lucy had taped. She said she felt a connection with this guy and he was in trouble. I was in school when I saw him in a one of the vacant seats in my class. It was horrible. Lucy was right something had to be done. That night I tried drift off to sleep trying to get him out of my head but he refused to leave. So finally I devised to leave after school when I was certain I get away without getting noticed. The Feds were very cunning, they sent one of their own as a substitute teacher. I felt his life slipping so I had to take action. I walked through the situation a hundred times till I found out how to get out without being noticed. It meant that I had to circumvent the hall ten times before I reached the doors. When I got out I had to stick to groups so the feds couldn't find me. I gave my stuff to Emily and asked her to give it to my dad. He will understand and so will mom. Finally, when I was out of range I had to board a train to take me to him. It was a painful feeling his torture. He was screaming for help, for relief, for death. He passed out from the pain and I thought he died. I nearly screamed out but I kept my hands on my mouth. I reached the address and I closed my eyes and felt the darkness envelop me.


I woke up to see myself on the floor with a note from Elizabeth. She felt a connection with a man and she was hoping I would rescue him. She left me a note with directions to follow. I used telepathy to open the door. I levitated myself so I would be walking on the ceiling like a vampire. When I reached the room in question I opened the door and cut him loose. He was out for the count. I levitated myself again and made it look like he walked out of there. When we got out of there he and I boarded the train which bought us home. He woke up about an hour after we took off. I had given him a shave and a haircut. So he looked fabulous. He jumped up and saw that he was no longer tied up. He asked me where he was and I explained that he was going home. He stared like I was yanking his chains. I opened the train doors and he believed me. He asked me how I managed to rescue. I pretended to look anxious, "I was kidnapped. I ran away from my captors and found myself where you were. I removed the zip ties and dragged you out. I even gave you a shave and a haircut." He looked at a pane of glass and saw his reflection. He smiled at me with genuine sincerity. He thanked me for helping. We waited till we reached the correct station before we snuck out. I managed to get home when the Feds showed up wanting answers. I pretended that I was kidnapped and they didn't believe me. They had no proof so they let me go. The best they could do was follow me.


Mom decided we needed a vacation so we drove around till we reached Carova Beach, North Carolina. I met Carlyle a heroic legend or so I am told and his cousin Maria. She is really awesome. 'We' had fun with her until the Feds arrived. They wanted to observe how my gift works but since they have no proof what they do was spy on me. I convinced Maria's neighbor to call the police and saying they were using drugs. Even Maria did it. We had fun till Carl decided that he should be involved. I flit into his mind and found out he has stolen goods hidden in his grandfather's storage unit. The place was booby trapped with ball bearings. I had to memorize the exact route to take not to get hammered. I waved at Carlyle's dad as he arrived. I talked to him politely and asked him if he could join us. I excused myself to the bathroom. I wrote a note and stuffed in into my pocket. Then I closed my eyes and blacked out.


I woke with a jolt and realized where I was. I stuck my hand into my pockets and found a note from Di. It says that I have a new friend Maria but her cousin is a thief. To convince his father to keep him occupied so We can prove that he is not a hero. This was easier than I thought. The moment I walked a brunette waved and called out to Diana. I sat down and saw an older man next to a slightly arrogant boy. I asked him to take his son with him so it would he could finish his work faster. The boy protested but in the end he had to go with his dad. He looked like he was denied the adventure of a lifetime. We snuck out and found the Feds waiting outside. I asked Maria if she wants to give them the slip. She gave me a better idea to get rid of them. I snuck around the Freedmen's house. Mrs. Walker was the resident gossip, she saw them trying to tress pass. She called the police and they were arrested for being peeping toms. We finally checked the note and found the directions to the museum. It was not far from she lives, in fact it is around the corner

She drove us there and found that it was locked. I was upset when an oldman walked politely asked me if I was looking for a spare part for my scooter. I was hoping he could help. I explain that I want to the beach but it broke down and Maria said her grandfather was the best mechanic. He smiled and fished out the key. He asked me the type of vehicle I drive and what problems I had and fished out a set of keys. I thanked him and we got in. We checked the note for reference. In front of us was a narrow path made from piles of stuff that resembles less like a storage unit more like junk yard. It says to walk ten paces and look to my left. To scan around till I saw a tower of tyres and a pile of window shield wipers. The note instructs that I watch my step. If I wasn't careful ball bearing would greet me. I lift my foot as high as I could so it won't get caught on the string. Maria pulled out her swiss army knife and cut it. Next was to find a Lyle gun. I had to google it and find out what it was. I actually tripped on it and was greeted with harpoons. Maria screamed and the old man walked in. He looked around till he found us. I had gash on my right shoulder, a cut on my forehead and my t-shirt was torn from where the harpoon almost missed me. He was upset that we were injured. He wondered who had moved them. He explained that he keeps them in a separate storage unit. He found a first aid kit and treated my cuts. After he took us on a tour. I check the last part of the list and found out we were not far from the loot. I deliberately asked him to turn around and show me a treasure chest that I heard so much about. He happily complied, it is comprised of memorabilia from his time in the coast guard. I found the stolen items were hidden behind a cabinet that displayed items recovered from a marine salvage. I asked him if he there was a reason behind this backpack. He seemed surprised till he opened it. He ran to his office and immediately rang the police. They arrived with forensics and dusted the area for prints. Maria explained that Carlyle was the one who has been frequenting the place. She lives in the neighbourhood so she sees him come and go at odd hours. They collected his prints and they were a match. He was apprehended on sight. He was upset that the stuff was found. This was a first offense but the people whose prized possession he stole wanted justice. I burned the note and scattered the ashes into the wind. The rest of the stay was uneventful.