I woke up in the middle of the night and saw I had my video camera on a stand. It was still recording so I checked it. The video says that Nancy finally got her gift and she found out that the woman we have been calling our mom was actually our kidnapper. We are now living with our real mom. She happens to be a police officer. This video will stay without being deleted till all of us have seen it. Then when we were all well aware of the situation we will decide what to do with it. I walked downstairs to see the man in my vision. He smiled and asked me which one I was I stuttered my name is Nancy. He smiled, "Nice try. You already told us that you have many personas. Which one are you?" I smiled, "My name is Lucy. Who are you?" Mom smiled, "This is your dad" I fainted on the spot. I woke up to someone rubbing water on my face. I said to myself, "Lucy you had one crazy hallucination." I heard a man asked amused, "Really what did you hallucinate?" I answered, "I hallucinated that the man I saw in my vision was my dad and my real mom was a cop" I heard a light chuckle and I looked up. My real mom smiled, "Sorry not a hallucination but the real deal." I jumped to hug them both and cried out, "Mom! Dad!" They happily laughed as they caressed my back. I asked mom if she was working on anything. She said she is looking for a criminal. I asked to see his picture. She tried to work her way out of it. But I managed to convince that I can do it. She showed me his picture and I asked mom to give me a map, a pencil and a human minute. I found him near an abandoned house near the local bank. Mom called dispatch and I pressed the pencil against the paper. I traced his movements as he decided to take them. Mom watched as I imaginatively followed the bad guy. Till he was caught by a squad car. Mom was impressed and so was dad. I warned her about Andy. Mom said she was already warned but that can wait. She asked me not to switch because of what happened this morning. I was obliged to warn her that I sometimes have no control over what happens. I made my point across and she took it under consideration. She wanted to ask me something when I felt a bone-chilling cold. It was like I was in Siberia or Antarctica. I started to shiver from head to toe and mom asked if I was ok. I asked if I could have a warm bath because it felt really cold. I was pulled put of reality to see a series of images. I saw myself on a motorcycle with someone that looked like he would be Mr. Future 25 years to life. Next was an image of me in a motel with a taser at the ready while staring at the door. The next one was me in an unknown museum where I picked up a bag. The next one was images of New York City. I recognized the statue of liberty, the empire state building. The next image was one of an abandoned farmhouse. It was like the one you watch in horror movies. I saw a man jump off a bridge. I watched a woman hop on a bus and both of the bus and the woman vanished. The last image was a painting that was one of the latest exhibitions by Kylie Qu. I took a few deep breaths and mom asked me if I was ok. I asked for a glass of water. Dad asked me if I heard something. I explained that I saw a few things which I had to explain. Mom and dad asked me to draw what I saw. I told them it will take time. They told me they were in no hurry. I spent a few moments explaining what I saw then I had a warm bath and went back to sleep.
~A week later~
I walked into the precinct and saw mom talking to the fireman. He saw me stare at him to be polite I extended my hand. I instantly saw myself mixing chemicals and setting many buildings on fire. He wanted to know if he was busted so he can run. I smiled at him and he wanted to know why I was scared. I explained that I remembered that I didn't finish my homework. He dismissed me immediately but mom didn't. I blurted that he is a serial arsonist. He has a history with incendiary substances. Dad walked in wearing a fireman outfit. I remember mom saying he was a doctor. He smiled, "I got bored and changed my profession" He asked me if I wanted to join him for pizza. I told him it would my honor. He gave me the address and asked me to meet him there in half an hour.
He was there with a few of his friends. They were eager to meet me. They were also informed of my ability. They promised not to tell anyone. I took the liberty of telling them about the FBI. They asked me if their friend was a serial arsonist. I just nod my head. They raided his belongings and gave him to the cops. Dad and others made pizza and spaghetti. We ate till we were about to vomit. There was an empty vacant space upstairs. So I begged dad to let me have that space. So I can finish my homework and spend time with him when he is working. He asked the others and they agreed. He even told mom about this. She agreed it was in my best interest to stay where it was safe. I moved my stuff the very next day. Mom seemed to enjoy my enthusiasm.
I got out of bed and saw myself in a new room. I checked my phone and it had news to tell me. I was shocked to know that Nancy's gift got us our mom. This is cool. There were pictures of my real parents. I got to admire them till mom walked in and asked if I was going to stay instead of going to school. I blushed and quickly got up to get ready. On the way we found ourselves near a crime scene. I saw a familiar and irksome face. It was Agent Dunn of the FBI. I explained to mom and she told me to stay in the car. I did as I was told. A strange man in a zebra striped suit knocked on my window but I paid no attention. I made a point to lock all the doors when mom left so he couldn't come in. He decided to talk to me from outside the car. I put on my headphones and listened to the radio. This seemed to antagonize him to the point he hit the window. I hit the horn and a police officer escorted him away. He is lucky I was in the car or he would suffer. I waited till mom came back. She wanted me to tell her what the man wanted and I replied I didn't know. I tuned him out because he looks like he came from a mental asylum. This made mom laugh as she drove me to school. I felt like the coolest kid ever. She was grinning ear to ear and dad was waiting for me as well. I explained I am Andrea and he took a step back. I saw a girl being bullied so I walked to them and get the tormentor a light tap on the shoulder. She fell to the floor instantly and started to have a seizure. I picked the other girl up and walked to the building. She thanked me between hiccups. I gave her a tissue and she blew her nose. I asked where the principal's office was. She walked with me and I explained to him about the negative effects of bullying. Mom and dad waited outside till I was done. They weren't happy I did that to the bully. I apologized for my rudeness. They accepted my apology and I walked to my first class. The basket case introduced herself as Sonja. I gave her a handshake and walked into class. I was introduced and asked to sit down. I sat next to a blonde haired boy with freckles. He looked like he was from the football team. The guy behind him intrigued me. He introduced himself as Hayden. He looked like he was a tough guy that had seen a few fights. His nose was slightly misaligned. But that was irrelevant. He liked me too. Something about him was magnetic. I had a feeling that I would like his company a lot. I found out he was like me. Gifted obviously but he had the ability to move things with his mind. He had with great practice learned to control his gift. I wanted to introduce myself but I knew the rules. He could be sent by the FBI. I took a few pictures and left a message for the rest of me to find out.
I walked out of chemistry class. Hayden introduced himself. I raked his brain and found out that he is not working for the Feds. I showed him my gift and told him about the others telepathically and he was impressed. He promised to keep my secret and I showed him my appreciation. He invited me on a date and I accepted.