Chereads / Afterlife - Rising From The Nothingness / Chapter 5 - The Nature of Magics

Chapter 5 - The Nature of Magics

- Let's start the first class!

Riox and Ayla fixed their look on Mira while they sat on the ground, and Mira started her lecture, turning her into a completely different person.

- The first question is, what is magic? We call magic we perform with mana. Mana is the part of everything, it can be found in the air, in plants, in animals, in ores, so in everything. People who use magic have the ability to control their mana at will, but with strict conditions.

Lok just sat and watched what his sister was doing, and he saw her as a new page of the same book. With the enthusiasm and devotion she performed for the kids made her a new person. Also, Lok has never seen her sister that happy before.

- The first conditions are the person need an amount of mana to perform the magic, the other is the affinity of the person. The affinity of magicians are separated into 5 types. I will say it in a different order, so don't be surprised. The first I mention is the second type has affinity for one base elements as fire, wind, earth and water, we call them single cored magicians and there are magicians who have affinity for 2 or more elements, but they can't fusion or combine their elements as they pleased. So if a person has affinity for 2 elements, it's called 2 cored magician, with 3 its 3 cored and the same goes for the 4, but the chance a person has 2 or more affinity within the second type, it's rare. The third one has affinity for the power of a fusioned element. These affinities are life, storm, magma and nature, but it's an important thing the second type has affinity for the fusioned element, not for those that made by, like a person with nature affinity can't perform magic thats require earth or water affinity. As for a note, 90 percent of magic users are in the second type and within that about 10 percent of the second type have affinity for 2 or more elements!

A speech she heard from her teacher after they tested her affinity at the academy. It was a hard time for Mira, because in war, a healer was never that important. Lok just still watched her while some memories came back to his mind about those times when they were in the capital.

- The fourth type of people who have an affinity for an element has evolved. The elements are the lightning, the sound, the ice and the metal. The same goes as for the fusioned elements. The evolved elements are meant to be superior, but the fusioned ones are also respected. And now let's roll back to the first type. The ...

Lok stood up from the bench and walked towards Mira between the sitting Riox and Ayla and took the stage for the moment.

- The first type are not real magicians. They have the ability to utilize mana, but they lack important aspects from the 3 pillars of magic. One of them is missing or too weak, such as the amount of mana, the level of mana control, or the affinity for an element. I have no element affinity, but with my 'talent' I can enhance my senses and strength with mana, but that's all.

- Yes. Thanks, Lok. As he said, there are 3 pillar what is needed to become a real magician. But to become a magician, you need a lot of patience. People call themself Tier 1 leveled magicians when they finish the preparation and successfully break through their barrier. Fist, you need to learn how you can feel the mana, and for that you need meditate. There are some different ways but those only available for nobles and the royalties ... So, when you start feel the mana, you need to collect them into your body, and when you collect enough, you need to circulate the mana inside of your body to create, form and stabilize a mana circle. When the stabilization phase is ended with success, you became a Tier 1 magician.

*So the theoretical part of magic is complex and much deeper than I thought. Not an easy task to become a magician. Now I clearly understand why Mira was so depressed when I asked about why she didn't become a real magician. It explains everything I was curious about. However ... I don't know if my brain can memorize and process this much information! ARGH! My head is already aching ...*

Lok just walked out back to the bench and sat down with a big sigh. However Lok was nothing more than just a mere good for nothing in the eyes of people, he still worked hard to achieve something. With an unexpected event and a huge amount of luck he had the chance to create a mana circle and finally turned into a magician, but without affinity.

- So after this 'short' explanation, let's try out whether you can sense magic or not! You don't need to be nervous. You need a lot of patience! So sit on the ground with crossed legs, close your eyes and breathe with a stable rhythm ...

As Mira described the process, Riox and Ayla followed her instructions and started practising for sensing mana. As they did this, Mira waved her hand to Lok if he relaxed enough, go out for a hunt. After all, Lok as a hunter, protected the village from wild animals and magical beasts and brought meat that the village could use and eat easier as to slaughter a cow or a sheep that gives milk or wool to the villagers and use in more ways. Even the wild animals also have a hide, the time and experience are needed to use properly, there is no one in the village, if it happens that Lok can get some good hide, he just goes and sells it.

Lok stood up as he saw Mira's signal, he walked back into the house, picked up his equipment and dried food, as he walked he turned back for a moment.

- Mira, I think I will visit Carnag to get some information and seeds to plant.

Mira just nodded as Lok turned his back to her and left the village with Fuff. If Lok goes to Carnag, it means he will be away for at least 2 weeks. Not so surprising, the village is a really separated one, the nearest city, which is Carnag, it's 7 days walk to get there. Carnag is not a huge city, the population is only around 3000 people. The northern side of the country is less populated than the southern. In the north a huge and wide mountain lies. The weather because of the mountain is colder and the winter usually brings frost, while the other parts of the country are much warmer and even the weather of winter is similar to cooler spring instead of a freezing and cold one.

- Guys, just continue!

*Mira instructed us as she learnt. However, she modified the methods like how she did in the past as to getting better results. But the progress would take more time and required more effort, as well some potions too. I'm still not sure this mana thing will work with us, we are technically not born in this world, we just transferred here or ... ? The chance to learn magic is something that can help Ayla in the future.*

The days have gone with the same pattern. In the morning, after breakfast Mira taught Ayla and Riox for magic, repeating the theoretical part everyday, then practicing with meditation. In the afternoon the kids had the time to relax or just spend as they pleased. Ayla spent her time with the other children in the village while Riox just usually sat down under a tree near the house and took a nap. On a sunny day, Mira just walked and sat next to him.

- Riox, why do you not hang out with the others as Ayla does?

- I don't feel I can do that.

- Why? Do you have some problems with others?

- I ... I just prefer to be alone.

- Riox. A week has already passed, but as I see, you are not even trying to form a bond between you and the villagers. And you also don't talk too much with us ... It makes me a little sad.

*What should I do? Every person has a story he doesn't want to remember, also don't want to tell it to anyone. I have only one, but it took my life. I'm not feel as broken as I was, but I still can't see the brighter side of my surroundings. Everything is strange, too strange. I'm not used to people caring about me. Just don't pay any attention to me. I'm already lost. How is the said that I read once in a book? "When you live in the darkness, you will fear the light, because the darkness is never fading away, just the light" ...*

Riox just sighed as he wanted to close this conversation. Mira just nodded as she understood Riox needed a little space. She walked back and sat down on the bench, watching back to Riox, then raising her head to see the sky. It was clear with a few clouds.

- I don't know what pushes your feelings this deep, but I hope ... someday you will share with me.