Chereads / Mamori Tai / Chapter 27 - Chapter 26

Chapter 27 - Chapter 26

Baker was looking up at the ceiling when his name was called. Baker sat up, looking at the bottle that was pointing to him. "What, who spun it?" Baker questioned, looking around the circle. He placed his drink down hesitantly, standing up. "Me, dumbass." Someone said from behind him. He hesitantly turned around, seeing Harley calmly leaning on the closet door. Yoshi started laughing. "He is so drunk it's not funny." Yoshi said giggling.

Baker turned to him, giving him the bird, before walking towards Harley. "Don't start fucking in there!'' Mago yelled, waving to them. Baker ignored him, opening the closet door. He stepped inside, turning his head to Harley. "You coming?" He asks calmly. Wafi and mago jokingly squeal from behind Harley. Harley stepped into the closet, shutting the door behind him.

Ok, so recap. Somehow, in the span of a couple minutes he went from questioning his life, to being in a small closet with a boy that hates him. "Do I…" Baker starts quietly, looking down at the floor. This was the most embarrassing thing in his life. "Are you ok with a kiss? Since supposedly your-"

"Close your eyes."

That was it. Harley looked down at him, with the four inches he had on Baker. The blond couldn't tell if he was smiling, or frowning. He didn't want to make the other seem uncomfortable, that wasn't his plan. He didn't need an unwanted kiss. "Are you sure-"

"Close. Your. Eyes." He said, a lot more demandingly. He took a large step forward, causing Baker to take a step back. He scanned Harley's face once more, trying to remember every shaded feature. His light brown hair pulled up into a cute ponytail, showing his roots colored darker then the rest. His chocolate brown irises staring back at him, crisp white circles countering the color. His skin was slightly pale, with a red undertone. He wasn't bulky, not at all. Instead, he was toned, with small muscles obvious through his button up that came with the school uniform. He must have taken his vest off.

Right when he shut his eyes, hungry lips hit him, his tongue licking his bottom lip. Harley pushed Baker the rest of the way to the wall, making sure not to be too loud; he didn't want the others to know what was happening. Baker felt his head being tipped back, his feet almost being lifted off the ground as Harley forced him fully on the wall. His hands gripped Baker's waist hard as he bit down on Baker's lip, before letting go. Harley grabbed his chin, moving to tilt his head to the side.

Before Baker knew, Harley was down to his neck, biting and sucking on his lip. "Shit.." Baker mumbled, not daring to open his eyes. "Where did you learn that?" Baker jokes, drunkenly laughing. Harley bit him harshly, before letting go. "Shut up." Harley huffed, standing up fully. Harley breathlessly sighed, shutting his eyes and Baker opened his. "One more." He mumbled, before leaning in and kissing Baker quickly, before letting go. He grabbed the door handle, opening the door.

Wait, that's not how you play.

Baker peeks his head out of the closet. Everyone was staring at him. Baker steps out, shutting the door behind him. Yoshi squeals, standing up and running over to Baker. He almost trips over Harley's- wait, Harley? "Ok my god!" Yoshi squealed, pulling at Baker's collar. He stepped to the side, pulling his hoodie up to his head. He needed another drink. "You're going to sooo have a hickey!" Yoshi grinned, making Baker tackle him. "Wait really?" Wafi asked, suddenly interested.

Yoshi laughed maliciously as Baker got off of him. Mago pulled Baker closer to him, back hugging him and pulling him down. "So, Harley. Whatever happened to you being straight?" Wafi teased, sitting up. Baker reached over and grabbed the last can of coconut cocktail, which is his favorite. "Shut up." Harley voiced harshly, laying down on the hardwood floor. Baker chuckled softly as Yoshi poked Harley's side. "Does that mean I actually have a chance?" He asks, forcing Harley to move away. "Get the fuck away from me." He muttered, sitting up. Kai stands up as well.

When did everyone get mad?

"Let's go outside." Kai said calmly, noticing the sudden tense atmosphere. He grabbed Harley's arm, tugging him towards the door. He didn't want the boy to leave, just needed some air. However, Harley tugged back, yanking Kai backwards. The boy doesn't fall, though he almost does. He steps and holds his arms out to get his balance back. "What the hell!?" Kai said, angrily. He walks closer to Harley, the other standing his ground. "Boring." Harley said simply.

Baker watches as Mago and Yoshi stand, both pulling Kai back. No one dared to touch Harley. Why the hell was he so hostile, Kai was never like that. Neither was Harley. He was a troublemaker, but jeez. "Get away from me!" Kai yelled, trying to pull from Mago and Yoshi's hands, but he couldn't. Harley laughs. "Look at that, got let your girls hold you back." Harley teases. Baker scoots back from the five. Wafi stands up, pulling Baker up as well. He pulls him to the side. "Go call Hisoki. None of us can go home or else our parents will kill all of us, and he'll diffuse this…. Problem." Wafi whispers, handing Baker his phone. "Go." He says, pushing Baker to the door. Baker nods, running out of the door and into the dark, cold air.

It was absolutely freezing outside, without any light. But, he could still hear their faint voices. He clicked on Hisoki's contact, clicking the call button. It rang for a moment, before he heard a click. "Hey, Wafi. What's up?" Hisoki asks calmly, a smile prominent in his voice. "It's not Wafi, it's Baker. I was wondering if you could pick us up." He asks quietly, whispering. Hisoki was silent for a moment, worrying Baker. "Where, why exactly do you need me to pick us up?" Hisoki asked. Baker frowned, hearing multiple people yelling on the inside.

He sucked in a breath, telling Hisoki everything.