Chapter 11: More Testing

Author's Notes:

Okay next chapter! And I now know more about Humes and the levels of reality benders because of someone, so thank you for the info! But, let's get on with the chapter, and I hope that you enjoy!

"Talking" or 'Talking'














*YES* *NO*



















Cafeteria incident 3293 [REDACTED].

An anomalous human male previously designated as subject [REDACTED, see addendum [REDACTED]-A, had appeared in site 17 with what seemed to be SCP 3293. SCP 3293 was neutralized 15 years ago, as of now no research knows how SCP 3293 was revived after neutralization, but it is believed that subject [REDACTED] now designated as SCP [REDACTED] had something to do with it. It is also noted that personnel saw SCP [REDACTED] tied up to a chair, it must have been held captive by another GOI or someone else before it or something else revived SCP 3293. It shall be tested and studied for any further anomalous abilities.












After Zach's terrible entrance in the cafeteria, he was once again thrown in a containment cell. At least they untied him from the chair, thank goodness, he didn't know how much longer he could stand being tied up to that thing...besides his muscles were starting to get stiff. He looked around his new cell and was not surprised by the little "upgrade" he got to his containment chamber, just a couple new furnishings, they really wouldn't treat someone that wasn't society's standard of "normal" here would they? Nope. Because to them he's just another object, another thing that has to be explained to able to be understood by the Foundation to keep normalcy in the world. He admits...that makes him a little pissy...but at least it's better than the GOC. he's bored. Zach's pretty sure. No. He's positive that he could be a pretty powerful reality bender if he practiced enough, or the strongest one ever because of him being an author and all that. But there is no way he's letting the Foundation know that.

If the Foundation didn't already figure out that he's "technically" a reality bender, then they're probably going to test him to see whether or not he has any more anomalous abilities or not. A couple of minutes passed by before Zach heard a voice on the intercom inside of his room. "SCP [REDACTED, please step outside of your containment chamber for testing. If you do not comply guards will be forced to sedate you." The intercom cut off, and Zach picked himself off of the ground to walk towards the metal doors and wait for the guards to get him. The door opened and the two guards were quick to retrain him, they put some sort of special handcuffs on his wrists. They looked like they were made from an SRA(Scranton Reality Anchor) even though they look different depending on what cannon that you're talking about.

Zach was ushered out of his cell and was lead down a couple of corridors by the guards. The guards took him down a couple more corridors until they reached their destination. Zach didn't know what they were testing him with, but if he had to guess he'd say it'd be to measure his Hume levels. They then stopped in front of a door, and before Zach had time to see what some of the posters said outside of it, he was pushed inside. He picked himself back up, feeling a bit irritated that the guards pushed him but it's whatever. He looked at the current room he was in and he saw a long rectangular mirror. A one-way mirror. As Zach finished his little examination of the testing chamber a different voice on the intercom in this room. "SCP [REDACTED, please hold still for a moment while we measure your Hume levels to see if you test positive for a reality bender." So they were measuring his Humes. Uh...He doesn't know if that's going to go well at all. He might have the same Hume level as SCP 3812...but it's probably bigger than that. Zach heard a whirring sound as he was standing still. After the whirring noise ended, he assumed that they were done measuring his Hume levels.

As Zach was about to move around again, he heard the same voice on the intercom once more. "Please standstill once more SCP [REDACTED, we have to rerun our tests." Zach stands still again, sighing from the action. He hears the whirring sound a couple more times before he hears some people talking behind the glass, though it's muffled...they sound confused. Probably about his Hume levels. After the muffling ceased, the voice on the intercom told him to wait here for the guards to pick him up and take him to the medical bay for a physical examination. 'Physical examination? Do they have to do this for almost every humanoid SCP?' After Zach finished thinking he heard the doors open and the guards again put him in handcuffs to go to the medical bay.

After they got there, the guards stepped inside the room with him this time. 'Why would they...ohhhhh, probably to make sure I don't hurt the person who is examining me. I wouldn't have hurt them anyway. And once we get this over with, I want to meet another SCP!' Zach was mentally excited to see another SCP as of course, he is a big fan of them. If he could meet some of OG SCPS, and his personal favorites then that would make him very very happy. As Zach was thinking of all the SCPS that he could meet, a nurse and 2 researchers walked in a different door to the medical bay. The two researchers sat down in some chairs in the corner of the room, clipboards in their hands as if they were ready to take notes, and they eyeing Zach with interest. The nurse, herself had her clipboard in hand as she made her way towards Zach, slightly tensing up when she got near him.

He swore he could hear the two scientists mumbling something about "Is it tall or not" or "I hope that this thing isn't a powerful humanoid." Ouch. Even though Zach wasn't really "hurt" with those comments, don't you think they can stop dehumanizing him by calling him "thing" and "it" but it's the SCP universe and most secret agencies like the one he's in now, and the GOC and Chaos insurgency think of anomalies as objects, whether they be human, different species of beings, or actual objects. Dang. Now that he thinks about it the SCP universe is messed up, eh, he still loves it though. After the nurse checked his pulse, height, weight, and made sure he was healthy, the scientists were furiously scribbling on their note pads, and after that he and the guards left the medical bay and they took him back to his containment cell for the day and said that they would resume his testing tomorrow.

















This was interesting, or to put it more specifically the new SCP, it was...intriguing. The results of the tests say that it might be a reality bender...but it's Hume levels kept changing randomly everytime the results came back. Dr. Alto Clef is sure that the O5s will put this one under very heavy security, and will monitor it 24/7, ever since he's heard about the SCP'S little "incident" with it hacking into the Foundation database, he has no doubt that the O5s will keep it very secret from any other GOIs from finding out about it. He just might go meet it himself when he has the time.















Zach got more bored as the slow hours passed in his containment. Now he knew how Iris felt when she's locked up with nowhere to go, it's honestly depressing. Now he was just thinking about different SCPS that he could meet, or that he could possibly bring back to life, because of *cough* *cough* trash reality bending. But D*mn! Sitting in a cell all day with nothing but your thoughts may drive you insane! Now...Zach was just simply drifting off in his thoughts as he was thinking of many things, one of those things being SCPS. 'I would really want to meet SCP 3844, yeah...he sounded like a nice guy before he died. The only reason he broke out of containment was because he was sad that science may take away the wonders the world once had. Maybe...can-' Zach was cut off from his thoughts as he finally heard the metal doors to his containment chamber slide open. He saw possibly the same two guards from before walk in, but someone was walking behind them. The person in question was a brown haired male with blue eyes and a slightly tall stature, and they were wearing the standard Foundation researcher lab coat. But he had a red amulet around his chest...oh...crap...its Doctor Bright. Zach...well, he was certainly a fan of Doctor Bright...but he thought that his craziness was a little unnecessary...I mean the only reason that Doctor Bright is crazy is because of 963 and his suicidal tendencies.

Zach was now a little nervous about his testing, because one of the most craziest Researchers in the Foundation will be overseeing it. "Ah yes, so your the new SCP I've been hearing about! Finally I got my hands on you, now let's go do some testing to infinity and beyond! HAHAHAHA!" Doctor Bright exclaimed as he did an anime pose. 'Yep...that's Doctor Bright for you.' Doctor Bright regained himself as he spoke to Zach once more, "Alright now, let's go and test you some more, capiche?" "Sur-" "Alright then let's go!" Doctor Bright rudely interrupted Zach as he walked off and the guards put Zach in handcuffs, and they started walking down another series of corridors.

After they reached their destination, Zach found himself in a pretty large plain room with yet another one-way mirror and an intercom. The guards removed his handcuffs before he went into the room, thank goodness. As Zach was standing in the middle of the room just pacing around it thinking to himself, he heard the metal doors slide open and finish with a hiss, and to his surprise he saw two D-Class personnel walk in...but they had something in their hands... knives. 'WHAT THE H*LL?! HOW CRAZY IS DOCTOR BRIGHT?! '

Zach was questioning the crazy Doctor's sanity until he heard Bright's voice on the intercom. "Alright, D boys! Go wild! And to you, my friendly neighborhood SCP, try not to kill them too hard buuuutttttt this is an object Class test so do whatever I don't care...aaannnnddd GO!" The two toned class D's rushed at Zach, knives in front of them, Zach didn't really know if he could get hurt by a object that's sharp, but he sure didn't want to find out! He was trying to think of some way to take down both of the people rushing towards him, but they were hulking compared to his size! Zach was hyperventilating trying to think of a plan but he couldn't move his body, he was scared...of dying, but he couldn't die yet! He still had a bunch of SCPS to save, help, and explore! And he had a family in the real world...his family must be trying to figure out where he is right now...and even though his love for the SCP community is so great, the love for his family is greater.




In a split second, reality warped. Zach put forward his right hand and moved it to the right of the room. Both Class D's slammed on the other side of the room as Zach finished moving his hand. They both seemed to be unconscious, as Zach didn't plan to kill them in the first place. As soon as he calmed down he saw the metal doors opened and he saw about 5 guards pointing their weapons at him. "W-WOAH! I-I surrender!" As soon as Zach finished talking he heard on the guards fire their weapons, and he felt a little pinch in his neck. A sedative. He then felt drowsy as all of his muscles started to relax and he collapsed to the floor. The guards picked him up and brought him to a more secure cell, but as that was happening Doctor Bright had a very mischievous smile on his face when the guards took Zach out the room. "HeHe...This one will be very... interesting."


Author's Notes:

Okay! Chapter 11 is out! Thank you to all of the new people who have liked by story, you guys are great! Anyways, stay tuned for another chapter, and have a great day!