Chapter 14: Training

Author's Notes:

Chapter 14! Almost have 20 chapters! I have some really good ideas for the future chapters. But you'll have to keep reading then to find out, but I hope that you all enjoy chapter 14!

"Talking" or 'Talking'







Dr. Clef was sitting down at his computer just typing some documents, until he heard his office door slam open.


To his was Senior Agent Andrea Adams. Or, he just calls he Adams. Clef sent her a confused glare. "Don't look at me like that you prick, why didn't you tell me that there was a new skip?!" Adams scowled.

Dr. Clef didn't know why she was making a big deal out of one SCP that didn't have a assigned number yet, but... he still came up with a reasonable response.

"Jeez...Adams, do you mind knocking next time, and why are you getting so worked up over one SCP? Especially one that doesn't have a designated number yet." Clef replied.

Adams squeezed the bridge of her nose with her fingers and sighed. "That's because I just got word that it's going to Alpha-9, and it's a reality bender...has it hurt anyone yet?"

", it didn't, yet at least. And yes it's going to Alpha-9, d*mn O5s trying to revive that stupid team, and putting a reality bender on it too?! It's...probably just a test trial for the SCP, if it does good in its training then the O5 will use I as an asset after heavy questioning and making it loyal to the Foundation."

Clef made a swift response, irritation clearly detected in his voice, not being keen on the O5s idea.

Adam cough lightly to decrease whatever tension Dr. Clef was feeling and starting talking again. "I can see why you are so angry about the idea of letting it into Alpha-9, but what about us? What did the O5s say for us to do? After all we are the ones making sure that Alpha-9 doesn't go bust like Omega-7."

Clef was quick to respond to her, "They said "make sure it doesn't do any funny business" basically they want some increased surveillance on this thing. Plus it hasn't really hurt anyone except for two Class-Ds that Bright made charge at it."

"Alright...then lets make sure to keep a keen eye out. Later $$hole."

Adams open the door and didn't slam it as hard this time...but still slammed it none the less. Clef didn't even look at her when she left, no, he just had that same unnerving grin on his face when he found out about the new SCP.







Breenie Aleman finally reached the hallway where the SCP she was supposed to be training was. She grabbed the keycard from around her neck and slid it inside the slot to open the door.

As soon as she went in she half expected the d*mn thing to attack her, but to her surprise it was.... meditating?

Now she was a...little confused. 'Why is it meditating? Maybe to get a better grasp on its powers? Whatever, I'll just go tell the thing I have to train it for the train wreck that is Alpha-9.'

She stepped the rest of the way into the room and walked over to the SCP and shake it and tell it that it needs to get up.

She shook its shoulder quite roughly and it flinched at her touch a little. "Hey, come with me, we have some training to do." The SCP quickly got up and followed her without complaint. 'This might be easier than I thought.' Breen said mentally as they continued to walk to their destination.







Zach was interrupted from his meditation by some random MTF. He wondered who this person was, but in the end, decided not to question it when she told him to follow her. Hey, if the Foundation was going to treat him like an object and keep him in a cell, then he was going to give them a slight silent treatment and be difficult.

Zach kept following her from what he assumed was about a little over minutes now, until they reached what Zach could only infer was some sort of firing range.

He had no idea why they were taking him to a firing range, maybe to test out his abilities? Or maybe they were going to put him on an MT- ah... an MTF team. Right...Alpha-9, he almost forgot about it on the Wiki.

The Foundation had a "reboot" for MTF Omega-7 and put Clef and Senior Agent Andrea Adams in charge to oversee it.

Due to some of the tales Zach had read, and to the instructions on saying how to write a good Alpha nine document on the Wiki, he could already tell that him being on Alpha-9, and it existing in the first place would be a total failure.

Because to make a good Alpha-9 story, you have to add chaos and failure to make it even the least bit entertaining.

"Alright, here's the firing range. This is where I and I will be training on how to use firearms for the next couple of months. Now make sure to pay attention so I don't have to go over this again, and don't even try using your reality-bending abilities, there are strong Scranton Reality Anchors all inside the walls to make sure you don't use your powers to your advantage."

Zach shook himself out of his thoughts as he listened to the rest of what the MTF was saying.

After she finished talking, she motioned at Zach to pick up the pistol to his right.

Zach swiftly picked it up and turned back to look at the MTF agent. She walked over to him and told him how to hold the pistol and how to turn the safety off and on, then she taught him the proper positioning on how to correctly shoot it without hurting yourself or others that you are Allied with.

After she taught him that, he calmed his breathing, and took the shot at the target.


The pistol recoiled slightly, Zach opened his eyes to see that he hit the target spot on!

The MTF Agent looked a little impressed with his performance, so he did it again.

This time he missed the target. Zach sighed and put the safety back on the sidearm, and waited until the Agent gave him more instructions.

"Alright... that's quite decent for what I'm assuming is your forst time shooting a gun. Now, I'm about to go on break so I'll take you back to your cell and come and get you after, okay?"

Zach nodded his head as he followed her out of the shooting range and back down the twists and turns that are the hallways of Site 17 back to his cell.


Closing Author's Notes:

Thank you guys for all of the support! And sorry this chapter took a while. But I hope that you enjoyed and that you guys have a great day!